Super Manufacturer

Chapter 1366 Revenge

"Super gene!"

Shi Sha and Goddess Hui were listening to Xiaobing's question and both had answers in their hearts.There is no doubt that the "R&D center" is the most attractive thing to the outside world. It will not be the building of the "R&D center" itself, nor will it be the "super expensive" of the goddess of wisdom and her subordinates. The scientific research team, but the "super gene" that has been announced to the public for a long time and is world-renowned.

"You said, who will attack the'R&D Center' this time?" Xiaobing asked with his head tilted while thinking.

Shi Sha shook his head and said, "I don't know, we can't detect the details of the attacker!"

"Who is it, does it matter?" Goddess Hui asked back.


Xiaobing shook his head and said with a chuckle: "People nowadays don't know what's in their heads. Do you really think that if the boss is not there, you can just go crazy?"

That's right, it's just smiling, and there is no angry or unhappy expression on her face. What is her atmosphere, the R & D center has not suffered much.

Even if there are people who conquer the grassroots guards of the R&D center, can they really take the'super gene' from here?

Therefore, she is not angry at all, nor angry, but she is also not very happy!

"Let's do it!" Xiaobing was silent for a while, and said, "I went to talk to Sister Xiaorou. It happened that I came out of the Internet and haven't seen her yet!"

"Alright!" Shi Sha hesitated, nodding her head without stopping!

Shenmu City is now very large. As a folding space, desert area, and the largest transit city for human beings on earth, it has a resident population of almost tens of millions. It is also the largest'shelter' opened up by people on earth in the folding space.

'Base No. 1'is not counted, because Base No. 1 is too close to the entrance of the Folding Space Desert. It is now at most a guard point of the'Teleportation Array'.

After coming out of the teleportation formation, few people would choose to stay in Base One, and most said they would return to the African city for repairs!

The "Super Factory" is not too far away from the R&D center.If Dong Xiaorou is not in special circumstances, he would normally not stay on the side of the earth, but in the super factory in the "Shenmu City". As for what to do, outsiders would not know what to do, including the high-level personnel in the Ice Soul Group, and even I don't necessarily know how large Dong Xiaorou's "super factory" is now.

Dong Xiaorou also rarely contacted Shisha and the R&D center, at least on the bright side!

Xiaobing is no stranger to the "Super Factory", but it is the first time she has come after having her own body. I wonder if Dong Xiaorou will be surprised to see who she is now?

In her heart, Xiaobing has some expectations!

Super factory, inside!

Dong Xiaorou looked at the beautiful young girl in front of her, stunned, and asked curiously: "You want me?"

If it is an ordinary person, it is naturally impossible to meet Dong Xiaorou so easily, but when Xiaobing let people pass the news, he said that he had news about'Li Zhi', so he was quickly taken into Dong Xiaorou's office. .

"It's pretty, I didn't think Sister Dong would still grow flowers!" After Xiaobing came in, he didn't say anything immediately, but first looked at Dong Xiaorou's office curiously.

In the office, there is a pot of'Orchid', which is not a rare species. It should have been brought from the earth. When it was raised, even Xiaobing doesn't know.

Sitting on the office chair, Dong Xiaorou frowned, but didn't immediately get angry. She nodded flatly and said, "Well, I like orchids!"

"Then why don't you raise more pots?" Xiaobing turned around and asked with a smile.

"One pot is enough!"

Dong Xiaorou said flatly: "You have news about Li Zhi? Tell me, what kind of news is it? If it's important, I will give you a sum of money and won't let you go for nothing!"

"I don't need money!" Xiaobing walked to the chair in front of Dong Xiaorou's desk. After sitting down, the smile on his face narrowed.

"Today, the R&D center was attacked. What do Sister Dong think about it?"

Dong Xiaorou frowned, was silent for a while, shook her head and said, "No idea!"

According to the news, she knew that the reason why she didn't send someone to support her was because Dong Xiaorou also knew that no matter who it was, entering the'R&D Center' would not benefit.

Just like coming to your own "super factory", the ultimate solution is just a dead end!

"The'biological brain' and the'honghuang wolf' in the R&D center have reached the stage where they can be cultivated in batches. The maximum combat effectiveness is at level five," Xiaobing said softly.

"Why didn't Goddess Hui or Shi Sha come by herself?" Dong Xiaorou asked blankly, leaning on the chair.As soon as the other party said these words, she knew what the other party's intention was.

Xiaobing blinked and said with a smile, "Is it not enough?"


Dong Xiaorou was stunned, looked at her in doubt and asked, "Then can you tell me first, who are you?"

"Hehe, Sister Dong really didn't recognize me. Guess, who would I be?" Xiaobing squinted and said with a smile.


"I can't guess!" Xiaobing said with a smile.

"I can't guess!" Dong Xiaorou nodded. This girl is very strange. In her information, she didn't know that there was such a girl beside Shi Sha or the R&D Center.

But it feels familiar again!

"If I said, my name is Xiaobing, would you be surprised by Sister Dong?" Xiaobing asked with a smile.


Dong Xiaorou's eyes flickered, she sat up straight from the chair, and said with a smile: "Who am I, Goddess of Wisdom made you a body?"


Xiaobing nodded, then shook his head and said, "But it's all right. This body was indeed made by the goddess of wisdom, but I won't go back to the Internet again. She is my carrier, the only one!"

