Super Vision

408 Beauty as a ghost

"Don't go in." Xia Lei stopped in front of several soldiers. "You are waiting for me here."

Long Bing hesitated, "Why don't you let me go in with you?"

Xia Lei said: "People who have been in contact with the metal are either dead or crazy. You are not safe to go in, but stay outside."

Long Bing's heart was moved, "But don't you want to go in too? How can I let you go in alone, in case something happens, what should I do? I'll go in with you, and take care of one more."

Xia Lei said, "I'll go in alone. I'm in danger. Isn't I playing the role of cannon fodder? Rest assured, I won't be okay. It's so decided, don't follow."

"No, I have to go in with you." Long Bing seemed very stubborn.

Xia Lei said: "Don't you say that? I have special authority on this matter, and you have to listen to my command. I let you stay, and you stay."

"You ..." Long Bing was annoyed, but could not refute Xia Lei's words.

Xia Lei said no more, entered the research area, and said to several soldiers: "Don't let anyone come in."

"Yes!" Several warriors swept through the tunnel with a loud voice.

Xia Lei looked back at Long Bing and then disappeared into her sight.

Long Bing opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say it in the end.The fighters in front of her actually had no authority to stop her, and she could definitely follow in, but she didn't do that.Not that she was afraid of death, but out of respect and gratitude to Xia Lei.

There was no sound in the research area.Xia Lei's footsteps became the only sound, echoing between walls, feeling as if many people were walking.The light poured down from the top of his head and shone on Xia Lei's body, his shadow blurred.

"I have taken AE, my body can be immune to anesthesia gas, should I be in contact with ancient alloys?" At the door of the laboratory led by Wang Lei, Xia Lei stopped and thought in my heart.

Faced with death and madness, no one can maintain absolute calmness, nor can Xia Lei.Mankind has an instinctive fear of unknown things, and he cannot avoid it.

However, after a short hesitation, Xia Lei pushed open the glass door and walked in.Last time, he came in antibacterial clothes, but this time he did not wear antibacterial clothes.Wang Lei and the experts of the expert group wear antibacterial clothes every day, but they are still dead, crazy, which shows that wearing antibacterial clothes will not be useful.Therefore, he simply stopped wearing it.

When I walked into the laboratory, I saw the two ancient alloys, which lay quietly on the experimental table.There is also the bronze treasure book, which lies quietly on the quiet workbench.

Both the ancient alloy and the bronze book are inanimate things, but looking at them quietly, Xia Lei has a strange feeling that they are a kind of life.I don't know why it feels like this, but it really exists and is very clear.

Xia Lei walked to the quiet workbench and reached out to open the cover.Bronze treasure books were indeed carved with that strange text, some like tadpoles, some like human faces, and some just cluttered lines together.

Will this be an ancient script?

Xia Lei once suspected that this feeling is now stronger.This is not a text.However, if it is not written, how could it be engraved on a bronze book?Also, is it something from the Ming Dynasty?Or is it related to AE?

Suddenly, questions came to mind and gathered together, surging like a tide, keeping him quiet.

After watching it for a while, Xia Lei still had no gain.He walked over and took the two ancient alloys together and placed them with the bronze book.

The two ancient alloys look like parts of a certain machine and have different shapes.Their material is the same, very light, but very hard, with higher strength than most modern alloys.If such a metal is used as a material for a warplane or a space shuttle, it will be the most perfect material, and it is no wonder that the country will pay such attention.

After looking for a while, Xia Lei suddenly had a thought in his mind, "My ability comes from AE, these two ancient alloys are also inextricably related to AE, this bronze book seems to ... Looking at them, will there be any response? "

This is a very bold idea.

After this idea came into being, Xia Lei awakened his left eye's ability to look directly at one of the ancient alloys and see through it.

In an instant, he felt his eyes seemed to be drawn by a vortex and fell into a dark abyss, and he could see nothing.His body also seemed to be in an ice cellar. From head to toe, it suddenly became cold and stiff, unable to move.

"This ... what's wrong with this?" Xia Lei's heart was full of fear.

