Super Vision

Chapter 2576 Battle of the Black City

Earth, another battlefield.

In the bridge of the Skyline command ship, Drusey’s eyes locked on the fire phoenix, and his expression became solemn, "That is the sky city of the spirit race, and those fighters and spaceships are also the technology of the spirit race, but that Women are not from the spirit race, what is going on? We should..."

"Father!" Sekes interrupted Drusei, "Does it matter who the woman is? It doesn't matter at all! We want to avenge the warrior's brother! What's more, this is the mission given to us by the Six Gods, for the Six Gods, We want to destroy the earth world!"


"We want revenge!"

"Destroy them!"

There was a clamor in the bridge, and angry emotions collided in this space, controlling everyone's thinking.

The reason that makes the people of Skyrim angry is not just the destruction of a battleship, how many people and allies have been killed, and another reason they have ignored, that is their self-esteem.Skyrim civilization is a high-level civilization, they are high-level life, the earth’s human civilization is a low-level civilization, and the earth people are also low-level primitive people. A group of primitive people kills a battleship. If they just give up and escape the galaxy, it will be their life. The shame of, is also an indelible shame in the history of Skyrim Alliance!This shame can only be washed away with human blood!

Drusei had hesitated at first, but in such a group mood, his hesitation was instantly burned with anger.He thought of the hundreds of thousands of tribesmen and alliance soldiers killed by the terrifying "devil gods", and six creators and their invincible flesh and blood gods appeared in his mind.

"Yes, we have no choice. Destroying the earth world is a god-given mission!" Drusei said to himself in his heart. After a second, he roared, "Prepare to fight--"

There was a response, not only the crew and soldiers of Skyrim, but also the crew and soldiers of other warships.One by one was as excited as if he had beaten chicken blood, the eyes full of hatred and anger seemed to burn everything.

Once a certain group is blinded by hatred, coupled with the blind worship of a certain god, then such a group has slipped into the abyss of destruction.They may be destroyed by others, or they may destroy themselves.The Sky Alliance is now in such a situation. They selectively ignored the fact that they invaded the galaxy and came with the purpose of destroying the human world. Xia Lei was passively defending himself.They worship the six creators, even if they have been destroyed by the spiritual civilization controlled by the six creators, they must worship them. They regard the six creators as the supreme masters in the universe, the true six gods.Then, the human being in front of them has become a dirty and nasty stumbling block that must be eliminated!

The guns of warships began to accumulate energy, the docks of warships opened, and warplanes, bombers, and troop carriers flooded out.Fighters and bombers flew towards the floating city and air regiment, while the troop carrier flew towards the ground.The sky and the earth, everything related to humans will be destroyed!

If the previous confrontation was just a scene of tension, then the fuse was already lit at this moment.

"Fire!" Huofeng roared.

Since this battle is inevitable, why not fire the first shot!

Without Xia Lei, Huofeng's words are equivalent to his orders.

The two artificial intelligences immediately responded to their mistress.

"Little ones, kill!" Fang Fang gave the order.


The city artillery in the floating city roared, and an energy cannonball roared away. A battleship was torn apart, and it fell to the ground with fire and smoke, with the sound of blasting explosion.

Boom boom boom!

Dozens of battleships of the Skyrim Alliance opened fire at the same time, and the scorching energy shells and ammunition of the energy machine guns gathered into a rain of light and flew towards the floating city and the robot fighters and troop carriers facing the sky.

The battle in the air kicked off.


The explosion continued, and the fire ignited the entire sky.Many combat robots in the floating city were blown up, turning into fragments and falling to the ground.Alliance fighters and bombers are no exception. Moths that flutter the lights generally fall to the ground.

An Alliance fighter hit the troop carrier where Hao Fang was with one shell, and the troop carrier instantly turned into a ball of fire.The Skyrim pilot who was driving that fighter said excitedly: "I killed the opponent's commander! Liushen is on, I killed the opponent's commander!"

But at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed from the troop carrier that turned into a ball of fire, and the plasticine generally stuck to the window of his fighter plane.Fang Fang's head, Fang Fang's face, and a pair of fierce blue eyes.

"You stupid, how can hello Grandpa Fang be done by a scum like you? Go to hell!" Hao Fang slammed into the window of the fighter plane, and broke the energy shield with a bang, and the window, its head It also turned into a spike at that moment and plunged directly into the head of the Skyrim pilot.

The latter looked at it with wide-eyed eyes, but had lost all of the body's abilities, unable to think, unable to speak, and he just died.In his rapidly dilated pupils, the Fangfang robot liquid generally poured into the cockpit of the fighter, and then opened, deriving a strip of metal roots into each instrument.

The fighter suddenly rose to altitude and flew to the command ship Skyrim.

