Super Manufacturer

Thousandth 576 chapters pessimistic


Li Zhi took a deep breath, let the air flow back into his lungs and then exhaled, trying to calm himself down, even if his guesses were true, what could he do?Since the layout person can let himself get lost from one world to another, wouldn’t he expect that if he had a day of discovery, how would he respond?

Therefore, these things are definitely not something that can be solved one day, one day!

The future will always be shrouded in fog, and thinking about those now is simply unnecessary.

If you have that idle time and scare yourself, you might as well lie down and sleep well. If you can open your eyes, it will be a brand new day.

It's another matter if you can't open it!

"You just thought of something bad, don't worry about it!" Li Zhi suddenly smiled evilly, raised his hand and squeezed Wu You's cheek, and whispered softly, "Is it a little scared just now?"

"It's a bit!" Wu You pretended to be shy and lowered his head.To say something ugly, they are so old and old, how can they be shy, not pretending to be something.

But it is this kind of posture that men will like it and feel feminine!

Have fun in time, as for the future, go to his grandmother, the boat will be straight at the bridge head, there is nothing you can't get through!When the day comes, I believe that the truth will come to light. It's the same sentence, and it will come.

Crazy overnight!

Early in the morning, Wu You opened his eyes, feeling a little unreal.Although Li Zhi didn't open his eyes, he still felt a little unreal.

No matter it is the world or the people around him, Li Zhi feels out of place. Even if he becomes a god in this world, without the slightest sense of belonging, he will still not feel how happy he is!

Perhaps the so-called gods are not happy!

"Boss, what happened to you in your own world?" Wu You didn't dare to ask last night. Now that Li Zhi's mood has stabilized, he dare to say.

Li Zhi smiled bitterly, nodded and said, "Yes, it's a bit of a situation. If there is no situation, it would be surprising, right?"

"..." Wu You didn't know what to say, how could he listen to Li Zhi's words and feel that the world he lives in is more complicated than the world he lives in.

Although I don't know what kind of living environment Li Zhi lives in, but can it be worse than in the world of doomsday?

For a world where there is no order, no civilization, and only killings and swallows, no matter how bad the situation is, it may not be better than this!

"Don't talk about me first, I don't need you to worry about my affairs, I can solve it by myself, and on your side, have you figured out what to do?" Li Zhi smiled and asked, about his current situation. I don’t want to talk to the other person, even if I talk, there’s nothing to talk about!

It’s better to talk to her about the situation in the doomsday world. Although this world does not have a sense of belonging for Li Zhi, for Wu You, it is not. If possible, she would definitely prefer the world to recover. Order.

From the small amount of fragmented information, it can be understood that when the doomsday world did not occur, this world had civilization, technology, and order, and the situation was probably similar to that of the earth without major changes before.

In fact, there are many things in common between the earth and the doomsday world, for example, no one is aware of the great changes that have occurred.The earth is also more fortunate than the apocalyptic world, because the earth has not been crushed by sudden changes, but the apocalyptic world is not.

"I don't know what to do!" Wu You shook her head, without any hesitation, she really didn't know what to do.In the current situation, one can only take one step, watch one step, and try to make things that shouldn't happen, don't happen, or delay the time it takes to happen.

As for the outside world, others can no longer take care of that much.

The Doomsday City has indeed become the first choice for mankind. No, or the Doomsday City has become the first choice for many creatures. Relatively speaking, the Doomsday City is indeed very powerful, and there is a good order inside, which can make many people feel. Warmth that hasn't been in a long time

Similarly, the Doomsday City is also very fragile. Maybe a gust of wind can blow down this rare and quiet place erected between heaven and earth.

For the future, she and Li Zhi have the same thoughts, so she dare not think about it!

It's not because there are no dreams, but because this world can no longer tolerate her dreams. Today and tomorrow, no one knows what it will be like!

The extent of the mutant beast's refresh is refreshing people's cognition every day, plucking that tense string in the human brain.

No one is willing to give up the peace in front of the citizens, residents, and even temporary residents of Doomsday City, whether it is a human or a royal creature or a super creature. There is no place in this world that can be like the Doom City. Let you live a life of sunset.

Everyone is cherishing. Every day when you open your eyes, you will guard this hard-won peace and do your best.

I can only do my best!

But there is no use, I can only pray.

"No one knows when this world will collapse, I'm not sure, you are not sure, there is no answer, there will be no results, right?" Wu You muttered helplessly, putting her long hair behind her ears, her face The smile on Shang was a bit bitter. She had goals and dreams before, and she was ready to fight.

But now, if there is a goal, what else can we do if we go or not?

The speed at which the mutant beasts refreshed has far exceeded everyone's imagination, and there was no intention to stop at all.

Now even if Doom City, and all its sub-bases in Doom City, make small Amu robots day and night, everyone takes turns to rest and clear the mutant beasts around them, but they still can't keep up with its refresh rate.

Perhaps, this world is almost over!

If tomorrow is true, there will be no room for them in this world, there will only be mutant beasts, maybe it's time to end!

At that time, I don't know if my boss, also my own man, will take myself away.

Or fall into the dusk with this doomsday city.

No matter what, Wu You will not feel any fear now, and she can accept it with ease. To put it in a cliche, maybe this is fate!


From the eyes and words of the other party, Li Zhi could clearly feel it.The situation is worse than I thought!

But what can he do to save the world?

Thinking of this, Li Zhi couldn't help but want to laugh. If he could save the world, who would save himself?

The pessimism in the doomsday world, isn't he pessimistic?It's just that the pessimism is hidden in my heart, and no one finds it!

"Actually, there may be a way!" Li Zhi smiled and comforted.

Wu You smiled at Li Zhi and asked, "What is the solution?"

Li Zhi shrugged. He didn't know what to do. He smiled and said, "Well, I don't know. Do you think about it together? At least the mutant beast hasn't caused any substantial threat to Doom City yet, hasn't it!"

Although the refresh rate of mutant beasts in the doomsday world has accelerated again, making everyone feel frustrated, the most important problem is that the mutant beasts did not cause much damage to the doomsday city and its citizens and residents. Great influence!

Everyone can keep this stability and live a small life as usual.

"Perhaps!" Wu Youhan nodded with a smile. Although she was pessimistic in her heart, she would only show it occasionally and would never tell anyone.

She knows that as long as she does not fall, the spiritual pillar of the people in the doomsday city will be there. If she falls, the world will not have tomorrow!

The queen, the queen of the Doom City, now 99% of the people in the Doom City, only know that she is the queen of the Doom City, and few people miss Li Zhi.

Li Zhi didn't think there was anything wrong. For him, there was only asking for the doomsday world in his heart. He had never thought about'dedication'. It was enough to have a doomsday queen who would completely obey his orders.

So who the people of the doomsday city believe in in their hearts has something to do with him!