Super Vision

Chapter 2143

Leaving the village, Xia Lei walked towards the werewolf's temporary territory.He had to say hello to Senpai and Qingteng to get them ready.In addition, he also asked Senpai and Qingteng to protect Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao during his absence.

Before Xia Lei reached the werewolf's territory, a funeral team came from the direction of Middle Earth City.Not just a coffin, but several coffins.A large group of people wore linen and filial piety, weeping.He walked over, and then asked.

A woman wearing hemp and filial piety answered Xia Lei’s question, “Dragon King, my husband was fine the day before, but he didn’t wake up at night. I...uuuuu...he just left, leaving me and My child, what should I do for the rest of the day...uuuuu..."

Xia Lei gave a few words of comfort, and then asked the families of the other deceased. The answers were the same. They were all good, and died without waking up.

"Many people have died inexplicably in recent days. This place is too evil." Someone said.

"Is it the plague?" someone said.

A suspicious voice.

Xia Lei didn't answer their questions, but after a few words of comfort, he withdrew and left and continued to walk towards the werewolf's territory.

What happened, he knew very well in his heart.This is not a plague, but the limited day of some people in the past has arrived earlier.People in the past of Middle-earth will die, and no one will be spared.But he couldn't tell them the truth.This is not a deception, but a kind of concealment.Telling them the truth is actually an extremely cruel act. I'm afraid they will collapse before they wait for the set deadline.

"The hundred-day period for people from the past of Changsha is coming soon, and if they are relieved to die, Difascism will get nothing, which means that it will attack Middle-earth during this period of time. Harvest the food here, and my battle with it is coming soon." Xia Lei thought in his heart.

Then, he thought of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao again, and his heart suddenly felt sad.

"They are also people from the past. Although there are still about two months left, two months are too short. Once the time comes, they will still die, I..." Thinking of this, his heart felt like a needle It hurts the same.

If he did not meet, he did not become a husband and wife and family, he would not care about the fate of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, because he knew that people in the past had very short life spans and would eventually die.But he married Xiao Qiao, Da Qiao also became a big sister, he and them have become a family, how can he calmly watch them die?

A long time in love, although he and Xiao Qiao's life is not long, but he still moved.Especially after the fact that he had a husband and wife last night, his feelings for her became even deeper.Although she is a person from the past, and in a sense does not even exist, he still likes her so much and cares about her, how can he be willing to die?

"No! I have to let them live, no matter what way!" Xia Lei secretly said in his heart.

If the sky wants to kill them, he will go against the sky!

When he arrived at the werewolf's temporary territory, Xia Lei found Qingteng and Senpai, and after a few instructions, he left.

Qingteng originally wanted to follow him to Requiem, but he refused.Crossing the black mountains and valleys is a very dangerous thing, Difascius has taken all precautions, he can no longer take her on adventures.

After bidding farewell to Qingteng and Senpo, Xia Lei soared into the sky and flew to the Requiem Land as fast as he could.

The 10,000-meter black high mountain undulates continuously, with no end in sight.Black dark clouds enveloped the sky, and the top of the mountain was also clouded with mist, making it difficult to see through.

A figure flew quickly through the gap between the black clouds and the mist on the top of the mountain.


A bucket of thick black lightning suddenly fell from the black clouds, but its speed did not threaten Xia Lei at all. Before it could strike Xia Lei, Xia Lei flew forward at least a kilometer away.

It surpasses the speed of sound and moves laterally, even lightning can't catch up!

"I'm hungry—" A strange roar came from the valley covered in dense fog, the roar of Difascism.

"Bah! You are hungry, go eat shit!" Xia Lei cursed, not staying at all.

"Who are you?" Difascist's voice, the old blue moon language.

"I'm your uncle." Xia Lei swore again, after which he had already left the Black Mountain area.

"Get out of here, don't come back, or you will be eaten!" Difascism's voice.

Xia Lei didn't bother to scold him, and dived into the Requiem Land, and then flew in the direction of the floating city.

On the white wasteland, the ghost tribe is looming, and its color is integrated with the white wasteland, which is a natural disguise.

In front of the ghost tribe is piled up like a mountain of requiem stones, as well as piled up like a mountain of corpse soil and black normal soil, as well as golden king stones.Thousands of engineer robots and robot loading trucks are active on the stacking yard, busy transporting the stones and soil on the stacking yard into the ghost tribe.

