Super Manufacturer

Chapter 714

Li Zhi began to talk to Huang Yueying about their'brilliant years' at that time. Everyone had their youth when they were young. At that time, they would stun the air and drink too much. Except for supporting the wall, no one would be convinced.

At that time, I was still young, I depended on my parents for food and clothing, and it was simple to make friends, whether it was a girlfriend or a boyfriend!

There has also been a story of brotherhood overwhelming, and when rushing to the crown to become a confidante, there are even more horrible stories about not getting acquainted with each other and having a barbecue!

"Drink!" Li Zhi said as he touched the wine bottle with Huang Yueying. He raised his head and said, half a bottle of beer went in.

Just drink like this?

Huang Yueying looked at Li Zhi, she couldn't let go, but Li Zhi could put down her figure, like her, can she not give face?At this point, Huang Yueying still has it. Drink it. People can drink it, but why can't it?

Following Li Zhi's appearance, he raised his head and drank a big sip with the wine bottle. It felt good, not as difficult to swallow as he thought.

"Come on, try boiled edamame, it goes well with beer!" Li Zhi smiled and gestured.

Peanut edamame, barbecue appetizer, must order, but in winter, peanut edamame are generally refrigerated.

"Go on!" Huang Yueying peeled the peanuts by herself and said, she also wanted to hear about Li Zhi's childhood.

The three essential elements of drinking and blowing up abuses are complementary to each other. It feels awkward to lack one. Of course, the abuses that have been blown before have now become pediatrics.

That's not the point. The point is, if you are talking about cheating, others will not know.

"Come on, be careful!" A big guy walked over with a small oven, put it on the table, smiled at Li Zhi and said, "You kid, haven't you been here for years? I thought you were I forgot my brother this barbecue restaurant!"

"Haha, how can it be!" Li Zhi smiled.

Fatty Zhu glanced at Huang Yueying, grinned and asked, "Brothers and sisters?"

"Yes, my wife!" Li Zhi smiled and nodded.

"True handsome, your kid treats people well, now that you are old, don't be so fucking as you used to!" Zhu Fatty scolded with a smile.

Li Zhi rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "You don't know what my temper is, Xiaoye? You dare to talk to me like this, based on your words, believe it or not, can I not give you money? "

"If you don't give it, don't give it. Brother invites you. I said, I'm an errand guy like my old Zhu!" Fatty Zhu said with a smile: "Okay, don't grind with me, stay with your beautiful wife, I It’s still busy over there!"

Li Zhi smiled and said, "Then you don't hurry up!"

"Smelly boy!" Old Zhu scolded and left with a smile.

Huang Yueying watched the conversation between the two, smiled without interrupting, and took a sip of wine while holding up the beer bottle. It seemed to be drinking like this. It felt really good.

The remaining meat skewers, lamb whip, plate tendons, etc. were quickly brought up. There were a lot of them, and two ordinary people would definitely not be able to eat them!

"Try it, right?" Li Zhi gestured with a smile.


Huang Yueying took a bunch of sheep whip, bit off the piece and squeaked it in her mouth, and asked in confusion, "What is this, it's good!"

"It's delicious, just eat more!" Li Zhi chuckled twice.

However, her smile was a little abnormal, and Huang Yueying looked at him questioningly: "Is there something wrong with smiling so treacherously?"

"No, absolutely not!" Li Zhi stretched out his hand and took a bunch, while eating while raising the bottle, he smiled and said, "Come on, come and drink!"

In an hour, a lot of skewers, an amount that two adults could never eat, were all put into their stomachs by Huang Yueying and Li Zhi. Each person drank at least one box of beer, and his face didn't turn red!

There was a bunch of guests nearby, looking at Huang Yueying's appearance, couldn't help but be speechless, such a temperamental beauty, who would have thought that she could eat and drink so much.

Huang Yueying is now a fifth-level human physique, not to mention these skewers, these wines can be eaten with twice the amount.

"How do you feel?" Li Zhi put down the empty beer bottle and asked with a smile.

"Not bad!" Huang Yueying had a smile between her eyebrows, and it was really refreshing to drink.

