Super Vision

633 Fanfan's Research Report

In a week, Xia Lei has been arguing with Song Baicheng in a week.And Fanfan has been helping him secretly, not only covering him, but also revising his research report.

A week has passed, and the time limit given by Song Baicheng has come.

Song Bai's achievement came to Fanfan's laboratory early that day.Fan Fan was preparing her research report. When Song Baicheng came in, she said: "Mr. Xia, you came just right. I was just going to find you."

"Has the research report come out yet?" Song Baicheng said.

Fan Fan said: "Yes, Mr. Xia's gene chain data finally came out last night, and after that I stayed up late to write this report."

"Very good, show me the report." Song Baicheng could not wait to walk over.

Fan Fan gave Song Baicheng the collated research report.

Song Baicheng looked up.He seemed very excited at the beginning, with a smile on his face, but soon his face became gloomy and the smile disappeared.

"This is your research report?" Song Baicheng looked straight at Fan Fan.

Fan Fan said: "Yes, this is my research report. Mr. Song, is there any problem with it?"

"Your report is OK, it looks normal." After a pause, Song Baichengcai said again: "Miss Fan, are you sure that the research object of this report is Xia Lei?"

Fan Fan said with certainty: "Of course, I am studying Mr. Xia, and this report is also a summary of my work this week."

"But ..." Song Baicheng frowned and stopped talking.

Fan Fan said: "Mr. Song, is there anything wrong with my work and my research report? Or, are you questioning my ability to work?"

"Miss Fan, you are the best bioengineer in our country. I certainly believe in your work ability. However, the object of our research is Xia Lei, don't you think it is special?"

"Is Mr. Xia very special?" Fan Fan said: "He is very smart and very strong. He is even the highest IQ person I have ever seen. In my report, I also tested his IQ. His IQ is as high as 298. This time, it ’s more than the highest IQ test for humans today. If you mean this, he is really special. "

In fact, Xia Lei's IQ test data is much more than that.The data in his research report is a weakened version of the data, and even this also surprised Song Baicheng.He obviously did not see the part about Xia Lei's IQ test.

"Mr. Song, we should be fortunate because the smartest people in the world are in China, not the United States and Japan." Fan Fan said.

"Is he just smart?" Song Baicheng was obviously reluctant to accept this fact.In his view, Xia Lei is not only abnormal, but also has many secrets.The result given by Fan Fan is very different from the result he imagined.

Fan Fan said: "Mr. Song, I think you probably do not understand what IQ 298 means. The IQ of 50% of the people in the world is between 90 and 110, which is a normal level. Two percent Five people can reach 130, these people belong to high IQ. Only 0.4% of people can reach 140, these people belong to genius. My IQ is 139, I am only in the category of 2.5% Medium. I also have a higher IQ than me. His IQ value is 148, and he is in the 0.4% category. But even my grandfather, his IQ is only half of Xia Lei. You know history Da Vinci, the smartest genius on the planet? He is recognized as the smartest man in all mankind, but his IQ is only 230, which is 60 worse than Charlemagne. I tell you this, do you think it is just smart? ? "

Song Baicheng's eyes flickered, not knowing what he was thinking.

Fan Fan constantly instills in Song Baicheng that Xia Lei is the smartest person in the world. This is actually Xia Lei's plan early in the morning.In fact, only this kind of statement can convince the cunning Song Baicheng.In addition, there is no other kind of argument that can be confused from Song Baicheng.

After being silent for a while, Song Baicheng said out loud, "Is this true?"

There was a look of displeasure between Fanfan's eyebrows, "Mr. Song, what do you mean? Do I deceive you? You are probably the first person to question me like this! Since you don't believe my ability, why please I'm coming? You can find someone else! "

"I don't mean that. Miss Fan, but this matter is too important ..."

Fan Fan interrupted Song Baicheng's words, "Mr. Song, I have been in contact with you for such a long time. Although you didn't tell me, I can probably guess your purpose."

"Huh?" Song Baicheng's eyes changed.

Fan Fan went on to say: "You probably think of Mr. Xia as an abnormal human being, even a superhuman being, just like the Spider-Man, Superman, or Flashman portrayed by Hollywood. But those are movies after all, not reality. Throughout the five thousand years of human history, has there ever been a superman? "

These words are actually what Xia Lei taught Fan Fan to say.Otherwise, how could she know the purpose of Song Baicheng?

"I don't believe there is any superman in this world. I let you study Xia Lei, and my purpose is just for the X Secret Gold Project. He is the only one who can touch the ancient alloy, and we need to figure out why."

"My work and my report cannot give you the answer you want."

