Super Manufacturer

Chapter 1159 Ice Soul Heavy Industry

Whether the super biological brood will go beyond Li Zhi's control and eventually become uncontrollable, Li Zhi himself doesn't know, because many things are not something he doesn't want and won't happen.

Everything in the world is changing, and no one knows what will happen and what will happen next.

Li Zhi is not a god, but at least for now, and for a long time in the future, the super biological brood is within his control and can be controlled, which is enough.

If you have to worry about everything, then just hang up.

"The seventh-generation outer space fighters are still produced in half for the time being. The output of the Lingneng One is not very high, and there are many places to use!" Li Zhi concluded.

'Psionic One' is the psychic engine developed by the Ice Soul Group. Except for the'seventh generation' outer space fighter, it is also used in many other places.

For example, some large-scale mining and transportation equipment in folding space, ships, automobiles, etc.


Wang Qianqian nodded. The things Li Zhi told her should be absolutely secretive things. The reason why they all speed her up is to trust her.

The Ice Soul Automobile Group, which is still the Ice Soul Automobile Group in name, is now producing the '7th-generation Outer Space Fighter'. The 13 auto cities are basically being commissioned, and the production capacity has a considerable impact on the Ice Soul Automobile Company. .

Seventh-generation outer space fighters, 5,000 fighters in the world are enough, too many, other countries will not necessarily spend money to buy, the market will be saturated.

Next, the Ice Soul Group will definitely produce its own "new generation" car, which is a private aircraft.Because of speed, safety, etc., the popularization of "private aircraft" on the earth will be the general trend, and it is only a matter of time.

These important industries, Ice Soul Group will not be occupied by other mysterious companies, and it will definitely get a leg on its own!

"Do you have any thoughts on the'Sky City Group'?" Li Zhi suddenly smiled and asked after turning off the topic.

Wang Qianqian was taken aback, looked at Li Zhi, thought for a while and said: "Boss, what do you mean, you want to include the Sky City Group?"

Li Zhi nodded and said: "In the beginning, I did have this idea, but now it seems that something is not in line with the actual situation. It is not very likely that the Sky City Group will be sold by the Lei family."

"Then what do you mean, destroy him?" Wang Qianqian asked tentatively.

"This is a way!" Li Zhi smiled and said, "I can't say that it will bring down people. Is commercial competition necessary? In the future, Binghun Automobile Group will face the same field as Sky City Group. 'coincide!"

Wang Qianqian nodded thoughtfully. If the Binghun Automobile Group develops according to Li Zhi's ideas, then it should not be the current model.

"From now on, the Ice Soul Qicheng Group is officially included in the'Class A'industry, and financing channels are temporarily closed. You will be responsible for building another 60 Ice Soul Auto City around the world!" Li Zhi thought for a while and said. .

Sixty seats?

Then add the existing twelve Ice Soul Motor City, isn't it seventy-two?No, it’s seventy-three. Haicheng’s Ice Soul Auto City has not been included under Wang Qianqian’s management. It is more often ordered by the Ice Soul Group to produce some much-needed things and maintain the current Ice Soul Motor Company’s Production sales.

"Do you want money from Mr. Sun?" Wang Qianqian nodded and asked with a smile.This question is very important. With the template of 13 Ice Soul Motor City, it is not too difficult to build dozens of Bing Soul Motor City.It's a rare issue of money. Only if you have money, you can start construction. Dozens of Ice Soul Auto City need a lot of funds.

And now Binghun Automobile Group, which is listed in the'A category' industry, does not raise funds to sell shares, where does the money come from!

Li Zhi looked at Wang Qianqian and said with a smile: "The money earned from the'Seventh Generation Outer Space Fighter' project to support the full construction of 60 Ice Soul Motor City around the world shouldn't be a problem?"

Theoretically speaking, the seventh-generation outer space fighter project is very profitable, and even if it loses money, it can earn one billion dollars a day.

In those two months, that is 60 billion U.S. dollars!

Wang Qianqian smiled bitterly, knowing that it’s not a good job, and shook her head: “Sixty'Ice Soul Auto City' around the world are under construction at the same time. We only rely on ourselves, even with the support of the '7th Generation Outer Space Fighter' project. No!"

"Think of a way!" Li Zhi said with a smile.

