Super Manufacturer

Chapter 954: Rules of the World

Urban ruins, underground world.

Li Zhi took the Purple King, Ghost Face Queen Zhu Yu'er, and Blood Bat Karmapa Red Sea into the mutant orchard, without hiding his breath.

And the mutant pomegranate tree did not show any anxiety, until Li Zhi led people into the central area of ​​the mutant orchard, the mutant pomegranate tree couldn't help but send an inquiry.

"Human evolutionaries, we have reached an agreement. You have got what you need. I also let you pick the mutant fruits here at will. We will not bother each other or influence each other. You are here again. Can you give me a clear Explain, what does it mean? Is it possible that you think I am really afraid of you!"

There was a bit of anger in the voice of the mutant pomegranate mother tree.

Last time, not only did he give him the branches of his body, but also gave him three pomegranate fruits. That was his own child, but he didn't seem to be satisfied. Now he is looking for the door again.

Therefore, no matter what it was for this time, it decided not to tolerate the other party, even if it was a fight.

It can't always compromise, and it can't negotiate any more agreements with well-rounded humans!

"If I said you misunderstood me, would you believe it?" Li Zhi walked in with someone, looked at the giant tree, and asked with a smile.

This is the body of this mutant pomegranate mother tree, its height can cover the sky!

"Misunderstood you?" The mutant pomegranate mother tree said indifferently: "Then explain to me, where did I misunderstand you?"

Li Zhi shrugged and said with a wry smile: "I can't seem to explain this kind of thing, so you should come out and explain it!"

The following words are for the three little pomegranate babies on her body.

However, when they saw the mother pomegranate tree, the three little pomegranate children did not show how cheerful they were, but were somewhat silent.

They don't seem to know how to face this mutant pomegranate mother tree that nurtures them.

If Li Zhi is the'father' who let them appear in this world, then this pomegranate mother tree is a veritable'mother'.

The seven brothers and sisters of Pomegranate Baby, only three of them have emerged from the pomegranate fruit, and the other four brothers are still growing on the pomegranate mother tree.

"Ma Ma!"

In the end, the five sisters of the pomegranate baby came out first, jumped onto Li Zhi's shoulder, looked at the huge mother pomegranate tree, and shouted timidly.

The pomegranate mother tree heard the voice of the fifth sister of the pomegranate baby, and the branches couldn't help but tremble slightly, but they were silent and no sound came.

The Purple King standing behind Li Zhi, the ghost-faced queen Zhu Yu'er and the blood bat King Hong Hai all stared at the little thing standing on Li Zhi’s shoulders. The powerful aura on it can be felt by all three of them. Strong, too strong.

The king-level pinnacle creature is only one step away from the super creature. As long as it breaks through the past, they will be the'super creature'.

This is the pomegranate baby?

One of the three pomegranate fruits that Li Zhi took away?

If it is, even the fruit is so powerful, the three of them dare not imagine how powerful this mutant pomegranate tree should be.

This world is terrible!

Originally, the Purple King and Ghost Face Queen Zhu Yuer thought that they were the strongest in the ruins of this city, and the blood bat King Honghai also believed that he was a raptor who came over to crush everything, but now I want to come, that kind of self Big is simply ridiculous.

"Second, third, don't you want to come out and say hello to your mother and brothers and sisters?"

Li Zhi smiled, and took out the second and third babies nestled in his arms. Five babies alone can't explain anything. They are all there to have influence, and can they convince the pomegranate mother tree!

"They, they are all born." The Mutated Pomegranate Mother Tree mumbled, and the voice seemed to tremble a bit, there were mothers who were weak and helpless, happy, afraid, and puzzled. In the end, they were all condensed to this sentence. inside.

Li Zhi nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, they are all born, and in the past few months, I have had a very happy life!"

"We have come to see you!" The second baby said respectfully.

And the third child in the pomegranate baby was even more rebellious, bluffing its small face, without any intention to speak.

The mutant pomegranate mother tree looked at Li Zhi in disbelief and asked, "You, how did you do it?"

At the beginning, the mutant pomegranate mother tree gave her three pomegranate fruit children to Li Zhi, perhaps not with any kind intentions.

The pomegranate baby is born and will accompany the'Thunder Tribulation'. Maybe the mutated pomegranate tree wants to use the power of Thunder Tribulation to eliminate Li Zhi.

This is not just Li Zhi who can figure it out, but can't it be understood by the three pomegranate babies?

At most, I don't want to say it.

If there is not the slightest estrangement, then why in the underground world, the originally cheerful and lively pomegranate children suddenly became so silent.

"It's very simple, no Thunder Jie appeared." Li Zhi smiled and shrugged, and said calmly.

"There is no thunder robbery?"

The mutant pomegranate mother tree became excited in an instant after hearing Li Zhi’s words, and screamed: “Impossible, how could there be no thunder catastrophe? This is the world’s fixed number, the rule of this world, any plant breaks through itself, All must face thunder robbery before they can grow!"

Li Zhi put away the smile on his face and stood there calmly and said: "I don't know why Lei Jie didn't appear. I don't have the slightest understanding of the rules in this world. I only know that now, the second baby , The third baby, the fifth baby, they are living very well."

In silence, the branch Sasa trembled, but there was no sound from the pomegranate mother tree.

And Li Zhi and the pomegranate children were not talking, urging each other. He knew the information he had brought and needed enough time for the other to think.

The blood bat King Hong Hai whispered towards the ghost queen Zhu Yuer: "What the hell is going on? Can you feel it? The three little things on the boss seem to be...the peak of the emperor?"

"Yes, the emperor's pinnacle!" Ghost Face Queen Zhu Yuer nodded with a sullen face. At this time, there was no longer the same smile on her face.

Not only the blood bat King Red Sea was shocked, but also the shock to the ghost queen Zhu Yuer and the purple king.

Three pomegranate fruits, three imperial pinnacle masters, and even this is the first time they have had such close contact with the'imperial pinnacle' masters.

How did the boss do it?

The mutant pomegranate mother tree also couldn't figure out why Lei Jie didn't show up and Dao Yun didn't show up because his three children were born. They were all alive and appeared before him.

Did this human kid use any special methods, or did Thunder Tribulation simply not exist?

does not exist?

Impossible, the mutated pomegranate mother tree clearly feels the'Tianwei', as long as it advances, it will form Thunder Tribulation. Without the baptism of Thunder Tribulation, it is impossible to break through the'Imperial Rank', but what went wrong? ?

Why didn't his three children appear with Thunder Tribulation when they were born?

Could it be because...