Super Vision

808 Reincarnation

Half an hour later, An Gu Mi Khan sent back the documents he had obtained, and Xia Lei couldn't get up at all.

Qiangli Biotechnology has a secret scientific research project, which is called "Samsara" when translated in Chinese.

Reincarnation is a saying in Buddhism. It is said that after death, people will fall into six reincarnations, namely, Heavenly Path, Human Path, Shura Road, Hell Road, Hungry Ghost Road, and Animal Road.No matter which one is the next life, it is the "future" of the dead.

The reincarnation argument is beautiful, gives hope, and teaches people to be kind.But in fact, this is the end of a person ’s life, and it ’s over when he dies.Many people understand this truth, but Nahal is obviously not among them.Not only did he believe in the legend of samsara in Buddhism, he even turned it into a research project.And this project didn't just start recently, it started after the successful start-up of Nahar, and now it has a history of fifteen years!

Since it is reincarnation, the consumables of the experiment are also human.In the early days, Nahar used to experiment with children of low-sex sex. After being exposed, the Indian police also investigated him, but later it could not be solved because of corruption.Judging from the descriptions in the documents, Nahal has never used living people for experiments after the accident, but used fresh corpses just after death for experiments.

The bodies of the two women photographed by An Gu Mi Khan on the monitor are obviously one of the consumables for the reincarnation research project.Xia Lei could not understand why there was a woman's body in that laboratory before. Now I understand.He also understood the purpose of this project, reincarnation, that is to use technology to resurrect dead people, but after six ways to live here in this world.

In the documents transmitted from An Gu Mihan, Xia Lei found that although the "Samsara" project had existed for fifteen years, Nahar had also invested a lot of money and energy, but he never raised the dead.

"Trees are withered and gloomy, people are old and sick, and there are seas and fields. This is the law of nature. How can manpower be reversed? Not to mention humans, even the earth and even the universe will be completely destroyed. Is it because he is still a biological scientist, actually thinking of using technology to resurrect the dead is really whimsical. "Seeing the last, Xia Lei shook his head.

But just turned to see the last, a photo suddenly entered the sight of Xia Lei.At that moment, his heart seemed to be held by an invisible hand, and he almost stopped beating.

The photos appearing on the monitor are people in ancient text.

Her skin was like snow, her eyes were closed, her expression was quiet and serene, and the smile of her death remained in the corner of her mouth.She didn't seem to die, she just fell asleep.She was still wearing the snow combat uniform when she last appeared in front of him, and there were still many blood stains on it.It was also the blood stains that reminded him that she was dead and not in this world.

Looking at Gu Kewen on the display, Xia Lei recovered after a few minutes, he muttered, "She ... how could she appear in the reincarnation project of the strong biotechnology company?"

After the World War I in Dawang, Western China, China did not immediately dispose of those bodies. After diplomatic negotiations, both the United States and India vehemently denied that they were sent by them or even their identity.The corpses were parked on the snowy mountain for a period of time, and Xia Lei did not ask how to deal with them.Unexpectedly, the photo of Gu Kewen's body actually appeared in the "reincarnation" project of an Indian biotechnology company.

Since there are photos of Gu Kewen ’s body in Nahar ’s documents, he does n’t need to investigate how her body was handled, because no matter what happened during this period, Gu Kewen ’s body is a strong creature Among the technology companies!

Xia Lei suddenly thought of the huge glass container, and the woman soaked in bloody liquid, would she be an old man?

Tranquility, existence, and quiet brain voices that can cause her sudden death, ancient Kewen, reincarnation project, ten million dollars ...

Xia Lei's brain is only filled with these things. He vaguely feels that there is an invisible line in series in these things, but he can't catch it.

"If the container in the photo contains Gu Kewen, then would n’t Haral want to resurrect her with the reincarnation project? This might have been established. Nahar ’s reincarnation project has never succeeded in 15 years. He How can I resurrect Gu Kewen? By the way, Tranquility sent 10 million US dollars. Is this the cost of resurrecting Gu Kewen? If this assumption is also true, how could Tranquility ask me for such a large sum of money? Resurrect Gu Kewen? She and she don't even know! "One hypothesis emerged in Xia Lei's brain, and one by one was overthrown.

In the end, a face appeared in Xia Lei's brain without knowing how.

Zhu Xuanyue's face.

This is not the imagination of the quiet "enchantment". The last time was that the "enchantment" of tranquility painted those paintings and asked him to go to the Louvre in Paris before he could enter the underground labyrinth and "awaken" Zhu Xuanyue.This time, Tranquility once again "enter into the devil", escaped the paramilitary-controlled sanitarium, and asked him for 10 million dollars to come to India, and found Nahar, and there are Gu Kewen's body in that laboratory!

The clue he didn't grasp suddenly became clear, and everything that happened was inseparable from Zhu Xuanyue!

