Super Manufacturer

Chapter 1677: The Pattern of God Tibetan Culture

"Internet sales?"

Li Zhi looked up at Mu Xiaomei in front of him, and asked curiously: "How do you think of online sales?"

"Because I have a roommate who is a fan of figurines and often buys those things online." Mu Xiaomei said calmly.

After a little pause, before Li Zhi could speak, he continued: "So I checked by the way. Now there are more and more people using online shopping, and there are already people selling online similar to'Night Demon Wolf Silver Coins'. Something!"

Obviously, before coming over, Mu Xiaomei had worked hard.

What Li Zhi didn’t expect was that it was not that Mu Xiaomei would think of online sales, but that she would be so concerned about the “Night Demon Wolf Silver Coin”. No matter what the reason, this is a good thing. .

"Do you want to open a store on the'Tengu'?" Li Zhi thought for a while and asked.

Mu Xiaomei rolled her eyes, and said blankly: "Why do I go to open the shop? You own the Ye Mo wolf silver coins. You shouldn't do this by yourself!"

What she meant was that she was only responsible for making ideas, not other things.But Li Zhi didn't think so!

Li Zhi said with a smile: "You came up with the idea of ​​online sales. You are not responsible for who is responsible. Besides, although the Ye Mo wolf silver coin belongs to mine, it is also yours... Don't forget the'God Tibetan Culture' There are also your shares in it!"

"..." Mu Xiaomei was speechless. The Shenzang Culture was solely owned by Li Zhi. She knew this better than anyone else, because the "Shenzang Culture" Co., Ltd. registered it for him, and that one hundred thousand yuan. The money was also agreed to be loaned to him.

"In this way, I'll give you fifty'Night Demon Wolf Silver Coins', whether you are opening a shop online or selling them in the University City, I don't have to ask." Li Zhi said with a smile.

Mu Xiaomei frowned, "Only fifty?"

Because'Shen Tibetan Culture' has a repurchase agreement, let alone 50 pieces, just need to find the correct positioning and find the right person. 500 or 5,000 pieces may be sold, but some good sales personnel are needed.

Li Zhi shrugged and said with a smile: "At this time and then, we only produced a limited edition of 1,080 silver silver coins of the Night Demon Wolf. The internal staff of the factory ordered 300 of them. Two "big customers" bought two hundred in private, and I plan to reserve two to three hundred for the inventory of the "God Tibetan Culture". Therefore, the number of Night Demon Wolf silver coins that will eventually flow into the market will not exceed three hundred. Pieces, even two hundred pieces."

After a pause, he continued: "Moreover, the propaganda about the Night Demon Wolf will start soon."

Li Zhi wanted to tell Mu Xiaomei that although the Night Demon Wolf was not well-known right now, it didn't mean that in the future, this "after" would not be too long.

"I don't want to mix things with you!" Mu Xiaomei hesitated and said sternly.

Li Zhi smiled and shook his head and said, "No, you have to blend in, don’t forget our gentlemen’s agreement. Within three months, if you feel that we are inappropriate, everyone will be friends in the future, but you don’t understand me, and How do you know that we are inappropriate!"

He got up and walked to Mu Xiaomei's side, then leaned down and got very close, even the heat coming out of his nose would hit her face.

"I think in three months, you should fall in love with me!"

Mu Xiaomei blushed and hid herself, staring at him, "Your cheek... is getting thicker and thicker!"

"Hey, do you have it!" Li Zhi straightened up and said with a smile: "I think it's okay. Faced with a beauty like you, if you don't have a thick skin, how can you catch it!"

Mu Xiaomei ran away, but took fifty Silver Night Demon Wolf silver coins from the'Silver Factory'. As for how to sell it, Li Zhi didn't care.

Even if she doesn't sell it, it doesn't matter if she keeps it away!

However, Mu Xiaomei's arrival today reminded Li Zhi that there was a certain group of people in the "collection".

