Super Vision

Chapter 2476

There is a forest in the ice and snow.

Familiar scenery and familiar routines suddenly appeared before Xia Lei suddenly, not knowing how to face it.

"Don't you just want to play with me and insult me? Come on! I meet you, and meet me! Let me die in your arms, okay?" Gu Kewen said, tears bursting into his eyes.

She was like this, but Xia Lei had to face her.Her words made him inexplicably sad, but he had to bite the bullet and lied to her, "Don't do that, put on clothes and..., it's really capable here, and it will soon frost you."

Gu Kewen was motionless, tears streaming down uncontrollably.What a proud woman she is, this is the second time she has done this, but Xia Lei is still as indifferent as the first time, and rejected her as the first time.

"Put it on, put it on." Xia Lei didn't know where to put his eyes.

"You said we have crossed. Is this a world where you can get anything you want?" Gu Kewen finally spoke.

Xia Lei nodded seriously, "Yes, you can give it a try."

Gu Kewen said: "I want this snow to melt, I want this mountain to bloom with flowers!"

Xia Lei had a smile on his face. That was the smile. The snow in the sky stopped, the snow on the ground melted, and grasses rose from the ground, full of flowers.Butterflies are flying among the flowers, and birds fly by in the sky, making tweeting sounds.All this is like switching the lens in a movie, and in a blink of an eye, winter passes and spring comes.

Gu Kewen was stunned. This incredible scene even made her forget the pain, the winter clothes that fell on the ground, and...

Xia Lei said: "Did you see it? This is true. We have passed through, we have passed through a magical world."

Gu Kewen didn't seem to hear what Xia Lei was talking about. She bent down and picked a wild flower from the ground.The little flower looked like a chrysanthemum, golden.She sniffed, and then stuck it in the tip of her hair.

Xia Lei said again: "Do you believe it now?"

Gu Kewen said aloud, "How do you know this? If we really crossed it, then we should have crossed it together. I don't know at all, but you know so much."

She has never been a fuel-efficient lamp, nor is she a coaxing woman.

Xia Lei had already prepared the answer in his heart, "I knew it before, let me tell you the truth, I have a box in my hand, and the United States has always wanted to grab that box. It is called the box of the world, and it takes us. I also learned this from him. Of course, I also gained magical abilities from him."

Gu Kewen's big eyes stared at the man who lied to her unblinkingly. She didn't believe what he said, but she couldn't find another explanation.But what she didn't even notice was that with Xia Lei's story, her sadness and pain had faded away.

Xia Lei went on to explain, "I call this ability mind power, just like the power held by the Jedi in Star Wars. Everyone has it, but not everyone can awaken and master this power."

"Really?" Gu Kewen said.

Xia Lei nodded again, and said solemnly: "It's true."

"Langley CIA headquarters!" Gu Kewen shouted suddenly.

The scenery changed suddenly. The hill with green grass and fresh flowers suddenly disappeared. The Langley CIA headquarters appeared on this hill. The shape of the computer CPU, the light cyan glass wall, and a large tulip planted in front of the door.All this is not realistic, it is true to ancient Kewen.

Gu Kewen was stunned again, his voice trembling, "I...I...Do I have the ability you said?"

Xia Lei said: "You have proven your ability, yes, you also have the power of mind... But can you pull up your pants? We talk like this, don't have to be so frank."

Gu Kewen ignored Xia Lei's request. She took a strange step to the door of the CIA headquarters in Langley, climbed the steps, and squatted down...

Xia Lei turned around, but he could still hear the hissing sound.

Gu Kewen muttered to himself as he shushed, "You think I don't know that you are just using me, do you want to kill me after using it? Go to hell, I don't have to be your pawn anymore! From now on, I Gu Kewen be myself!"


But even if he turned around and didn't look at the woman who did bad things in Langley's headquarters, Xia Lei knew all the details, because this was his absolute domain, and he controlled everything.Everything, of course, also includes everything about the woman who did bad things, her body, her soul, and any thoughts of her are under his control.

This should be the biggest investment lie in history.

If Xia Lei returned to Earth to become a director, he would be able to shoot a blockbuster with special effects even more amazing than "Avatar".

There was a rustling sound from behind, and the woman who had done the bad thing finally pulled up her pants.Then there were footsteps, and she was walking towards him.

Xia Lei turned to look at Gu Kewen, "Trust me and welcome your new life. I am the owner of the box, and I have arranged everything for you."

