Super Vision

Chapter 1012 Unmanned Air Combat!

The commander is the American Howler Electronic Warplane. It is the most advanced electronic warplane in the world. It can paralyze a city ’s power supply and communication. It can also deceive satellite-guided missiles in flight from flying orbit. It can even paralyze a military command center.Use it to deal with four unmanned machines. This is actually using a knife to kill the chicken.

However, the news from the Roarer ’s electronic warplane made George Wahson. All the people on the bridge of the USS Dunton dropped their chins—the four Jing Ke was unmanned. immunity!

Absolutely invisible, immune to any electronic attack, just these two abilities are enough to make Jing Ke unmanned. The machine is proud of the entire air combat field!

There was a silent and depressed atmosphere in the bridge of George Washington.The officers and operators in Cambridge have long been accustomed to the idea that the United States leads the world. In their eyes, no country ’s military strength can be compared with the United States.But now, the four planes are ugly and unmanned. The machine actually made the American, the Howler electronic attack aircraft helpless. What is more exaggerated is that the Seventh Fleet's radar and the American spy satellite system could not find them!

In the picture taken by the growler electronic warplane, four Jing Ke were unmanned. The aircraft suddenly pulled up and continued to fly toward the Seventh Fleet.In the eyes of them and the operators behind the scenes, the six hornets are like a ball of air.

This is Chi Guoguo's contempt!

"Damn it!" Wilshere's voice was full of anger, "Bumblebee attacked, kill them!"

In the display, six hornets suddenly pulled up, and one of them fired a rattlesnake air-to-air missile while pulling up the height.

This is an infrared-guided air-to-air missile.

The unmanned aircraft locked by the Rattlesnake missile suddenly flew towards the missile.The other three dived down to the surface with extremely high speed.

Bang!Jing Ke was locked by the missile. The aircraft was hit and then exploded.The blast wave of the explosion pushed in all directions, and the hornet fighter that launched the missile was suddenly caught in the blast wave of the explosion, and it was transformed into a ball of fire in a second!

Not only it, other Hornet fighters have also suffered different degrees of damage.The pilot of one of the most damaged hornet fighters even took a catapult escape directly!

The remaining three Jing Ke were unmanned. The plane suddenly lifted from the height close to the sea to the sky, then turned around and flew in the direction of Malacca.The impression was that they were frightened and returned.A bumblebee with combat power is also chasing, but the three Jingke are unmanned. The machine swept the slow and slow look just now and flew as fast as a missile!

What happened just now is like acting, an elaborately directed act of acting like a pig and a tiger.

The opponent lost only one unmanned aircraft, but the Seventh Fleet lost two Hornets, and the remaining four were also damaged to varying degrees.It seems that the Seventh Fleet has swept away the unmanned aircraft squadron that invaded the security area of ​​the Seventh Fleet, but this was a victory that was beaten and bruised.

Moreover, this battle the Seventh Fleet simply has no reason to say.This is a public sea area. The four unmanned aircraft have sufficient rights to fly in this sea area. The seventh fleet fired first, but this is the result.

Bridge of George Washington. Dayton.

Wilshere's face was somber to the extreme, "What the hell is going on! The four unmanned machines, even the growler can't abduct them! Even--"

It even blew up two hornets and damaged four!

"That unmanned machine has a problem!" Thales said: "No, all four unmanned machines have a problem. The one that exploded looks like our missile was destroyed, but I suspect it's itself Detonated! "

"What does that matter?" Wilshere said: "We lost our face in this match!"

"I haven't figured out why the remaining three unmanned aircrafts are returning." Thales' eyes were full of doubts and he seemed to be thinking about something.

"No matter what tricks they play, it's just a few unmanned aircraft. Just board our F35 fighter jet and Hornet bombing the Philippines' reef military base, and then go to Dagua Island. Let our electronic warplanes and Global Hawk continue Implementation of the Beast Tamer plan, destination, China's military base of Dagua Island! "

"Mr. Lieutenant, are you going to continue to attack Dagua Island?"