"Are you out of the Internet?" Dong Xiaorou frowned.

"Well, I came out, I came out completely, and I never thought about going back again." Xiaobing smiled and nodded, and said: "I know the boss is still alive, so I'm going to find him."

Dong Xiaorou sighed inwardly, and leaned back slowly on the chair. Is Li Zhi still alive?Is it really alive?Maybe time will really change everything. From the sadness and suspicion at the beginning, to now, there are still a few people in the entire Ice Soul Group who can believe that Li Zhi is still alive like Xiaobing!

After returning to his senses, he smiled bitterly and said: "I hope!"

"What do you want me to do?" Dong Xiaorou asked, turning the subject away.

Xiaobing laughed and said: "Batch cultivating'biological brains' and'premium wolves'. Our current combat effectiveness is a bit out of keeping up with the trend."

Dong Xiaorou thought for a while and asked, "Why should I help you?"

"Do you think the boss is dead?" Xiaobing did not answer her, but asked rhetorically.

"How many'biological brains' and'hongkong wolves' can be cultivated in a month?" Dong Xiaorou said while looking at Xiaobing.

"The data given by the goddess of wisdom is about 300 heads." Xiaobing's face was filled with a happy smile.

"I know!"


In fact, no matter who came today, Dong Xiaorou would not refuse. She stayed here and stayed in the "super factory" for what?

Isn't the duty to realize the products in the'R&D Center' and become combat effectiveness!

"What are you going to do next?" Dong Xiaorou hesitated and looked at Xiaobing and asked.

Xiaobing thought for a while, and said nonchalantly: "The boss disappeared on the earth. Although it is possible that something happened on the way to the'doomsday world', it may also be on the earth, so I am going to go and watch. See if you can find any useful information."

He paused for a while, and continued with a straight face: "The Nebula Lord of the Interstellar Business Alliance used to be in the boss’s mind. The boss told me, but now it’s out, the boss is missing, so it must be I know where the boss has gone. If I can’t find the boss, I want to confront the Lord Nebula. If it killed the boss, then I will avenge the boss!"

At the last time, his eyes were full of flames of revenge.

Since the "Ning Yun Lord God" said that the boss is dead, it is so sure that the chance of Li Zhi's survival is already very slim. Xiaobing is not blind to the horns of the dead, but has already planned the worst in his heart. !


Do others really don't know who killed the boss?Not at all, it's just that no one chooses to think about it.

Faced with the huge interstellar business alliance, everyone can't afford to think of'revenge', too weak!

Dong Xiaorou frowned and hurriedly said: "Don't mess around."

Not to mention that the'Ningyun Lord God' sits in the Interstellar Business Alliance. Now the earth is basically under the control of others. Even if she really wants revenge, can she know where the'Ning Yun Lord God' is?

You don't even know how to find the'Lord Nebula' or how to kill it, so how can you say'revenge'!

Xiaobing laughed, nodded and said, "Well, I know, I will not do that kind of stupid thing in a short time, unless it appears on the earth by itself. This is why I choose to come out of the Internet. If I Staying online, you can never get revenge for your boss!"

The smile is very bright, and this conversation can be regarded as opening up to Dong Xiaorou and expressing the most inner thoughts.

Looking for the boss is just a cover. Xiaobing's ultimate goal is to take revenge for Li Zhi and kill the'Xingyun Lord God'. If she doesn't do it, probably no one will do it!

She knows the power of the'Lord Nebula', and also knows that if she stays in the network, no matter how strong she becomes, she will never have a chance!

"Sister Dong, don’t worry, I’m not going to do stupid things, and my body is very powerful now. Even if I can’t do anything, it’s not easy to hang up, so I have time to slow down. Wait, wait, maybe the opportunity will appear!" Xiaobing said with a smile, squinting.

Dong Xiaorou was lost in thought without expression. Xiaobing said these words and what the purpose was. It was not difficult for her to guess. She chose to stay neutral in the'Super Factory', and no one would help, but she chose to stand up. , In the same camp with Xiaobing, silently lurking, waiting for an opportunity?

"If you are embarrassed, Sister Dong can choose not. You and I are not the same. You humans have life limits, but our digital life forms do not. My body can support me a long time later." Bing Xiao interrupted Dong Xiaorou's thinking with a smile.

"Can the Lord Nebula kill it?" Dong Xiaorou asked quietly after a long time.

Xiaobing laughed and shook his head and said: "I don't know, I only know that some things must be done by someone. The reason why the Lord Nebula is staring at the folding space is not because of the resources inside. It does not leave, we always have a chance...Although it is slim!"

"I see!" Dong Xiaorou finished speaking, closing her eyes.

"Folding space is the weakest place in the universe where the Nebula Lord has control over this universe, but if she wants to come in, she must have a body like me and be out of the network of the universe. Maybe it will be our chance at that time. Before that, what we have to do is to accumulate strength and wait for the opportunity to appear before we can fix it!" XiaoIce got up from the chair and walked out while talking.

Dong Xiaorou opened her eyes, her eyes flickered!

If the'Ningyun Lord God' leaves the universe network and enters the folding space, it means that you are bound. When that time... turn off the network in the folding space, maybe you can really achieve the'slaughter god'.

"It's boring anyway, be a target, if you have a chance, kill it!"

Listening to the sound coming out from behind, Xiaobing's mouth turned upwards and left Dong Xiaorou's office.