At the same time, the fire phoenix flew over a battleship with the immortal wings of kilometer energy, and once again split the bridge of a battleship.But this time, without waiting for her to burn more people to death, a violent energy shock suddenly appeared behind her.She turned her head abruptly, and at that moment, a figure had arrived in front of her.

That figure, just like her Nirvana flame, is also the color of blood, with a strong breath of eternal energy, extremely hot!

This figure is Drusey, the leader of the Skyline Alliance. Although he is not the ultimate evolution, as the leader of the Skyline Alliance, his strength is undoubtedly the highest.The energy he has mastered is very similar to the eternal power energy possessed by Kontunana.If he was given a period of time, maybe a few hundred years, maybe a thousand years, he would probably evolve into a pure energy body like Shenyue Ruyi.

In the heyday of the civilization of the Skyrim people, there were actually many pure energy bodies evolving in the world of Skyrim people. They called the energy they mastered "sunlight energy", which was derived from stars and light.Unfortunately, the civilization of the people of Skyrim was destroyed by the spiritual people who came from behind.The civilization of Skyrim born under the operation of the "mechanism" or the six creators is actually not complete, nor does it possess the powerful strength of the year.This is not surprising at all, just like Xia Lei, if it is too strong, how can the "mechanism" or the six creators control it?

However, Drusei did not consider these.The air battle began, and Huofeng was about to destroy the battleships of the Skyrim Alliance. As the strongest existence in the entire fleet, he could not escape the battle with Huofeng.So, he came, but the way he challenged was not glorious, and he attacked Huofeng from behind.

The blood-colored figure came to the front in a blink of an eye, and the fire phoenix's energy immortal wings suddenly waved, and her body instantly rose a lot of height. When she stopped again, she was already on the back of the warship that was falling to the ground. on.

Drusey's sneak attack failed, and his figure moved to the back of the ship.There was also a bloody flame wrapped around his body, which was integrated with his transparent bloody brain, as if his brain was burning and then released an energy flame.

The two fire men confronted each other.

Although Drusey's energy flame does not have the exaggerated shape and area of ​​the fire phoenix, it seems to have a higher density and the light attribute that this cosmic world can have.Light and darkness are inherently opposites, like fire and water.Even though Huofeng's body and energy were "plated" by Xia Lei with the brand of Yuanli, he could move freely in the two universe worlds, but that was just a brand after all, not real light energy.Therefore, her Nirvana energy is just a dark energy clothed with light, and it still has a strong breath of darkness, death and terrifying dark energy.

"You are a woman in the world of dark death!" This was the first word Drusey said to Huofeng.

Huo Feng said coldly: "My husband gave you a chance, but you chose to be your enemy. His kindness and kindness have been exchanged for the hatred and hostility of you lower creatures. I want you all to be buried here, you Your body, your soul, there is no chance of liberation forever!"

Even if Xia Lei did not give the "one not to stay" order, she would kill all Skyrim people, just because these Skyrim people violated her husband's wishes.

Huofeng's words made Drusey's solar energy more intense, and the burning range increased.The back of the ship under his feet started to smoke and turned red, and it could be burned through at any time!This is a signal that he is about to fight, because Huofeng said that Skyrim people are low-level creatures.The Skyrim people want to claim to be the most advanced species and civilization. In their eyes, apart from the spiritual people represented by the six creators, who is more advanced than them?No!In the concept of the Skyrim people, the Spirit Race people probably belong to the Protoss, they cannot be compared with the Protoss, but except for the Spirit Race people, any life form is inferior!But now, a woman from the world of dark death said that the people of Skyrim are lower creatures!

"You dare to say that our Skyrim people are low-level creatures!" Drusey roared at the fire phoenix.

Huofeng sneered, "I am the undead firebird, the holy race of the ancients. At the beginning of this universe, we dominated the vast starry sky. At that time, you were probably just a certain kind of bacteria carried on a bug, right? In front of you, what are you not a low-level creature?"

"Go and die!" Drusey could no longer control the anger in his heart, his feet swish on the back of the ship and rushed towards the fire phoenix.Behind him was splashed a cloud of "hot metal" that was financialized, and his speed was several times faster than the sound!

Fire Phoenix's energy immortal wings moved forward and blocked in front of him.Although she was just pregnant with Xia Lei's child, even if it was just a cell, she appeared cautious.


A violent explosion sounded on the back of the ship, and the two scorching energies collided with each other and spread in all directions. Wherever they passed, the alloy hull was burnt through!

This warship had already activated its backup engine and backup operating system, and could escape the battlefield for emergency repairs, but unfortunately it was reduced to a battlefield between Fire Phoenix and Drusei.The moment the two met, the ship's body was no longer overwhelmed, the bow of the ship was pressed down, and the meteorite generally fell toward a city of Heicheng.