Super Vision

Chapter 2002 The Law of Equivalent Exchange of Desire

The voice of Kobe preaching echoed in the hall of the ancient and sacred church, mainly to thank the "dead Mary" for her contribution to this society, the love to relatives and friends, and her faith and donations to Catholicism. Wait.In the priest's mouth, Mary, who was extremely greedy and selfish, became a shining saint. Even if she was a little wrong, she would be forgiven by the heavenly Father, and she would enter the kingdom of heaven.

Xia Lei lay in the coffin, but his soul left his body by flying a kite, suspended above the hall, condescendingly overlooking the people who came to the funeral.

Those who came were all celebrities, important figures in American politics and business.There are also some Hollywood movie stars, the most powerful are Jason Statham and Scarlett Johansson, the hot chick who plays the clown lover in the Avengers, she is known as the sexiest woman in the world.

There is also a very special character, Maria's husband Smith.

Although Maria asked Bandelham to throw him out of the house, she didn't have time to divorce him in just three days, so from a legal perspective, he is still Maria's husband.He came to attend the funeral of his wife, which is understandable.

There were few members of the Maria family, but the priest also gave an explanation. Her parents were heartbroken and were admitted to the hospital and could not come to the funeral.As for other relatives, some are on vacation in Greece and some are on vacation in Europe. In short, they cannot just come back in time.

Knowing that it is a fake funeral, and there may even be dead, how could Maria let her relatives come here?

When the priest finished his sermon, he sprinkled holy water on Xia Lei's forehead, chest and feet, and then he said, "Any relatives who want to look at the remains, do you have anything to say?"

Smith walked up, in a black suit and black sunglasses, but he could not hide the haggardness on his face.

Before Xia Lei stepped into his house, his life was an open life.But since Xia Lei stepped into his house, his life has become a hell mode, and every step is suffering and the most difficult.How could he not be haggard in such a situation?

Smith walked to the coffin, he took off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, he looked at Xia Lei, there was no sadness in his eyes, some just spiteful hatred.

Xia Lei didn't actually feel sadness from the guests who were being sacked. Most of them just came to socialize and take a form.Mary gave birth and Mary died, which has no special meaning to them.In fact, if it were not for the family behind Maria, there would not be a few who could still stand here.

"You bitch, bitch!" Smith's voice was very small, with a strong sense of depression, "You brought that bastard home, and he ruined everything about me! You are dead, you are also killed by that bastard Dead right? Deserve it! You are dead, I'm still alive! All our common property belongs to me when you die, hahaha... I haven't lost yet, I will get up again, but you are dead, see I'm so happy that you look like this!"

Xia Lei felt the extreme hatred from Smith, and Smith's hatred for Maria went deep into his bones and soul.Seeing "Maria" lying in the coffin, all this desire for hatred was vented, and a large amount of energy generated by hatred was produced in his body!

"I don't know if I can absorb the energy of hatred from Smith?" Such a thought suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's heart. His soul instantly returned to his body, and then released an energy root, silently. Pierce Smith's chest.

After returning to Earth this time, in addition to the lowest level of electrical energy, the advanced soul energy and bioelectricity he had absorbed were all absorbed from the woman.However, at that time, because no energy roots had evolved, he needed to lift the target's body, and then absorb the energy generated by desire while absorbing bioelectricity.Now that he has evolved energy roots, he can even "download" memory information directly from the target's brain, so can he absorb the desire energy of a male target without absorbing the man's bioelectricity?

He has never tried it, so he doesn't know what the result will be.But his evolution is going on all the time, and his abilities are constantly changing and improving, so what can't be done before, how can you know if you don't try it now?

The trace of energy pierced into Smith's chest, and Smithton trembled slightly.


An energy produced by hatred poured into Xia Lei's body and soul.


Energy roots not only extract desire energy from women's bodies, they have now evolved to extract desire energy from men's body tissues.

A second later, thousands of energy roots plunged into Smith's body. The energy tide that reached the extreme hatred in his body generally exhausted Xia Lei's body and soul.

Hatred has always been considered a virus in the human soul.In that instant, Xia Lei seemed to be infected by this virus, and his heart was full of hatred.The hatred of Smith, the hatred of Isitarb and Cassia Ruiz, and the hatred of the dark energy on the Star of Hope, he wished to destroy it all!