After two minutes, his eyes returned to normal and his body was able to move.He reached over and touched his forehead, only to find cold sweat on his forehead.Then he touched the two ancient alloys with his hands, but nothing happened.

"I don't know, what will happen if you look at the bronze book?" Xia Lei's eyes fell on the bronze book.

Since this bronze treasure book has been made, no matter what the above content is, it must have a way of being interpreted.Otherwise, it will lose the meaning of existence!

Although the feeling just now is uncomfortable and terrifying, it may be the only way to interpret the bronze book.This time, Xia Lei turned his attention to the bronze book, his left eye jumped slightly, and the penetrating sight fell on a text in the bronze book.

The moment his left eye penetrated the area where the text was, his brain suddenly shook and shook, as if being knocked hard with a mallet.But there is no pain, just a shock.However, just when he thought this was the case, a strange voice appeared in his mind.

This sound has only one syllable, which seems to represent a text.This is also the case in Chinese, where a syllable often represents a Chinese character.

However, the voice was clearly heard, but it was an unfamiliar language, and he had no idea what that syllable meant.

However, this discovery was enough to excite Xia Lei, he followed and used his left eye to see through other words, according to the order on the bronze book, one by one, just like reading with his eyes.As a result, he heard more syllables. If the text and graphics are the same, the syllables will be the same. If the text and graphics are different, the syllables will also be different.

Although I don't know what the sound formed in the brain actually says, this discovery can already prove that this bronze treasure book contains some content.The text graphics on the bronze treasure book may be a type of text or something similar to a "hard disk".The most important thing is that it is definitely related to AE!

Wang Lei and the expert group have studied for so long. What methods and instruments are used, but nothing is obtained, but as soon as he comes, he discovers the secret hidden in it.From the point that his ability is derived from AE capsules, this is not a proof?

"Sure enough it's not simple, it's too mysterious ..." Xia Lei sighed in his heart. "If I can understand that language, it will be fine. If I can understand it, it's not necessarily that I have already solved the ancient alloy and bronze The secret of the treasure book. "

Maybe that is the case, but who in the world can understand this mysterious language?

Just after Xia Lei's perspective on the bronze book, a woman's voice suddenly came to his ear, "I remember your face."

This voice, young and sweet, gives a cold feeling, and it is the same as what he heard in the White Hun tribe in Afghanistan!

Xia Lei was horrified, around the head, but he saw nothing.

"I remember your face." The woman's voice, she repeated this sentence.

Such a situation did not exist in Afghanistan, because he only vaguely heard this sentence, but did not repeat it.This time, she repeated.This repetition also illustrates a problem, that is, this is not an illusion!

"I remember your face." The woman's voice rang in Xia Lei's ear for the third time, as if another invisible woman stood in his ear and said this to him.

"Who are you?" The sentence was about to be exported, but Xia Lei closed his mouth.

This laboratory is equipped with surveillance cameras. If he talks to people in a naughty way, and if someone else ca n’t see who is here, do n’t treat him like a neuropathy?Sure, the people above think he is crazy.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, a long time, a long time ..." The woman's voice rang in Xia Lei's ear again, this time closer and clearer, just to his left.

Xia Lei turned sharply, looking at the left.

On the left is an empty space. At the end of the empty space is a wall without anything.

Almost at the moment when he saw the environment on the left, Xia Lei's left eye jumped sharply, and the perspective ability of the left eye woke up again, and this time the intensity reached the highest intensity, which can penetrate rocks and human bodies.However, what he was going to see through was not the wall or the ground under his feet, but the void air in front of him.

In the next second when his perspective ability was awakened, his whole body froze, like a cold wave of two minus two Baidu blowing through his body, instantly turning him into an ice sculpture.

Just in front of him, in the air of nothingness, a naked woman was watching him quietly, her authentic skin was white and crystal clear, as if it was transparent.Her looks are beautiful, and there is no fireworks in her two eyes.Her figure, tall and plump, was so sexy that she couldn't bear the impulse.

These are not the reasons why Xia Lei turned into an ice sculpture. The reason why he was so horrified is that she is Princess Yongmei and Zhu Xuanyue!