Super King of Urban Pokémon

Urban Pokémon: Super King Chapter 371

The current patriarch of the Yulong family was once the champion of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Guandu League, but later resigned. After he resigned, the mainland became two regions, and the main force of the Yulong family was in the Chengdu area. There are not many key forces in the Kanto region.

At this time, Du was dispatched urgently to compete for the Four Heavenly Kings championship in the Kanto region, but as a result, it was naturally impossible.

Not to mention that Kona has a good teacher and has become the four heavenly kings of the powerful water and ice champion regions. It can be said that he is restraining the crossing.

And grandma Juzi, the old lover of Dr. Oki, is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

It was obviously impossible for Yulongdu to become the champion of the Four Heavenly Kings in a short period of time, but in the end he became the Four Heavenly Kings embarrassingly.

It is also because the three of Yulongdu, Chrysanthemum, and Kona are too strong, even stronger than the Four Heavenly Kings champions in some areas, resulting in no Four Heavenly Kings champions in the Kanto region.

At this time, because of the support of his family, Du went to Chengdu to become the Four Heavenly Kings and became the champion in the same year. But even so, he did not step down as the Heavenly King in Kanto. This is not because there are no powerful people behind, but because He will not step down for various interests.

Therefore, even if Kanto is the only place where there is no Four Heavenly King champion, it is still the place where no one dares to mess with.

Whether it is the Oki family, or Zhenxin Town, the mysterious birthplace of champions, etc., it is not something ordinary people can underestimate.

On the other hand, Chengdu, the Chengdu area is the birthplace of the Rockets, so the interference is very serious. Even the role of the Four Heavenly Kings has been interfered by them. Up to now, the Four Heavenly Kings have not been collected. Therefore, Xiba is a champion. The trainer served as the four kings of the two regions.

Of course, his post in Chengdu will be replaced by the master of Qianhong Gymnasium.

Bai Mo didn't consider these things. Anyway, he felt that the strength was enough when the time came, and the plan was launched, and the position of the Four Heavenly Kings champion was not uncommon for him.

Of course, although the position is not rare, it is still necessary to make friends with some of the Four Heavenly Kings, and even chase Kona and Ewha.

As for now, um, let’s take a look at how the legendary Dragon Envoy performed well.

On the other side of Duo, when he heard what he said, Lance smiled imposingly, "Run? Why do I run, this place, you dare not try your best, let me Lance, come and see you in the Kanto region, the Four Heavenly Kings —, Yulong is so powerful."

With that said, Lance took the double bomb gas back into the poke ball and sent one of his own strongest main forces, King Nido!

Seeing King Nido, Bai Mo's eyes narrowed. This King Nido's aptitude has a perfect degree, but at first glance, it is improved. Of course, its breath has a champion intermediate, so its life span will not be too short. Obviously , This King Nido is one of the Rockets’ experimental results, but that’s the success of stepping on countless elf corpses.

In addition, the experimental modification of King Nido should not only be in terms of qualifications, but also body shape.

The size of this king Nido was almost the same as the dragon that crossed.

You know, in terms of height, the average height of King Nido is 1.4m, while the average height of Kuailong is 2.2m.

The Kuailong crossing must be an outstanding existence selected from the Dragon Cave, supported by the Yulong family's resources, well-trained, and a height of 2.5 meters, but King Nido is not inferior even standing in front of it. .

"Interesting!" Feeling that the next game will be very exciting, Bai Mo directly hides in the dark to observe.

Lance said a lot, but from what Du said before, he knew that he had been playing the role of running away. Obviously, he didn't dare to look down on Du and took the lead in attacking.

"King Nido, use a sludge bomb."

"Quick dragon, rush forward, use hold!"

Because Du and Kuailong happened to be standing at the top of the stairs at this time, there were many trainers sent by other alliances around, and it was difficult to avoid the two-stage damage sludge explosion, Dude decisively let Kuailong charge. Stepped forward and blocked the attack with defense.

With a flap of wings, Kuailong quickly came to everyone, and a white light emerged from his body.

The purple sludge explosion hit the white light at this time, and then a purple explosion occurred, but it was all blocked.

"Double-edged head hammer!!"

The defense of the fast dragon just blocked the sludge bomb of King Nido, and Lance asked King Nido to use the absolute big move of the rock type to the fast dragon.

The fast dragon is the existence of the dragon system and the flying system. The existence of the rock system will be double restrained. Although King Nido did not master the profound meaning and rules of the rock system, the championship-level lethality is still there, and this skill is still very powerful.

"Quick Dragon, step back."

Facing King Nido, who had a shining yellowish color on his head, slammed into the fast dragon head-on, Du also chose to avoid his edge, and even retreated directly to the first floor with his hands.

Afterwards, he slowly retreated to the game hall on the first floor during the battle.

Obviously, the impossibility to make full use of the space made the dragon envoy not very happy, so he led King Nido of Lance to the lobby of the Rainbow Playground, which was wider and safe on the ground.

Bai Mo naturally followed to the hall. This time, he wanted to leave, he could leave at any time, and he could use Teleport at any time.

At this time, Du was no longer restrained, and said coldly:

"Quick Dragon, Dragon Tail!"

Chapter 0438 The Rockets retreat, the postponed stadium game!

Kanto area, Rainbow City, playgrounds, game halls.

After a fight, King Nido and Lance were brought here by Yulongdu, and there was another big battle, and a team of people followed behind them, but they did not make a rush.

In a level confrontation like the championship level, they are not even qualified to be cannon fodder!

Bai Mo is now quietly hiding at the back of the Rockets. He has already left the base. He can leave at any time, but he did not leave. Instead, he released his superpowers and began to observe the battle between the two teams. .

At this time, King Nido used a straight drill under the command of Lance.

And Kuailong also heard the dragon tail command in the ferry.

In the next moment, everyone saw Kuailong turning around at a super high speed, swinging his long tail heavily.

In the end, the fast dragon is a fast dragon, and the physical attack is very good.

King Nido was hit by the tail of the fast dragon, and the huge and heavy body flew out directly to one side.


King Nido flew out to one side, and fell to the side of the game currency exchange counter in the long empty Rainbow Playground not far from the exit. This huge body instantly destroyed this counter and turned it into A pile of shredded wood, with a burst of noise, covered King Nido.

King Nido who crossed to see Lance was buried in the ruins. He knew that the opponent was not so easily defeated. He directly pursued the victory and shouted:

"Quick Dragon, use Destructive Death Light at the ruins!"

"King Nido, stand up quickly, and we will also use the Destructive Death Light!" When King Nido was buried, Lance's eyes changed. At this time, he heard Du's words and immediately responded.

However, just as Lance shouted, Kuailong at Watana quickly condensed a golden light, spraying towards King Nido in the ruins.

The fast dragon's destruction and death light took shape quickly, and the speed of flight was also very fast. King Nido just stood up at this time to accumulate energy, and the golden beam of light hit it heavily.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo's eyes twitched fiercely.

You know, this fast dragon should only be the relatively low trump card of Yulongdu, but it shows a high level of combat and strength. It is difficult for him to imagine how strong the opponent's strongest trump is.

But one thing Bai Mo knew was that he was definitely not the opponent's opponent if he didn't take out Kiraqi.

"It seems that I want to speed up my own rhythm." Bai Mo's expression became more serious, and his eyes also showed a fierce fighting spirit.

"Huh?" On the other hand, Yulongdu seemed to feel something at this moment and glanced in Bai Mo's direction, but because Bai Mo had already retracted his gaze and there were so many people around him, he didn't see it. what.