"She said she would come back, did she ... want to get into Gu Kewen's body this time? She let Tranquility send money to let Nahar help her? She is so capable and she can control Tranquility Why do n’t you just control Nahar, why give Nahar money? Is there any reason I ca n’t guess? ”Xia Lei's head almost exploded, and the urge to fly to India immediately It came out and was difficult to suppress.

After turning over Gu Kewen's photo, a purchase list entered Xia Lei's sight.

The list is a medical robot purchased by the reincarnation project. It has a high degree of artificial intelligence and can cut open the human brain for surgery, and even use biotechnology to repair the damaged nerves.It sells for five million dollars, which is almost the most expensive medical robot in the world.

Xia Lei's eyes suddenly moved below the list, suddenly stunned.

The supplier of this medical robot for the powerful biotechnology company is Veken Corporation of the Japanese service department family!

Originally he was almost done, but the service family business appeared in Nahar's secret document, and things became complicated at once.

Turning over the list on that page, there is something irrelevant to the reincarnation project.

These contents let Xia Lei better understand the current situation of Nahal.

Nahal, as the founder of Powerful Biotechnology, is not the only shareholder.He put all the money he made into the reincarnation project, while other shareholders gradually took control of the powerful technology company in the form of money.The biggest problem he is facing now is not what technological achievements have been achieved, but the fact that he is about to be expelled from the board of directors of the powerful biotechnology company.He simply didn't have enough money to buy the intelligent robot that sold for five million dollars in the service department family's Veken Corporation!

He also remembered An Gu Mi Khan's description of Nahar. At that time, An Gu Mi Khan's first impression was that Na Ha'er was not a billionaire. Workers.If he is a billionaire, he will definitely not drive to see Tranquility by himself, let alone meet Tranquility at the bank!

The money that Tranquility took from him was exactly for the payment to Veken Co., Ltd. Five million was used to repair Gu Kewen's damaged neck nerve, and the remaining five million was the follow-up cost!

After reading all the documents, Xia Lei quietly thought about it, and then picked up the satellite phone.

"It's me." Xia Lei's voice was solemn. "Now call everyone to New Delhi and bring our weapons and equipment. Yelena, you immediately contact An Gu Mihan, he will answer you."

"What action?" Yelena's voice came from the satellite phone.

"I don't know, but we have to go to New Delhi." Xia Lei's mind emerged with the figure of the Japanese killer. I don't know why, he had a hunch that he let the man escape without the killer last time, but this time Maybe it will be met in New Delhi.

"Okay, I immediately contacted the others and set off immediately." Yelena's voice, "Boss, are you going?"

"Of course, but I have to slow down for a day. You go first and be prepared first."

"Then you pick someone to accompany you, we are not at ease with you alone." Yelena's voice.

Xia Lei thought for a while, "Then Koshino Kyoko, she will accompany me to New Delhi."

"Okay, I'll contact others now." Yelena hung up.

Xia Lei followed by dialing An Gu Mi Khan.

"Boss, have you finished reading the documents?" An Gu Mihan's voice, "What did you find?"

Xia Lei said with a deep voice: "Leave the building of Qiang Technology Company immediately, leaving only your people there."

"What happened?" An Gu Mihan's voice was full of speculation.

"The people of the Japanese Ministry of Service are involved in this matter. They are very dangerous. You have to leave immediately. You are not their opponent at all. Once discovered, you will be very dangerous."

"Boss, are you too nervous?" An Gu Mihan smiled and said: "This is India, it is my territory. A Japanese family in every district, does it dare to do me here?"

"It's this family. Dawan of West Province directly attacked the agents of the 101th round, and then chased me and Tang Yuyan. If it wasn't for my luck, I would have been dead. Huaguo is my territory. I still have Agents in the 101st game are all around. Do they dare to start in India? What I want to tell you is that they bought fifty elite warriors of the Indian mountain divisions in that battle and participated in the operation! I tell you Do you understand these? Retreat, this is an order! "Xia Lei's voice was severe.

"Well, I listen to you, I retreat immediately, leaving only my men to continue to monitor the building of the strong biotechnology company."

"Be careful." Xia Lei hung up the phone.

The night outside the window was thick, and there was still some time before dawn.The members of the Chinese zodiac team have already started the operation, but he still has to stay here for a day.Not only did he have to arrange everything and deal with it properly on this day, he also had to add an identity to himself-the identity of a hacker.

It is undoubtedly a dream for a person to become a hacker in a day and be a professional hacker.But here he is not a dream to achieve the goal, but only what he is willing to do.

The IQ of 998, the unforgettable memory, is comparable to the brain of a supercomputer. With these foundations, he wants to be a hacker, then he is a hacker!

He sat back at his desk, opened the webpage, entered the "hacker entry" in the Baidu search engine, a lot of information popped up, his super sight, his super brain entered an extraordinary working state at the same time ... …