Super Vision

Chapter 2041

The dawn of dawn appeared in the sky of the Far East, with a ray of white and a ray of golden light.The earth is still shrouded in darkness, but people have seen the light.

A Russian military base on the outskirts of Aleppo.

Thousands of refugees knelt on the ground, praying to their gods.They are poor and white, and they don't even have a blanket to protect against the cold, but there must be a mat for prayer under their feet.Every Arab, whether poor or rich, will have a cushion for prayer.

All the Arabs here are praying for one person, their prophet, Xia reborn.This seems to be the first time in thousands of years that they pray for a Chinese.

In the temporary headquarters, Gmolovic looked at the Aleppo refugees who were praying, frowning, and looking at something.

"General, it's dawn." An adjutant said: "Xia Chongsheng still has no news. I guess he has already..."

Gmolovic said: "Do you think he was killed by the American bombing?"

The adjutant nodded, "Yes, last night, the U.S. Ninth Fleet dispatched almost all fighters and bombers that could be dispatched, and also fired out their Tomahawk cruise missiles. No one could survive that level of bombing. , Even superheroes with supernatural abilities."

"Do you also watch American superheroes?"

The adjutant was slightly taken aback, "Look."

Gmolovich said: "I also love to watch, who doesn't love America? Hahaha."

The adjutant was confused by Gmolovich's weird reflection. He bit his head and said: "General, we assume that Xia Chongsheng was killed. What should we do with these refugees? And what supplies Xia Chongsheng left here? "

Gmolovich said: "If that magic boy dies, what do we keep these refugees for? Thousands of people want to eat and drink, let them leave here." After a pause, he said again: "As for supplies, that's right. , What are you talking about?"

A smile suddenly appeared on the adjutant’s face, “I understand. I immediately sent someone to drive away the refugees.”

"I'll go personally." Gmolovich retracted his gaze, turned and walked towards the door.

The adjutant followed closely, "General, the Americans didn't say hello to us last night, nor were they afraid that our fighter planes took off to fight them. They were really crazy. The Krem Palace called and asked what happened last night. How should the report be written?"

Gmolovich said: "Just write it as it is. Our radar did spot the U.S. military, but dozens of Bumblebees and F35s on the other side really let us go to war with the Americans? No one wants to fight, the Americans are early. You have mastered our psychology."

"I understand." said the adjutant.

"As for the Americans you said are crazy, I'm thinking, if we face such an opponent, we will also go crazy." There was a hint of intriguing meaning in the corner of Gmolovich's mouth, "Let us come. In terms of operation, what was probably thrown down last night was not a solid fuel bomb, but a nuclear bomb."

On a runway.

Yusna and Zayya got up from the prayer mat and looked in the direction of Aleppo with eyesight.In their sight, the city that is famous all over the world for white has turned gray.

"It's dawn, why hasn't he returned?" Yusna's heart was full of worry.

Zayya said: "He is the prophet sent by Allah to save us. He will be fine. He is God, and Allah also protects him. He will be fine."

Saying so, she can think of the horrible bombing last night, but she doesn't even have the slightest confidence in her heart.

"Why don't we go to White Pearl to find him, Zayya, would you like to go with me?" Yusna looked at Zayya with anticipation in her eyes.

Zayya hesitated, then nodded, "We have to leave this base quietly. If your uncle finds out we will definitely stop us."

"That's it, we're going to pack things now and take that gun." Yusna said.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion at the other end of the runway.A large number of Russian soldiers ran over with guns, Aleppo refugees were driven back, some fell, were trampled, and wailed.The calm scene at the end of the prayer just now became chaotic in the blink of an eye.

"What happened?" Yusna stared in that direction.

"Let's go and see." Zayya said.

The sudden change caused the two Arab girls to postpone their secret plan. They came to the place where the riot occurred and found Salah at the center of the conflict.

Sarah is arguing with a Russian officer, "Are we driving us? This is Syrian territory, and so is this airport! Our ancestors have lived here for generations, and you have no right to drive us away."

"We have signed an agreement with your government. This base is up to us. We have the right to let you leave." The officer who was arguing with Salah said in a fierce tone. Up!"

The Russian soldier behind him raised his gun, with a sound of insurance.

"Then you give us our supplies! We will leave this place." Sarah said.

"Materials? What materials?" the Russian officer asked rhetorically.

"It's the materials Mr. Xia left us!" Sarah said angrily: "Do you want to deny it? We know the existence of that batch of materials are all loaded in trucks!"

The Russian officer did not explain, but moved his head in one direction.