This is the new feeling brought about by the energy of hate, and the new evolutionary stimulation for the soul!

One is to absorb and the other is to lose. Xia Lei extracted the energy of hatred from Smith's body, and Smith's emotions calmed down all at once.He stood blankly, his heart calm as if he was asleep.

Xia Lei also understood something.When he drew the greedy desire energy from Maria, Maria actually wanted to get favor from him, and she always spared no effort to seduce his master.She has that kind of desire in her heart, and she will naturally get that kind of feeling.But Smith is different from her. He only has hatred in his heart and a desire to vent his hatred, and he will get peace.

This is completely another interpretation of the law of equivalent exchange of energy.

The target of the absorbed energy is the seller, and Xia Lei is the buyer.It is impossible for him to get the other party's desire energy without paying anything, because one of the prerequisites for obtaining desire energy is to be satisfied.Women who love him want to get happiness and happiness from him, so when he takes away their love energy, his soul energy will give each other satisfaction.Smith wanted to vent his hatred, his soul energy also satisfied Smith's desire, so he got the desire energy of Smith's hatred.

This absorption process can actually be understood as a chemical reaction in the soul world. If there is desire but not satisfied, the transaction will not be established.This was actually manifested after the evolution was first started. When he was in that bar, he had to give the bar girls money before he could get the energy he wanted from them.

Fortunately, it was this calm reaction, otherwise it would be too disgusting if anyone who absorbed the energy of desire would make the other person higher.He can accept that response from female targets, but he can't accept that response from male targets anyway.

But this kind of worry is unnecessary, because Smith can never love him, let alone want to get happiness and happiness from him.

Without desire, there will be no satisfaction, and there is no such "desire transaction".

In just a few seconds, Xia Lei withdrew the energy roots he had plunged into Smith's body.

Smith was still standing next to the coffin, calm as if he was asleep.

"Mr. Smith?" the priest reminded: "Say something to everyone, everyone is waiting for you."

Smith came back to his senses. He walked to the priest's side, faced the guests in the hall who came to the funeral, and said: "I am Maria's husband, Smith, I am very sad. All this is that Hua It was caused by the kid, although he was killed, but I can’t forgive him!”

The hatred in his heart emerged again, and the desire energy generated by hatred rose rapidly.

Xia Lei was a little surprised and sighed, "Human's desires are really endless. His desire to hate has just been satisfied, but it is so strong in a blink of an eye. Who said that the earth does not have advanced energy? Is it an inexhaustible treasure of energy?"

The window he opened, outside the window is really a vast world!

Smith had something to say, a group of people in black suits walked in from the door of the hall.They have guns directly in their hands and the same receiver on their ears.

The CIA guys finally came.

There was a little commotion and discussion in the crowd.

"Are these people from the CIA?"

"Who else? They are the same as the ones in the movie."

"Isn't there a report that Maria was killed by someone from the CIA? There is also a screenshot of the video where the guy pinched Maria by the neck."

"Shhh, don't say it, those reports have been removed, and they are no longer visible on the Internet. This is obviously a national force intervening, and it is not allowed to discredit the CIA and the white house."

"What are they doing here? Maria is dead, don't you even give the last dignity? This is a church, which is a blasphemy against the Father and the Son of God." It was Scarlett who was talking. Who else has compassion and sympathy for Maria, she should be one of them.She and Maria are close friends in private.

At this time, a sturdy blond man said loudly: "The CIA is conducting routine investigations. Please cooperate with us and don't make trouble. We will end soon and you can continue. I apologize for the inconvenience caused."

He seemed very polite, because every guest here is not an ordinary person.

After speaking, the sturdy blond man waved his hand, and several CIA agents walked to the coffin under the statue of Jesus.

Xia Lei secretly said in his heart: "The people from the CIA are here. They will definitely check if Maria is dead. Will Kirsten and Excitab wait outside for news? Then reappear?"

He had a hunch that Kristin, Isitabu and Cassia Ruiz might show up, because the news he let Maria release was an irresistible temptation for them-according to The description of that information, the fragment obtained by the Maria family is the fragment missing from the Box of Three Realms!

How could the Maria family know that the fragment never existed?

Regardless of whether the fragment really exists, the source of the news alone is enough to lure the snake out of the hole!

PS: Thank you old friends in Shanshui Town for your rewards, thank you!I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!