And like'commemorative coins' and'silver coins', the insiders often only play one kind, which is to have the actual'face value', even if this kind of face value is only 10 yuan, 5 yuan will do, and the face value can represent these'commemorative coins' 'Silver coins' are'legal currency', and commemorative coins without face value can only be'commemorative coins', which is of little significance.

Don't underestimate the face value. Privately produced silver coins, even if they are endorsed by a large company or enterprise, are only niche products.

If it's too expensive, no one will play it!

Unless, like Li Zhi, a complete'repurchase system' is established, but this system is not something that everyone can play. It involves the issue of'anti-counterfeiting' and'costing'. If the control is not good, it is easy Ruined and ruined, he took himself into the gutter.

Moreover, things like'silver coins' have long been reduced to'niche people'. If you don't believe me, go and ask someone. I am afraid that ten out of ten people are not'silver coin lovers'.

No audience!

However, this is not a fatal flaw for the current'Shen Tibetan culture', because the market is small and the scale of the God Tibetan culture is smaller.

If there is no "user", then create users, if there is no audience, then cultivate audiences!

'Silver' is a precious metal that has its own value, especially'gold'.

But within time, Li Zhi still didn't want to engage in'gold coins'. First, gold coins were more expensive, and second, everyone's recognition of the'God Tibetan Culture' was not enough.Without certain background and scale, Li Zhi would not touch the'gold coin' before his fame.

"Little Goose, I want to ask you for help!" Li Zhi called Zhen Xiao Go.

"Huh?" Zhen Xiaogo was a little noisy around, I don't know where it was, but the environment on the phone soon became quiet, probably because she changed the place to answer the phone.

"I was discussing the issue of the'Night Demon Wolf' animation with someone just now, let's talk, what can I do for help!"

Zhen Xiaogo has already registered a cultural and entertainment company "Goose Animation", and now the copyright of "Night Demon Wolf" has been transferred to that company.Of course, the copyright income of the "Night Demon Wolf" will remain unchanged in the future, and Li Zhi still holds 45% of it. It is only the business of the company, which is a matter for others.

"I want to build a company website. Can you find some manpower for me, or get it out for me?" Li Zhi asked straightforwardly without talking nonsense.

Zhen Xiao'e said: "I don't have time to help you make the company website. I'm so busy now... Well, I'll give you a senior sister's number. She is also quite good in IT. Now I have set up a studio by myself. Find her to do business for you!"

Li Zhi touched his nose, and said that he just wanted to get a "free labor force", but he didn't want to spend money on it.


I wrote down the studio number that Zhen Xiao'e said, and asked about manga and animation. Zhen Xiao'e hung up without saying a word. She seems to be really busy now.

Li Zhi shrugged, leaned on the chair, and thought about it with the phone number in his hand. He was still going to call and ask about the price. If it's not very expensive, spend some money, at least it will be very worry-free. !

"Hello, Maxim's Network Studio, where do you look for!"

A cold voice came from the phone.

It doesn't seem very happy to hear the sound!

Of course I am not happy. Zhou Meixin has no money to pay next month's rent. If I don't receive a job in the remaining half a month, just wait for the company to close.

"Hello, I was introduced by Zhen Xiaoge, and I want to ask about building a corporate website!" Li Zhidao.

Listening to Li Zhi's words, the other party's tone changed a lot in an instant.

"It turned out to be introduced by Junior Sister Little Goose, hello, my name is Zhou Meixin, the person in charge of Maxim's network studio, I don't know sir what kind of corporate website do you want to build?"

Li Zhi thought for a while and said, "I can't say it clearly in a few words on the phone. Or else, if it's convenient, can you bring someone to our factory and let's talk in person?"

"Yes!" Zhou Meixin did not hesitate at all, and directly agreed. After asking for the address, she said to take someone there immediately.

Li Zhi held the phone, grinned, and muttered to himself: "So urgent?"

"Hey, I don't know when I can accompany a secretary. I have to do everything myself... I'm too difficult!"

Zhou Meixin brought people here very quickly, and did not make Li Zhi wait too long.