Super Vision

Chapter 2245 Do you sleep on the sofa or the bed?

The duel that caused a sensation in the entire Doomsday City is over. Everyone is talking about the battle between Yiwu and Winter. Among them, there are many people who add oil and vinegar, and there are also fans who dare to open their minds to give birth to children.

Xia Lei deliberately stayed in the square of the hero arena for some time, but did not appear overnight.But he was not in a hurry. Since he already knew that he was the one he was looking for, then it would be easy to handle it next.

"Husband, you are so smart, you have judged the result before the battle has started." On the way back to the hotel, Nightingale found a topic.Perhaps, she herself hadn't noticed how natural and smooth she screamed with her husband after mouthful.

Xia Lei didn't care, he smiled and said, "I won."

The corner of Nightingale's mouth curled slightly, "That doesn't count as a win for you. You didn't kill Lin Dong overnight, he can only be regarded as hurting Lin Dong."

"You mean our bet is a draw?" Xia Lei said casually.

"Of course it's a draw, so I don't need a sofa, and you don't need to sleep on the sofa." Nightingale said.

I don't need to sleep on the sofa, and you don't need to sleep on the sofa?

Isn't that just going to bed together?

Xia Lei couldn't help but understand her words like this, and then his head started to ache.Nightingale has clearly told him that she is willing to give him milk, and he has not hypnotized her until now to let her body enter the lactation period.In fact, his heart is full of imagination and expectation for the milk of the night watch woman who has the identity of the son of god.But Nightingale is a very proud and excellent woman. Is she willing to give him milk, just milk?She asked for a courtyard in the new palace, which seemed to be a hint!

"Husband, why don't we have something to eat before going back." Nightingale said, talking to Xia Lei about where to sleep, she was actually embarrassed.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to a shop, which was a shop selling nuts, and the shop sign read "Nut House".There is also a less obvious colored symbol on the shop sign, which looks like it was touched by a butterfly man with their blood.

Xia Lei's heart moved, "Let's go to the nut shop to see."

"Is it all nuts for dinner?" Nightingale obviously had a better plan.

Xia Lei did not explain, and took Nightingale by the hand and walked to the nut shop.

Entering the House of Nuts, a woman of the butterfly race greeted her with her butterfly wings shaking her face, with smiles all over her face, "Dear guests, what do you need? The nuts here are all collected from the forest of Jiuzhai, with the best Quality."

Xia Lei said: "When the suffering is finally over, my generation is not afraid of blood staining the ground."

This is the code word of the butterfly people's intelligence system, and it is changed from time to time.And the guy who developed the code word was Cai Jianren, so Xia Lei could grasp the latest code word at any time.

The woman was taken aback for a moment, but she reacted quickly, and then said: "Oh, you are really picky customers. Come with me to the warehouse to see where the freshest goods are."

Xia Lei led Nightingale and followed the woman of the Butterfly Race into a corridor in the store, crossed the corridor and came to a room.

The woman of the Butterfly Race opened the door, and a kid who was peeling nuts in the room entered the sight of Xia Lei and Nightingale.

Xia Lei said, "You kid hides here to eat nuts."

Cai Jianren realized that Xia Lei was here. He hurriedly got up from the chair, and put the nut hand behind him, "Hehe...Boss, I am not lazy, I am thinking about the next step. Action. Thinking requires the use of the brain, and the use of the brain requires supplementation, so I eat the nuts for supplementing the brain."

"You don't need to think about it, I have found that person." Xia Lei said: "He is just one night, you are now using your intelligence network to find out where I live all night, and his information, You can get as much as you can."

"Understood, boss, I'll do it right away." Cai Jianren said and left.

"Wait." Xia Lei called to stop, "Also remind the grass festival and Qingpi to be careful. There are many spies here."

Cai Jianren responded, and then left the room.

The woman of the Butterfly Race finally realized, she hurriedly put away her butterfly wings and bowed to the ground.The Butterfly Clan joined the ghost country and regarded herself as a vassal country. For her, Xia Lei was her king. How could she not kneel when she saw the king?

Xia Lei helped her up, "Don't be polite, go and prepare some nuts for us, and we will take them away later."

"Yes, Your Majesty Dragon King." The woman of the Butterfly Race also left.

Nightingale said aloud: "What's the matter? Husband, did you just say that this is the person you were looking for?"

There are no outsiders here, but her title is still husband.

Xia Lei explained the basis for his judgment.

Nightingale suddenly realized, and her eyes were full of divine light of worship, "Husband, although I don't know the kind of words you say, you can analyze it from this perspective, you are really amazing!"

Xia Lei was a little embarrassed by her praise, but she felt very comfortable in her heart.

Smart women always know how to get along with men, and praising a man is the fastest way to get a good impression.