Gu Kewen stopped in front of Xia Lei, and her chest was about to touch his chest at a very close distance.She raised her head slightly, her eyes burning, and three seconds later she suddenly said, "Kiss me."

In fact, Xia Lei knew what she wanted to do when she came to her after doing bad things, and this was what made him a headache.In his story, he said that in this world you can get what you think.Now she caught the bug and asked him to kiss her.Is he kissing or not?If you don't kiss, isn't it just exposing your own lies?

At the beginning, he had been hesitant to extract ancient words and tranquility from the past time and space, but he was actually worried that they would be like this.Now, Murphy's law is fulfilled again, and what he fears will appear.

"Kiss me!" Gu Kewen's tone was commanding, and her eyes also had a subconscious movement that condensed "mind power".

Do you want to reject her?

the third time.

After a second of hesitation, Xia Lei bowed his head, held her neck with one hand, and kissed her lips.

"Hey..." The moment his lips touched, a voice of excitement and joy came from Gu Kewen's throat.She hated Xia Lei to the extreme, and she loved Xia Lei to the extreme.Just now, the last wish of her life was to die in Xia Lei's arms, but now she got his kiss.Tears flowed out of the eyes and flowed down the cheeks, crystal clear.

With this kiss, the knot in Xia Lei's heart opened, and his debts faded.Open the knot, don't owe a debt, the soul seems to take a bath, get rid of the dust, and relax.

At this moment, a strange thought suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's heart, "Reverse life and death, and give others a chance. Am I following the path of gods and buddhas? There is no concept of gods and buddhas in the spiritual civilization, but humans have The spirit people created mankind, and mankind created their own civilization. The concept of gods and buddhas in this civilization accounted for a large proportion. This shows that even gods like the six creators cannot control everything. And I, I What I am doing now, as well as my ability, I am probably the legendary god and Buddha in human civilization? Hahaha..."

He is an atheist, but this does not hinder his fantasies and feelings.

At this point in time, Gu Kewen suddenly got out of control, "Take me, want me...I want you..."

It was this sentence with a commanding tone that called Xia Lei back from the awakening, and he suddenly became nervous.It's okay to kiss. The West can treat this as a courtesy, but if you want that, then there is a problem.

"You want me!" Gu Kewen couldn't wait, she was excited and short of breath.

Xia Lei's mind moved, he said anxiously: "No, don't use your mind power anymore...You are only a beginner now. You can't use it too many times, you will be unconscious!"

Gu Kewen shouted at Xia Lei: "I don't care! I want you to want me! Quick, want me!"

Her character is still so strong that she must get what she wants.

Xia Lei secretly said in his heart: "I'm sorry, you can sleep first."

Gu Kewen suddenly fell softly, his eyes closed tightly, and he fell asleep when he said he was sleeping.When she wakes up, Xia Lei will prepare a new story for her.Tranquility is no exception. Although this is a deception, it is a kind deception.Since we want them to have a perfect new life, a reasonable and beautiful beginning is very important.

After making Gu Kewen "sleep", Xia Lei hugged her back into the canyon.After he left, the Langley CIA headquarters on the top of the hill disappeared, and the colorful tulips and green grass also disappeared. The only thing left was a wet trail.

"Master, so fast?" Long said with a smile: "I thought you would be finished if I sleep here."

Xia Lei glanced at it speechlessly, "Should I tell Aunt Fen Yan?"

Long followed and slapped his mouth for a while, "My mouth is broken... I didn't say anything."

Medesha gave the dragon a contemptuous look, and then said, "Master, we are ready to start."

The black vortex appeared again, it was a passage into the past time and space.

Xia Lei put Gu Kewen on the grass by the lake, and then came to the middle of the lake. He hardly had to make any preparations, and his soul plunged into the passage of time and space in the past.

One by one "photos" came oncoming, they are all nodes of past time and space related to tranquility.

When we first met, she took a broken part of the compass and came to Rema's studio.Then, she recommended him to the state-owned enterprise heavy industry to process very important parts, and then she asked him to impersonate his boyfriend to meet with her parents...

He remembered everything about her clearly, and his early success actually had a lot to do with her "female boy".Without her recommendation, it is not certain whether his Leima Studio can develop.

The blessings of dripping water should spring up in return.

"Quiet, come with me, I will take you out of here and start a new life." Xia Lei said, his hand reached into a past time and space node.

At that time and space node, the secret scientific research base was quietly facing him, her eyes were full of excitement and timidity, because the one thing she was about to say was...