In the mine, there are still cracks drilled by skeletons, and spider-footed robot carriers crawling out of the cracks, some are filled with king stones, and some are filled with natural soil, and then transported to the ghost tribe.

How can this scene be so spectacular!

This is the result of Xia Lei leaving the floating city for more than a week. The think tank Armido has used the resources stored in the floating city to create a huge army of engineer robots for him!Although the civilization of the spirit tribe has been destroyed for ten million years, the ability to create civilization embodied in just a floating city still gives people a shocking feeling!

Xia Lei thought of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao again. His heart was full of hope, "The Spirit Race people can create even species and civilizations. I own the Suspended City. The King of War Axis is the royal city. I am willing to be in the Suspended City. Find a way to extend the life of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao!"

At the door of the ghost tribe, Haofang and the think tank Armido were all there.Two artificial intelligences, one commanding the white ghost and the other commanding the engineer robot army, each has a division of labor.

Xia Lei came to the door of the ghost tribe, and the good Fang with the whip in his hand blew a loud whistle, "Aha, the most beautiful master of my universe, your brilliance shines on the entire universe, you are the kind father of all species , All the beauties will scream for you... well, including your faithful butler Hao Fang, ah—"

It really screamed.

Xia Lei looked at it silently.

At this time, Hao Fang added another sentence, "Mom, I see how you flatter, I have finished all the compliments you can think of, hahaha!"

This sentence was clearly addressed to the think tank Armido.

Xia Lei suddenly understood why Hao Fang was so abnormal today, and said so many praises.

At this time, the think tank Amido coughed and bent over to face Xia Lei, and said in a very respectful tone: "Ah! My master, my supreme almighty master! I am so happy to see you, your brilliance. Even the giant stars will be gloomy, your handsome and chic, and even the goddess of love will open a full embrace for you! I admire you, I adore you, and I am proud of being your servant."

Xia Lei, "..."

Think tank Amido glanced at Hao Fang with his simulated eyes, "When an uneducated machine has a knowledge reserve of tens of billions, let's compete with me again, a weak machine."

"Fool! What are you talking about? You say it again?"

"That's the case with crude artificial intelligence, Countryside Machine."

Just as the two artificial intelligence quarrels, Xia Lei passed between them and entered the ghost tribe.Snow flies in the 1.5 micro-dimensional, and a thick layer of snow is accumulated on the ground and the roof.A large amount of stone and soil are accumulated on the square in the middle of the tribe, and densely packed engineer robots and robot loading vehicles are transporting the stone and soil to different construction sites.Some construction sites are building houses, and some construction sites are paving the soil to make land, a busy scene.

In more than a week, the ghost tribe has expanded several times!

This is entirely due to the engineering robots of the Spirit Race, they have impeccable work efficiency.

Hao Fang and think tank Armido also followed in.

Xia Lei said, "Think-tank Armido, tell me if there is any way to extend the lives of people in the past?"

Think tank Armido said: "My master, do you mean the two women who came back with you last time? I don't quite understand the meaning of the people in the past, but I can't feel vitality from them. Yes, From a biological point of view, they look healthy, but they are dying, and that kind of speed is very fast."

It is indeed a cultural opportunity. The people of the past are Xia Lei's own understanding and definition, and it also has its own understanding and definition.

"Then what can you do?" Xia Lei asked.

The think tank Amido said after a moment of silence: "Sorry, my master, I just searched my database and analyzed this possibility, but... I didn't find any relevant records, and I can't provide it. There is an effective plan."

Hao Fang showed a look of contempt, "The ancient machine, those cultures you call are already quite backward, and they are actually complacent."

This time, the think tank Armido did not argue with Hao Fang.

"Let me figure it out by myself. Go and prepare, so that all the engineer robots and robot loading vehicles will stop mining, and just bring back the soil and soil that have been mined." After a pause, Xia Lei said: "Let's go to Middle-earth."

Hao Fang and the think tank Amido left, noisy and noisy all the way, and they were born a couple.

A few hours later, the floating city lifted into the air from Requiem, and then moved in the direction of Middle Earth.It is not a spaceship, but it can move faster than a spaceship.The reason is simple, because it uses the gravity of the center of the earth, but it is not affected by any factors in this world.

In the library, Xia Lei sat on the ground quietly thinking.

There are tens of billions of books here, each of which represents a race, the highest wisdom of a civilization, but no book tells him how to save Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao.

What should he do to continue Da Qiao Xiao Qiao's life?