It wasn't that Sun Changlai had no money in his hands, although the Ice Soul Group now had a lot of cash in his hands, but there were plenty of places to spend money.

It's best to be self-sufficient!

Wang Qianqian frowned, thought for a while and said, "Then can I spin off the Ice Soul Automobile Group?"

Li Zhilai became interested, and asked with a smile, "What is the split method?"

"Ice Soul Automobile Group now owns the'Ice Soul Automobile' brand, has the '7th Generation Outer Space Fighter Project', and 13 Ice Soul Motor City. In addition to Haicheng, there are 12 Ice Soul in China. Auto City. In addition, as well as the Ice Soul shared car system.

My idea is that the Binghun automobile brand will be independent, and the existing'auto' brand will be used for listing and financing.The seventh-generation outer space fighter project was spun off and the "Ice Soul Fighter" group was established. The 12 Ice Soul Motor City were separated and the "Ice Soul Heavy Industry Group" was established. The Ice Soul shared car system was operated separately and separated from the Ice Soul Automobile Company. Independent listing!

If it works properly, it shouldn't be difficult for the 60'Ice Soul Auto City' projects in the world!"

Listening to Wang Qianqian’s analysis, Li Zhi nodded and said, “Ice Soul Motor Company is useless. It can be listed on the market, and the Ice Soul shared car can also be listed on its own. Even the seventh-generation outer space fighter project can be used. Come back for some money."

He paused for a while and said with a smile: "The most important thing is'Ice Soul Heavy Industry.' This name is good. I like it. I will rename Ice Soul Motor City to Ice Soul Heavy Industry in the future. In fact, this use is only temporary. If you are short of money in the future, you can also use part of the shares to exchange for money."

It is important and unimportant, and it is divided into time. Now the important industry for the Ice Soul Group, it may not be of much use in the future.

Just a tool to make money!

"If there is no problem, then I will do this when I go back!" Wang Qianqian smiled.

Li Zhi nodded: "Okay, just do as you say."

"Boss, I actually don't understand. Thirteen Ice Soul Auto City should be enough. Why do we have to build 60 of them around the world?" Wang Qianqian looked at Li Zhi and couldn't help asking.

Li Zhi smiled and said, "Are you afraid of too many basic industrial systems like these? When you use it, let alone dozens of them, hundreds of them will not be too much!"

Wang Qianqian smiled bitterly and asked, "What about when it's not in use?"

Li Zhi shrugged and said with a smile: "When not in use, let it go first, so that it won't get moldy. You can be self-sufficient when you produce anything, and you won't die of starvation!"

Psychologically muttered a word, not talking about anything.

At the headquarters of the Ice Soul Group, Wang Qianqian's matter had been settled by the time.


Li Ziyan lowered her head and said nothing.

Li Qingshan's face was ugly, and he was a little helpless. He scolded and scolded, and the reason was clearly stated, but she didn't seem to listen at all.

"If you talk about you, don't you want to show your face? I have already made it very clear. I have a girlfriend and a girlfriend. Don't you understand?"

Li Ziyan's mother smiled bitterly and persuaded: "Okay, just a few sentences. From yesterday to today, there is no end to it. If it weren't for Xiao Li, maybe our Tangtang would have been taken away by others!"

"It's all about this time, you are still used to her, if it weren't for your doting and spoiled since childhood, can you be like this now!" Li Qingshan shouted at Li Ziyan's mother.

When Li Ziyan’s mother heard it, her anger immediately came up, and she cursed with her arms akimbo: "Okay, Li Qingshan, now you blame me again, I'm spoiled? I don’t know who grew up in her mouth. I'm afraid of losing it in my hands. Why don't you say that you are used to it? Now I blame me. Okay, it's what I'm used to. How about it, you say, how is it!"

Li Qingshan is at home, it's not that he is one and the same, his wife will wilt if he gets angry.


I sighed!

Tangtang sat on the small bench by herself, without squinting, neither scared nor noisy, with two small hands in a daze with his chin.

As for the person involved, Li Ziyan, you say yours is good, you can say anything, just don't answer.Don’t you own your own life and rely on others to say it?

What does your life have to do with others? Whenever you have to pay attention to the eyes of others, it is so tiring.

