Super Vision

Chapter 2070 Reaching Mars

There is no night on the spacecraft, and the concept and feeling of time has become blurred.The starry sky stretches forward in the window endlessly.Where is the end?Does the universe have an end?Almost everyone thought about these questions, but they just thought about them, including Xia Lei.Such a question may not be able to find the answer for a lifetime.

Isitabu was still assembling the Natai signal transmitter, but Xia Lei had already returned to the spacecraft's bridge from the bottom warehouse.He was standing in front of the window, with an orange-red planet directly in front, very eye-catching.That is the destination Mars of him and Isitabu, and there will also be the battlefield between him and the Faceless Moon King.

"Can I beat the Faceless Moon King? According to Ishtarbu's masterpiece, the Faceless Moon King should be the advanced energy of the Dark Death World. I don't know how it compares to the dark energy on the Blue Moon. If it is the same, I can still In the first battle, if it is more advanced and powerful, then..." He was not sure of winning.But he has no other choice, he has to bite the bullet.

There were footsteps behind him.

Xia Lei retracted his gaze, turned around, and a white and slim figure entered his sight.

Yisitabu walked towards Xia Lei, his body so clean that he could not find a single woolen thread.Actually there are, but that is natural.She had two bottles of vodka in her hand, and when she came to Xia Lei, she passed one of them to Xia Lei without saying a word. "When I was in the North Pole, I liked this kind of spirit. It can make I feel warm, drink a bottle with me."

Xia Lei took the wine, "Okay, I know you want to talk to me, and I want to talk to you too."

Isittab sat on an alloy rotating chair with his legs apart, his upper body tilted forward slightly, facing Xia Lei calmly, "I am very interested in your experience in another world. You said you are hoping Zhixing married a blue moon woman. She is two meters and five meters tall. Does she look like me?"

Xia Lei uncorked the bottle and took a sip of wine. When the hot feeling fell down his throat, he said: "It is a little similar to your original appearance, but it is not the appearance of Zhu Xuanyue. You and your tribe, mother and mother Blue Moon people, your appearance characteristics are very similar, and your ethnic characteristics are also very similar. I don't know if the dark death energy is staring at you. There must be some standard in it, and you have reached it."

Isitab took a sip of wine, "Your height gap is so big, do you feel unnatural when you do that kind of thing?"

"Puff—" Xia Lei spouted a sip of vodka from his mouth just now.

"Does my question embarrass you? Well, when I didn't ask." Isitab said.

Xia Lei changed the subject, "Well, can you put on clothes?"

Isitabu spread his hands, and even moved his legs apart, "Isn't this my clothes?"

Xia Lei was speechless.

Isitab stared at Xia Lei, "You are a man who has done that to me, but you have such an unnatural reaction to my clothes. Are you too hypocritical?"

Xia Lei followed and changed the subject again, "It's not hypocrisy, it's emotions. I am following the evolutionary path of not giving up the body, but you are following the evolutionary path of pure energy body. Your emotions are no longer there, all that is left is Some dark and negative things, such as anger, hatred, and destruction, have many similarities with the dark energy of the world of death. So you don’t think there is anything wrong with this, but I am a normal man and I see someone who is not wearing clothes. Woman, of course I will be unnatural. This is also the reason why the desire energy evolved from my soul can restrain you. You and Cassia Ruiz are pure energy bodies. You have abandoned the seven emotions and six desires to evolve to this level. When facing my desire energy, it is equivalent to a virus-like existence to you."

Isitarbu was silent for a while before saying: "This is actually the reason why I believe in you and willing to join hands with you. The Faceless Moon King is very powerful, but your energy can restrain him. And my own reason, I...I I feel that you are right. We are slave warriors of the Faceless Moon King. From the day we follow him, we are doomed to perish. We are affected by the energy of death and the fertility rate is gradually decreasing. When I leave the moon of death Our birth rate is very low. After such a long time, I don’t know..."

She could not go on.

"When God closes one window, it will open another window for you. From now on, do the right thing and treat it as your way of salvation." Xia Lei said.

Isitabu raised his head and poured a bottle of vodka into his stomach in one breath.Her skin color became reddish due to the effect of alcohol. It was originally white as jade skin plus a faint reddish red. It felt like a peach blossom in March, bright and vivid.

Yisitabu stood up, "Do you want to chase me?"

Xia Lei, "..."

"My clothes or me?" Isitab's voice was provocative, "Or do you think about it?"

"You are drunk." Xia Lei said.