"Will you come next time?" Li Zhi said with a smile.

Huang Yueying looked up at Li Zhi and said flatly: "If you are willing to bring me here, then I will come!"

"it is good!"

Li Zhi smiled and agreed without hesitation.Huang Yueying was originally an important member of the Ice Soul Group. In fact, subconsciously, if Li Zhi had no idea about others, that would be a lie!

Now that the window paper is broken, there is nothing to hide. The only thing that makes Li Zhi a little uncomfortable is that people are'active', and they have become passive instead.


Li Zhi stopped the waiter who was passing by and whispered.

"Our boss said, your table is free!"

"Exemption? You see, this young lady brought such a beautiful beauty over to make a string, like someone who needs a free order, tell Fatty Zhu, to avoid the order next time when I bring a lot of people, today I don’t need him! "Li Zhi said with a smile, leaving enough money, and walking outside with Huang Yueying!

As soon as the two got into the car, Lao Zhu from the barbecue restaurant chased them out.


Li Zhi blew the horn twice, poked his head out of the car, looked at the other person with a smile and said, "Okay, go back, what can I give if you are so familiar!" Then he started the car and left.

Fatty Zhu stood there with money in his hand, panting and cursed: "Little bastard, the money is less!"

Huang Yueying looked at Fat Zhu outside through the glass, smiled and said, "This Fat Zhu is also quite interesting!"

Li Zhi handed over the driving authority to Xiaobing, sat back and said, "Have you never heard of it? Every time Zhang Yi slaughters dogs, most of them are scholars. In this world, no matter what you do, people shouldn’t be distinguished. Noble and lowly, everyone has a side that you can't think of."

"Yeah!" Huang Yueying didn't refute Li Zhi's words.

I didn't want to talk about this topic with Li Zhi, and asked with a smile: "Now, where are we going?"

His face blushed and he was full and drunk, so I should do that next.

Li Zhi thought for a while, smiled and said, "Go and sit by the beach. I haven't seen the sea for a long time, especially the sea at night!"

"Okay!" Huang Yueying nodded and whispered softly: "I will accompany you wherever you want to go!"

This was almost the same as Sun Lao expected. First, go to have a'big meal', and then go to the beach for romance, but Huang Yueying didn't arrange it. Li Zhi took the initiative!

Li Zhi was sitting on the beach. Although it was a bit cold at night, there was moonlight. He looked at the sea and the sky in front of him, and listened to the sound of the rushing waves.

"Have something to do?" Huang Yueying sat next to Li Zhi, looked at him, and asked softly.

Li Zhi supported the beach with both hands and whispered: "Before, I only felt that there were a lot of words that were bragging and bubbling. Those people standing and talking didn't hurt back. Now suddenly I feel that what those people said is true. The heights you stand are different, the more you feel. The more capable people need to pay more. While you enjoy all your heights, you must also bear the pressure that this height brings to you.

The people standing on the lower peak are looking up at you. At that time, they will only see your scenery and admiration for you. Only when they climb up will they feel that the wind above is really more It’s cold, standing here has to endure far more than underneath."

"Yes, but everyone is climbing and wanting to reach a higher peak waist. Even if it is cold or cold, everyone wants to stand up and feel it." Huang Yueying laughed and said: " I do, and you do the same!"

Li Zhi smiled and said: "So, everyone is the same, at least, for the same purpose, to make yourself more dazzling, stand taller, see farther, worthy of this life!"

"I don't want to listen to this!" Huang Yueying suddenly muttered a little coquettishly in a low voice.

Very disruptive, this little bad guy who doesn't understand the style.

Li Zhi turned his head, looked at her with a faint smile and asked, "I don't want to hear this? Then what do you want to hear?"

"You've been with so many girls, do you need to ask me these words?" Huang Yueying smiled at him coquettishly and muttered: "Compared to you, a love veteran, I am much simpler!"

"Hey, are you!" Li Zhixie smiled and reached out to hug Huang Yueying. Huang Yueying was very obedient, without any struggle.

She now understands a little bit about what Sun Lao said in the afternoon.Many things are actually not as difficult as imagined!