Super God Gene

End Testimonial

At last, I was relieved and something seemed to be missing.
For almost three years, this book accompanied me ups and downs and went through too many things. For me, this has been a very important time in my life, and although my memory is poor, it should be hard to forget in my life.
When I wrote "Sword Costume", I had already built an enormous world, but for reasons of accomplishment and life, I wrote only a small part of it, and it was unfortunate not to be able to write everything I wanted.
Now this "superdivine gene" is kind of writing down most of the thoughts in my mind. Although there are a lot of immature places, it's basically satisfying and addictive.
If there is any regret, the actual contents of the Great Universe of God are expected to be two to three times more than they are now, but because the body is getting worse and really can't support it, we have to narrow it down, making the Great Universe of the Empire incomplete, not showing the complete construction, seems very hasty, it is a small regret.
Life is like this, there will always be some regrets, regrets will be the pursuit, this is the real life, the desire to continue.
There will be some time in the last twelve to tone the body, will not open a new book for now, and will open a new book when the body is ready. During this time, there will be occasional extra articles. If the little ones are interested, you can occasionally follow them.
Thank you to the little friends who have been with me, although there is little communication, the Twelve have always believed that communication between an author and a reader needs to be accomplished through a book.
Though I will not say a word, you share the feeling that this is one of the greatest achievements of an author, and may we also have the opportunity to think together again.