"I'm going to repair that machine. You'd better think about how to deal with the Faceless Moon King. We only have one chance, and we can't fail." After Isitab said, he turned and walked towards the passage.

Xia Lei watched her leave, his eyes rested on her small waist and plump buttocks, but there was a strange feeling in his heart.

Isitab disappeared at the end of the passage.

Xia Lei put down the vodka that he had only drank two sips, then lay on the ground, looking at himself with his soul.His brain is also analyzing and simulating the upcoming battle with the Faceless Moon King according to his own conditions...

Three days later.

The Suicide Lady flew to Mars and then entered the Martian atmosphere after slowing down.

The orange planet quickly approached in the window, looking up in a desolate, desert, gravel, craters and dead volcanoes everywhere.

"General, where does the spacecraft need to land?" The Suicide Lady's system sound appeared.

Xia Lei hadn’t made a decision yet, “Olympus, it’s the highest mountain in the solar system and the largest extinct volcano in the entire Dayang system. It’s like a landmark, and we’re in Olympus. Send a biological signal to the Faceless Moon King from the summit of Mount Pass."

Isitab said: "Then Olympus, the landing place, Olympus."

"Target determined, Mount Olympus." The system voice of the Suicide Lady.

The Suicide Lady changed its flight direction and moved laterally.About ten minutes later, a huge mountain appeared in the window. The orange mountains and huge pits gave people a shocking visual experience.After all, it is the tallest and largest mountain in the entire solar system, with a bottom diameter of more than 600 kilometers and a height of more than 27 kilometers, which is larger than the entire United Kingdom.

Xia Lei was the first human being to land on Mars, but he didn't feel the slightest excitement, only pressure.

The Suicide Lady landed at the highest point of the volcano, causing a wave of air filled with thick dust and gravel.

At this time, the system voice of Suicide Goddess said: "The density of the atmosphere is 1% of the earth, which is very thin. The composition of the atmosphere is 95.3% carbon dioxide, 2.7% nitrogen and 100%. 1.6% of argon... The oxygen content is only 0.15%. The ecosystem has been activated. The oxygen concentration inside the spacecraft is 30% and the humidity is 20%. Outside the spacecraft The temperature is minus 55 degrees, and the temperature inside the spacecraft is 22 degrees..."

When the system language of the goddess of suicide was chattering endlessly, Xia Lei's eyes moved to the sky.Because the atmosphere on Mars is always suspended with a large amount of dust, the sun turns blue here, and it looks like a coquettish beauty.

"The ecosystem on the spacecraft can last for about half a month, because I don't need oxygen at all, so we only have half a month." Isitab's voice.

Xia Lei looked back at her, "We are three days ago, based on the half month when the moon of death entered the solar system, we need to stay here for twelve days, and then we only have three days to solve the problem, right? ?"

"Yes." Isitab said.

Xia Lei suddenly grinned, "Three days is enough."

Yisitabu was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "You were really ugly ten years ago, especially when you laughed." After speaking, she walked to the entrance of the bottom passage.

"Are you going to transmit biological signals?" Xia Lei asked.

"Yes, do you want to come and have a look?" Isitab did not look back, her footsteps swift without even a single wool on her body.

Xia Lei's sight stayed on her twisted waist and full moon-like hips, but in his mind there was a picture of Kirsten cutting the throat of a young girl in the Basilica of Our Lady of Flowers .The so-called sacrifice, the so-called release of biological signals is actually killing.Although what Isitarb wanted to kill was the Kirsten she copied, after all, it looked like a flesh and blood human being. Think about it, the scene is a bit...

"Wait for me, I'll go with you." Xia Lei ran after him.

Entering the bottom warehouse, a row of freezer compartments were loaded with exactly the same Kirsten.

Excitab opened a freezer compartment. After the life-sustaining liquid in the freezer compartment was recovered, Kerstin walked out of the freezer compartment.

"Master." Kerstin lowered his head in front of Isitarbu, and then he looked at Xia Lei, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

"Does he have any memory information?" Xia Lei asked curiously.

"Yes, my two forms, the clothed and the undressed are his master, and you are his enemy." Isitab said.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly.

Isitarbu released three more Kirsten, and the other three Kirsten reacted in the same way. They bowed their heads in front of her and called her host, but when faced with Xia Lei, they had another hostile reaction.

Xia Lei secretly said in his heart: "The biotechnology she has mastered is even more advanced than that of Lielong."

"Come with me." Isitab walked to another passage, which was the passage to the cabin where the signal transmitter was stored.

Xia Lei followed, and the four Kirsten followed Xia Lei without any expression.They have no idea what is waiting for them.