Super heir

Chapter 587 Going to the Western Regions

You can search for "Super Heirs Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"You said that Sunan is the emperor of the Southern Territories?"

North Jiangsu asked.


After Wu Shidao responded, his face changed, as if thinking of something, he asked: "Your Majesty, is Sunan and you have a blood relationship?"

Su Bei's reaction was so strong, and both of them had the surname Su, one south and the other north, it was easy to think that there must be a connection between the two.

"He is my big brother..."

After a long while, Subei replied slowly.

Hearing this, Wu Shidao's boss opened his eyes, his face was full of shock, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

One of the two brothers is the emperor of the Southern Territory and the other is the emperor of the Northern Territory.

It's no wonder that Subei's talent is so high. It turned out to be Sunan's younger brother. After all, his elder brother is already a purple talent, and his younger brother is certainly not bad.

In the four regions of the endless sea, two of them belong to the Su family, so the union of the two is definitely a good thing!

But Wu Shidao quickly thought of a key point. The two were brothers, but Subei did not know that Sunan was the Southern Emperor, indicating that there may be no connection between the two.

Thinking of this, Wu Shidao couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty, then between you and your elder brother..."

Subei did not answer, and instead said, "Tell me what kind of person he is."

Hearing this, Wu Shidao instantly knew that Subei did not want to mention his relationship with Sunan.

Therefore, there must be a story between the two.

As a courtier, of course he would never ask Subei about things he didn't want to mention.

"He is a very mysterious person. Many years ago, when he became the Queen of the South, he rarely showed up. The affairs of the Southern Territory were managed by his subordinates, while he was dedicated to practicing in seclusion! But at least what we know is his martial arts. His talent is a purple rank, and his cultivation is even more unfathomable. He is the undisputed number one in the endless sea."

Wu Shidao said slowly.

"Then what realm is his cultivation base?"

North Jiangsu asked.

"As we all know, grandmasters are divided into nine classes, and grandmasters are divided into nine heavens. Like Tuoba Hong, those are only warriors of the grandmaster's first heaven. Wang Yong and I are both warriors of the grandmaster's fourth heaven. The first-class powerhouse, and the previous Nanhuang is the Great Master Sixth Heaven, and even the top master of the endless sea, but when Sunan became the Southern Emperor, he was already in the realm of the Great Master Eight Heaven, and now, He is very likely to be Great Master Nine Heaven!"

Wu Shidao replied, full of admiration in his tone.

Hearing this, Subei was also surprised.

Sunan is so strong!

The first person in the endless sea!

Now he, Tuoba Hong who had dealt with Great Master One Heaven might be awkward, let alone Great Master Nine Heaven's Sunan.

The cultivation of the two is one in the sky and the other on the ground.

If Sunan really wants to kill him, then he hardly has any resistance.

However, even so, he must ask Sunan's thoughts face to face.

Afterwards, Subei stopped thinking about it and asked, "So what about the other two domains?"

"The emperor of the Eastern Region is named Taiyi. In addition to being the emperor of the Eastern Region, he has another identity, that is, the leader of the Dragon Emperor Church. Before becoming the Eastern Emperor, he claimed to be the reincarnation of the Dragon Emperor and established the Dragon Emperor Church. Many fanatical believers.

The people of the Dragon Emperor teach a kind of evil method, that is, they can transform into monsters wrapped in scales!The reason why it is called an evil law is that it requires cultivation with human blood, which is very vicious.

After the death of the predecessor, he used these believers to mobilize and successfully became the new emperor.

Speaking of this Donghuang, it is really cruel!Tomb Raider Novel Network

The Eastern Regions now are almost exclusively owned by the Dragon Emperor Sect.The members of the Dragon Emperor Sect did evil and committed all evil, and the entire Eastern Region was in a state of chaos. However, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi closed one eye and ignored it."

Wu Shidao sighed for a while.

"The Western Regions are the most harmonious of the four regions. Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment. The previous emperors of the Western Regions are all held by women. Although they are women, the level of cultivation of these queens is not low at all. The current Empress of the Western Regions Yao Muyan However, the existence of the Great Master Sixth Layer is said to be currently in retreat and attacking the seventh layer! He is the only person among the Four Emperors who has a chance to catch up with Sunan."

Wu Shidao continued.

Hearing that, Subei probably understood the situation in other domains, and the route he took was determined.

He decided to start from the northern region, then pass through the western region, and then to the southern region.

After all, compared with the Eastern Regions, the Western Regions are in a state of impunity and the other is in a peaceful state, so he must go to the Western Regions better.

Then, after arriving in the Southern Territory, I will ask Sunan again, and then set off to the other side.

"Well, I know the situation, you can go down first."

Subei said to Wu Shidao.

Hearing this, Wu Shidao hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Your Majesty, can you talk about future plans."

As the prime minister of the Northern Dynasty, he is a mirror of the Northern Emperor and needs to urge the Northern Emperor at any time.

Northern Jiangsu has now become the new Northern Emperor. Of course, it must regard the development of the Northern Territory as the top priority, and make every effort to develop the Northern Territory.

However, Subei didn't even ask about the situation in the Northern Region, which made him a little anxious.

Hearing this, Subei was taken aback, and then fell into embarrassment.

To be honest, he came to run for the Northern Emperor only for nautical charts, and had no interest in being the Northern Emperor.

With these words, Master Wu clearly wants him to be a qualified emperor!

But how should I tell Wu Shidao about this matter? For a while, he was a little bit difficult.

After all, receiving the benefits of others, that is, obtaining the nautical charts, is too unethical to not do things for others!

"Summarize the current situation of the Northern Territory and report it to me. I will come to think about future plans!"

Subei thought for a while and finally said.


One month later.

Above the sea in the north.

A ship gradually left the northern region and headed for the western region.

"Beizi, do you do this, isn't it a bit unkind?"

On the boat, Chen Feng joked with a smile.

"That's no way, otherwise, how can I go? Besides, I have settled the affairs of the Northern Territory. As long as Master Wu proceeds as usual, there will be no problems. Moreover, I will not come back. I will wait until I find my father. Perform your duties!"

Su Bei said helplessly.

During this month, under Wu Shidao's supervision, he had clearly made arrangements for the planning of the Northern Territory.

Afterwards, he left a letter asking Shidao Wu to manage the Northern Territory on his behalf, but he used the excuse that his cultivation base was too low and he needed to practice and increase his cultivation outside, and when his cultivation reached a certain level, he returned to the Northern Territory.

Then, he and Chen Feng left here quietly.

To be honest, he was also a little self-blaming in his heart, but because he was looking for his father, he had to do so.

Hearing that, Chen Feng also smiled, patted Subei on the shoulder, and said: "We don't belong here, we are just passing by. Don't blame yourself too much!"