After a while, Xia Lei and Nightingale left the Nut House and returned to the Gold Coast Hotel with a bag of nuts each.

There are also many people in the hotel talking about the fight with Winter.

"Is that guy really invincible?" A beautifully dressed nobleman looked upset. "A slave is just a slave. It's not difficult for him to die? I really don't understand what the people above think!"

"Yes, General Winter was defeated. Although he was saved from death, he also lost his honor."

"It's not just him who lost the honor? Anyway, as a member of the nobility, I feel dull now."

"That is, I was walking on the street with my husband just now, and I saw a lot of civilians talking about us quietly. They all looked happy, as if they had defeated us. It was really annoying!"

"Princess Yongye was there at the time. It was easy for her to kill one night, but she didn't do that."

"It's not that easy, right? It's a commoner hero now, with hundreds of millions of followers. He didn't make any mistakes, not to mention crimes. He also deliberately let go of General Winter. Princess Yongye wouldn't kill him, right? "

"Yes, if you kill him when he wins, the royal family will lose its glory."

These remarks fell in Xia Lei's ears. He had only heard about it, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.Through these remarks, he also had a judgment that the royal family of the Black Sun Empire ruled over tens of billions of people with high-handed methods. It seemed safe and sound, but in reality, the contradictions were sharp and could detonate at any time.

"Hey! Isn't that the rich serpentine man?" a young nobleman said mockingly: "Why, I can't even eat dinner. Have you eaten your hunger with nuts?"

"You are polite to me!" Nightingale suddenly became angry.

"Oh, I remember now, you are his wife, right? I have never seen a woman willing to marry a serpentine man. Are you doing it for his money?" The aristocratic youth looked contemptuously, "In mine In my eyes, you are no longer my kind, you are just a mean woman."

"You--" Dark energy burst out of Nightingale's body.

Xia Lei grabbed Nightingale's hand and said with a smile: "Beloved wife, calm down, don't care about this kind of person, be careful of your fetal gas."

Nightingale was stunned on the spot, the dark energy coming out of her body disappeared, and there was a thick shame on her face.

It's fine to call his beloved wife, but he actually said that he had a fetal gas carefully. How could this be tolerated?

Before Nightingale could say anything, Xia Lei took her hand and walked to the stairs.

Nightingale was not angry at all, and she felt a mess in her heart.

Entering the stairs, the voice of the nobles talking came from behind.

"One after another, damn, the defeat of General Winter is forgotten. Such a hotel allows snake-printed people to live in and stay in the same hotel with snake-printed people. This is a shame to me. !" It was the voice of the young nobleman who spoke badly.

"He was rude to you just now, he said he didn't care about people like you." Someone instigated.

"Damn it! I can't spare him!" said the young nobleman.

"Haha, Baron Wraith, don't you like him to marry such a beautiful wife?"

"I won't let that mean woman!"

Xia Lei frowned. He didn't care about it at first, because he really couldn't make a move for a few words that didn't make sense, not to mention that it was the bank of Death Lake.The previous perspective look punished the energy shield on the island of the lake, and if it was shot, the consequences would be more serious.But he repeatedly endured it, and that guy's words and deeds became worse and worse.It's okay to insult him, but to insult the woman next to him is another situation.

Xia Lei stopped.

Nightingale froze for a moment, and then suddenly took Xia Lei's hand and walked up, "Husband, don't be angry, you can't care about that kind of person."

Xia Lei nodded and followed Nightingale upstairs.

"Are you so angry because he insulted me?" Nightingale asked in the stairwell.

Xia Lei said, "Don't talk about this."

"But...I want to know the answer. This is very important to me." Nightingale said, her blue eyes filled with expectation and joy.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "I heard what the guy named Ghostfire Baron said, he wouldn't just let it go. Be careful, even if you want to do it, don't do it here."

"You're changing the subject." Nightingale cocked her mouth.She didn't know how many years she hadn't been so emotional. At this moment, she seemed to be back in girlhood.

"Aha, we are here."

"You are sincere!"

Xia Lei opened the door and then came to the window.He opened the curtains and moved his eyes to the island in the lake.The thousand-meter-high Hei Sun Palace was solemn and domineering, he couldn't help thinking, could it be the end of that mission?

"Are you sleeping on the left or right?" Nightingale's voice came from behind.

"What?" Xia Lei turned around.

Nightingale pointed to the bed and said, "I ask who are you on the left or right?"

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, "I...I'd better sleep on the sofa."

He began to regret betting with Nightingale, and now the result is that he has a headache for winning or losing.

"That won't work, our bet is a tie, and we all have to abide by the bet." Nightingale said.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "I'd better sleep on the sofa."

Nightingale suddenly walked to the sofa and patted it.


The sofa suddenly fell on the ground.

Xia Lei, "..."

What a domineering woman!