"Miss Fan, I will ask you one last time. Are you sure that your research report is accurate?"

"I confirm."

"Are you sure that there were no mistakes in your research process? Or, did you miss anything?"

"I confirm."

"Well, your work is finished. I will take away your research report. Before the new instructions are given, you can arrange your work and time at will." Song Baicheng closed the research report.Fan Fan is the most outstanding bioengineering scientist in China. Her work and her report have certain authoritativeness, not to mention that it was done with the assistance of Fan Yiming, Dean of the Academy of Sciences.It makes no sense to question it further.

Only then did Fan Fan secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

Song Baicheng left the laboratory with the research report given to him by Fan Fan.

"Mr. Song, what was the result?" Fan Yiming waiting outside the door asked.

Song Baicheng said: "Go ask your granddaughter, she knows better than me."

When he opened his mouth, he ate a closed-door soup, and Fan Yiming's face couldn't hold himself.His lips moved, but he said nothing.

Song Baicheng entered his room, closed the door, and took out his mobile phone.

"Mr. Z, Fanfan's research report is out." Song Baicheng's tone was slightly heavy.

A man's voice was heard on the phone, "What is the result?"

Song Baicheng was silent for a while before saying: "It's different from what I thought, Xia Lei is normal."

"Very normal?"

"His body is normal, but his IQ is scary. Fanfan's test data is 298, she said he is the smartest person in the world. It is also the highest data ever tested for IQ."

"Do you mean that he can achieve today because of his IQ?"

Song Baicheng said: "In addition to this possibility, I can't think of any other possibility."

"Bring the research report back to me."

"Yes, Mr. Z."

"Be careful, Xia Lei asked Tang Yuyan to investigate you, he has begun to doubt you."

"I know, I will be careful." Song Baicheng hung up the phone.

At the end of the conversation with Mr. Z, Song Baicheng looked at the file bag in his hand, and did not move for a few minutes. These great scientists Stan are still tall? With an IQ of up to 298, how can this be proven? Huh ... "

Half an hour later, Song Baicheng came to the new workshop where Xia Lei worked.

Xia Lei opened the door to Song Baicheng.Covered with oil, he looked like a blue-collar worker, not the smartest person in the world.

"Mr. Song, is that Fanfan's research report?" Xia Lei saw the document bag held in Song Baicheng's hands and looked very excited. "Can I see it?"

"Sorry, this can't be given to you." Song Baicheng refused Xia Lei in one bite and said, "But I can tell you that you are normal, just ..."

"Just what?"

"Your brain is very special. Fanfan said your IQ is as high as 298. She said you are the smartest person in the world."

"Hehe." Xia Lei smiled. "Why didn't I feel it?"

Song Baicheng said lightly: "To be honest, I don't quite believe it. After all, the dean of the Academy of Sciences Fan Yiming's IQ is only 148, and you have 298, you are twice as high as Fan Yiming."

"Speak, what's the matter with you? You don't have to go around with me. You have seen it. I'm working. I'm busy." Xia Lei said.

Song Baicheng opened the file bag, took out an A4 paper from the file bag, and a pen, and then handed the paper and pen to Xia Lei.

That A4 sheet of paper is not a blank sheet of paper. It is an extremely complex math problem. Various numbers, symbols, and formulas take up more than half of the sheet of paper.

"I want to ask you to count this question." Song Baicheng said.

This is his purpose.

Xia Lei glanced at Song Baicheng, then took the paper and pen.He can refuse, or even let Song Baicheng get out, but this is not a wise approach.Song Baicheng came with this question, apparently doubting his IQ and the accuracy of Fanfan's research report.If you refuse, the cunning and suspicious Song Baicheng will definitely generate more doubts!

If the ZN Bureau does not believe Fan Fan ’s research report, it is definitely a terrible thing. I have played so many plays before, and I have done so in vain.

"Let's find a quiet place." Song Baicheng said: "This question was provided to me by a mathematician. It is said that it is difficult to solve. I can give you some time to solve the problem."

"No need, just here. I'm in a hurry, give me ten minutes." Xia Lei squatted on the ground, spread the paper on the ground, and began to solve the problem.

The numbers, symbols and formulas on the paper entered his brain, and his brain began to function.The mathematical knowledge he has contacted emerged like a tide, and each knowledge point has an infinite extension, intersects with each other, and expands to a higher level.In his brain at the moment, a mathematical world is quietly taking shape.This world starts with the most basic mathematics and addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and then to advanced mathematics. They are like a large net spilling into the vast starry sky. The starry sky is constantly expanding, and the large net is also continuously extending ...