Super heir

Chapter 455 Survival on the Deserted Island

You can search for "Super Heirs Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Hearing this, San Guan Shi looked satisfied, and said with a smile: "The chief steward thought it was a good place to hide northern Jiangsu. I didn't know the existence of northern Jiangsu. It was ridiculous! In fact, I knew about the existence of northern Jiangsu six months ago. Not only that, but I also know the assessment of Northern Jiangsu by the chief steward.

Originally thought that this northern Jiangsu was a waste and would not complete the assessment, so no one was sent to kill him, so as not to let others lose their tongue.But I did not expect that Subei actually completed this assessment!Then there is no way, I can only send someone to kill him!"

"Yeah, the third manager has the foresight, and he has buried a dark child beside him, and knows his actions well!"

The man patted the flattery of Sanguanshi, and then he thought of something, and said with some worry: "Sanguanshi, but I got news that there was still a young lady from the Fairview Foundation on the plane, and she should have died in the explosion! "

Hearing this, the third director said dismissively: "Splendid Consortium, what are you afraid of? Even if they know that I did this, what about it?"

Having said that, he paused and continued: "The thing I worry about the most now is the old stubborn donkey in charge, will he compromise with me?"

"Three in charge, you have the papers of the person in charge, even if the chief manager doesn't agree, you will agree to it!"

The man thought for a while and said.

"I'm afraid he won't agree. If he doesn't agree, I can only find another way!"

San Guan Shi sighed and said.


Two days later.

On a lonely island.

In the jungle not far from the beach, a simple shed was built with a lot of coconuts.

At this moment, a man walked into the shed holding a large armful of wild fruits and put the wild fruits into the shed.

The man is Subei.

In the past two days, he has become accustomed to life on the island.

On the first day, he set up this shed as his foothold, and then went to the island to pick a lot of coconuts as his water source.

After all, there is no source of fresh water on this island. He can only quench his thirst with coconut juice, and then use these wild fruits to satisfy his hunger.

During this period, he almost traveled all over the island.

This small island is really small, with only an area of ​​tens of square kilometers.

When he walked to the mountain in the middle of the island, he found a cave on the road, and the low beast roar was heard from time to time in that cave.

And this beast roar is very special, he has never heard of it.

Therefore, he guessed that there must be an unknown creature living in the cave, but it is very powerful. After all, no animal nearby dared to move in this area, and he was very afraid of it.

At first, he was a little curious and wanted to take a look inside, but in the end he was overcome by reason and didn't walk in, but left there quickly.

Because he is not sure what creatures inside, nor can he beat the creatures inside, as long as he breaks into the opponent's territory, he will definitely be attacked as an enemy, and his life will be more than the loss.

After he left, he regarded it as a forbidden place, and would never approach it unless he had to.

At this time, Subei walked out of the shed.

Came to a place with a bunch of branches.

These branches were collected by him along the way, and the purpose of course was to drill wood for fire.

In life on the island, he can't always eat wild fruits to satisfy his hunger, he must eat some meat.

Of course, eating meat requires fire to be cooked, and on this island, the only way he can think of to make fire is to drill wood to make fire.

Then, he began to operate.

First, he finds a suitable piece of wood for the drill board, and then finds a suitable branch for the drill.Then, he drilled the edge of the drill plate out of the "V"-shaped small groove, and finally, put a flammable tinder or dead leaf under the drill plate, and then drilled hard with both hands.

But after drilling for a long time, he didn't get out of the fire. After all, it was the first time he did this job and he had no experience.90 look at the novel

However, he did not give up, insisted, and finally, half an hour later, he burst into flames.

Upon seeing this, Subei smiled, his face showing satisfaction.

Finally succeeded!

This test was very successful, and I believe that the next time I will get out of the fire soon.

Immediately, he put out the fire and came to the beach, ready to catch some marine fish.

As long as he catches the fish, he can have a good meal tonight!

But when he had just jumped into the sea, he suddenly found that a person seemed to be floating on the sea not far in front.

Without thinking about it, he swam towards that person.

In fact, he didn't know how to swim in the first two years. This swimming technique was learned some time ago.

The reason why he wanted to learn to swim was because when he saw the fairy sister for the first time, he almost drowned. From then on, he made up his mind to learn to swim.

After a while, he swam to the person's side.

When Subei took a closer look, he was immediately stunned. This person is actually the eldest Miss Xu Mengqing of the Fairview Foundation!

Looking at this situation, the other party must have jumped from the plane and fell into the sea.

So, Subei quickly put his hand on the opponent's nose to see if he was still alive.

Fortunately, the other party still has a weak sniff.

He didn't make sense to die, and the other party suffered this disaster because of him.

Immediately, he quickly led the other party to swim towards the shore.

Soon, Subei took Xu Mengqing to the shore, then placed it on the ground and began to press the opponent's chest.

Xu Mengqing has been floating in the sea for so long, and she must have choked a lot of seawater, so the first step to save her is to let her spit out the seawater in her stomach.

Not long after, the other party spit out the seawater in his stomach, and then Subei breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the sea water spit out, there is not much danger to life, just let the other party take a good rest.

Immediately, he took Xu Mengqing back to the shed, and then drank a small amount of coconut milk to supplement his energy.

But he could only feed a small amount, and he raised the other's head to let the coconut juice flow down his throat, otherwise the water would enter the trachea and block the lungs, which would be troublesome.

After doing all this, Subei once again came to the beach to catch fish.

He didn't stop until it was getting dark.

Looking at the harvest today, it was not bad. There were five or six fish, enough for him to have a full meal.

Back in the shed, he began to drill wood again to make fire.After the fire ignited, he put the stringed fish on the fire and started grilling.

After a short while, the fish was cooked, and a burst of aroma radiated from the grilled fish.

Seeing that Subei swallowed, he hasn't eaten meat for a few days!

Just as he was about to feast on, there was a muffled hum from the shed.

Is Xu Mengqing awake?

So, Subei quickly put down the fish in his hand and ran to the shed.

At this time, Xu Mengqing's eyes widened, looking at the surrounding environment.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed in.

Seeing the appearance of the visitor, Xu Mengqing was shocked and exclaimed: "It's you!"