Anyway, in Li Ziyan's eyes, Li Zhi is pretty good, and he meets his own'mate selection criteria', as for having other girlfriends.

Now the times have changed. Maybe tomorrow's "polygamy" or "polyandy" will be legal. Who can say this?

"Uncles and aunts, please calm down, look at the way the swallow is now, can you hear me!" Gillian interjected.

"Li Ziyan, you give me a clear word today, what do you want!" Li Qingshan stared at the big girl and asked.

Tangtang curled his lips, moved his eyes to Li Qingshan and took a look, and then quickly left. The old man asked that it was no use to specify!

Li Ziyan raised her head and said nonchalantly, "Dad, I don’t want to be so bad, so don’t keep talking about me, can’t you? I’m such a big person. What should I do and what should not be done, I have a sense of measure. "After a slight pause, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said: "Do you think the boss of the Ice Soul Group is an ordinary person? What is your precious daughter's ability to make people want me? Are you still here? Angry, they are the stars in the sky, your girl can only look up, and to be more ugly, I am a toad, looking at the swan greedy, but may not be able to eat swan meat, unrequited love, understand?"

Some words made Li Qingshan and Li Ziyan's mother both stunned!

Is that kid so awesome?

But when I think about it carefully, that's not so, who is the owner of the Ice Soul Group, worth trillions of dollars, rich and powerful, what kind of heavenly immortals have never seen, why are you looking at your own daughters? ?

Li Ziyan now wants to be someone else's girlfriend, but the problem is that they are not happy to say nothing!

"What if he has Jinshan Yinshan, and our family doesn't map his things." Li Qingshan said, staring.

Li Ziyan smiled bitterly and lowered his head back. That's right, she really didn't like Li Zhi or anything, but people themselves represent value.

You are still blocking here. If you don't, you may not be able to catch up. If you block, it is even more so.

"Girl, if you tell your mom the truth, do you really like his mother so much?" Li Ziyan's mother couldn't help asking.

Li Ziyan smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know how to say it, but if you put this thing in front of me and don't cherish it, I missed it, maybe I will regret it forever."

Regret for a lifetime, five words, like a hammer, smashed into the hearts of Li Ziyan's parents.


Li Qingshan sighed and said helplessly: "Okay, anyway, you choose the road yourself. You are not too young anymore. We want to manage, and we are powerless, so let's do it!"

After speaking, stood up and went back to his room!

Li Ziyan's mother didn't leave, looked at her elder daughter, and said with a wry smile: "Your dad is a knife-mouthed tofu heart. He never had the heart to scold you since he was a child. He just wants you to have a good future. Don't be angry with him. No matter what. Until then, he will be your father, the one who loves you."

After a short pause, he continued: "As for your relationship with that kid, we don't care. You can handle it yourself. I just hope that you will not regret your decision in the future!"

After speaking, he got up and walked towards the kitchen!

"Oh, you!" Gillian sighed and said to Li Ziyan.

Li Ziyan lowered her head and mumbled: "I know that my parents and my mom are doing me good, but I hope to be at my feet in the future, and I don't want to regret it!"

Gillian stunned, looked at her and asked, "That fellow Li Zhi is as good as you said?"

"I think it's good!" Li Ziyan smiled and replied.

Holding the small face of Tangtang with two hands, he mumbled at this moment: "Sister Gillian, you don't need to persuade her anymore. Women who fall in love are all idiots. Didn't you see that she has become an idiot now? , No one can listen to it!"

Li Ziyan raised her head and waited for her to say: "Smelly girl, are you itching? Believe it or not, you won't get out of bed tomorrow!"

"You can't beat me now, and you're bragging!" Tangtang said with a grimace at her.

Tangtang is now an evolutionary, but Li Ziyan is not, so in theory, Li Ziyan may not be able to beat Tangtang.

"Okay, say you are fat, you still kicked, Gillian, you helped me press her, really think that you have become an evolutionary, and you will be lawless!" Li Ziyan stood up angrily, looking like she was about to do something.

"Stop it, do you still want to be a'brother-in-law'? If you want, just be honest, maybe I can give you an idea!" Tangtang said.

Li Ziyan looked at her and asked, "Do you have a way?"

"Yes, but... I want snacks to change!" Tangtang took the opportunity to offer her own terms.