Gmolovic was in that direction, under the protection of a group of guards.

Gmolovich said indifferently: "Let them take a look at our determination."

This is a very clear instruction.

The Russian officer yelled, "Ready to shoot!"

Zayya and Yusna rushed to the front of the crowd and stood in front of Sarah.

"What do you want to do?" Zayya said angrily: "This is Syria! Standing in front of you are Syrian refugees!"

Yusna said angrily: "We are the president of the Salvation Association. We know the existence of that batch of materials. We have already paid for it. If you let us leave, we will leave, but you have to give us those materials, otherwise you let us How to survive?"

"That's your business, it has nothing to do with us." The Russian officer's face was cold, "The last warning, leave here immediately, or you will actually shoot. Don't doubt our determination, the Russians never lack the courage to shoot. "

What else Yusna said, Sarah grabbed her, "Stop talking, let's go."

"But, uncle..." Yusna was not reconciled.

Sarah spit on the ground, "Don't you understand? These guys think Mr. Xia was killed and want to swallow the supplies. They only have money in their eyes, and they won't care about us refugees at all. Life and death. Let’s get out of here first, and then think of a way."

"Thousands of people have to eat and drink, and people are sick. What can we do?" Zayya said: "It's more than 300 kilometers from Damascus. We can't get there at all, and even if we get there, there There is also a lack of food and water."

Sarah sighed, he said to think of a way, but he had no way at all.

Sad emotions spread among the refugees.Yesterday, they gained hope.Overnight, their hopes were shattered again.

There were tears in the eyes of Zayya and Yusna. They not only felt distressed for the ordeal of these refugees, but also worried about Xia Lei's safety.

The Russian officer raised his hand.

This is a command gesture to shoot. Once he waved his hand, the Russian soldiers behind him would shoot.

Leaving here, for the refugees who came out of the white pearl, it was said that they would lose their food, water and necessary medicines, and they would also become the targets of terrorist hunting.But stay, they will immediately face the Russian bullets.There are two roads, one is a dead end, and the other is a dead end.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly rolled over like thunder, "Who shoots, who dies!"

This voice is Xia Lei's voice, and he speaks Russian.

This sound made people's eardrums hum.

Everyone's eyes gathered in the past.

In the golden morning light, a thin figure came here from the direction of the base gate.

"It's a prophet!"

"It's Mr. Xia!"

The refugees who escaped from the white pearl cheered suddenly. Some chanted his name and some chanted the prophet, but no matter what the name was, the respect and love they gave Xia Lei came from the heart.

The Russian officer in charge of the expulsion operation subconsciously looked at Gmolovich.

Gmolovich yelled: "Asshole! Who made you raise the gun, let me put them down! You idiots, see what stupid things you did? Who gave the order? I have to deal with him!"

The Russian officer who commanded the expulsion operation had a dazed expression on his face. There was an unspoken word in his heart. Isn't it your order?

Zayya and Yusna had already dropped Sarah and ran towards Xia Lei.Under the black robe, turbulent waves were rippling and rippling.

Xia Lei suddenly stopped, with a weird expression on his face, "Don't hug me together, don't hug me together. If someone took a photo, uploaded it to the Internet, and was seen by the women at home, then..."

Xiao Qian's voice suddenly came out, "Don't worry, Master, I have deleted a lot of lace news about you for you."

Xia Lei, "..."

Zayya opened her arms and hugged Xia Lei.

Yusna opened her arms and hugged Zayya and Xia Lei.

What he worried about became a reality.

Many refugees who came out of the white pearl shed tears of excitement. Xia Lei came back, which was everything to them.

Gmolovich came to Xia Lei accompanied by a group of guards and coughed, "Mr. Xia, this is a misunderstanding. I don't know which idiot gave the order to drive people. I just came out to stop you and came back. ."

Zayiya and Yusna let go of Xia Lei and stood behind Xia Lei obediently.Their faces are red and hot, but they are covered by a black veil, only they know that they are invisible to others.

Xia Lei said indifferently: "I'm more willing to accept a sincere apology, so let's build a temporary settlement for these refugees."

"This..." Gmolovich showed a look of embarrassment.

Xia Lei said: "I will pay all the expenses."

Gmolovich followed with a smile, "There is absolutely no problem with this."

Xia Lei walked to Gmolovich’s side and leaned in his ear, "I know you ordered it, and I also believe that your people will shoot. You should thank you for your luck if you People who fired, I will kill you. Don’t doubt my determination, I have never lacked determination to kill."

Gmolovich nodded, but did not lift up.