"Yes, I suspect those three are unmanned. The opportunity to land at the military base in Dagua Island. If we are lucky enough, we can even get them." Wilshere said.

"Switch to the satellite image of the first commando." Thales said.

The operator followed his instructions, and two huge F35 fighter jets and four Hornets appeared on the huge display of the bridge.In the dark sky, six US warplanes flew silently like Philippine islands and reefs, like six ghosts without sound.

Wilshere's voice was very cold, "Whether those four unmanned aircraft are controlled by the Chinese army or Xia Lei, they will all face the anger of the Seventh Fleet! We want to let them know what It is modern warfare! "

"I think the latter is more likely." Thales said: "Xia Lei is a target that the US government must eliminate. He has threatened the US strategic interests and even international status. If he is operating the four Human. Machine, we may have the opportunity to kill him. "

"Let all our fighters take off and target Dagua Island!" Wilshere said quietly.

It is possible that Xia Lei is on Grand Guadal, and this alone is enough to allow all the fighters on the George Wah Dunton to take off.In terms of the amount of ammunition carried by all the fighters on the George Wahton, they are enough to flatten Dagua Island!

This will be a crazy air raid operation only because Xia Lei may be on Dagua Island.This shows how determined the Americans' determination to kill Xia Lei is, even morbid!

One fighter after another took off from the George W. Dunton and flew in the direction of Malacca.

at the same time.

Philippines island reef.

Xia Lei looked at the fighter cluster on the radar display, and his mouth could not help but showed a bitter smile, "Really, my nobody. As soon as the machine appeared, you guessed that I was in Dagua Island, and I sent All the fighters come to blow me up, do you want to kill me like that? "

His fingers tapped on the keyboard a few times, and a new radar screen appeared.The six flying objects are coming here quickly, and the spy satellites next to it show more clearly that it is a battle group consisting of two F35s and four Hornets.

"Well, then I'll play with you." Xia Lei moved his hacked computer over and operated.

The hacker computer shows an extremely complicated unmanned machine operating system, which controls all the unmanned machines and machines brought by Xia Lei this time, including the ghost unmanned machine that has not yet appeared.

Bridge of George Washington. Dayton.

An island reef appeared on a huge display.

The voice of the pilot commander came from the communicator, "The beast trainer has arrived at his destination, please let me know if it fires."

Wilshere said to the communicator: "Fire!"

But just when his voice fell, a huge monster suddenly appeared on the huge display.It suddenly appeared from the clouds, like a silver lightning directly slammed into the 7th Fleet's air fighter cluster!

"That's--" The pilot commander exclaimed from the communicator, "That's an unmanned aircraft!"

There was also a cry of exclamation in the bridge of George Washington.

"It looks like our F22!"

"What kind of unmanned machine is this?"

"What is hanging under its belly?"

"My God, it looks like a Chinese claw anti-ship missile!"

"This is impossible, even fighter planes cannot mount anti-ship missiles. How can an unmanned aircraft mount anti-ship missiles!"

"Our radar didn't respond at all! Is he absolutely invisible? If so, the unmanned aircraft carrying anti-ship missiles descended from the sky. Like our fleet launching anti-ship missiles, then we will all go to the sea to feed fish! "

There was a tumultuous discussion in the bridge, and all emotions were ignited by the appearance of this unmanned machine.

"Destroy it!" Wilshire shouted at the communicator.

An f35 fighter jet launched an AIM120C air-to-air missile.

Seeing that the AIM120C air-to-air missile was about to hit the unmanned aircraft, the unmanned aircraft suddenly rolled over quickly and immediately avoided the attack of the AIM120C air-to-air missile.

There was a short breath of breath in the George Wahton bridge.No one thought of such a huge unmanned machine, it has such a flexible maneuverability!Its giant body with a wingspan of 20 meters seems to have no weight!

The AIM120C air-to-air missile shot down and flew directly into the distance, never looked back.Under normal circumstances, it will turn around within one second to continue chasing the unmanned machine, but it hits the distance like a blind man!

"Our missile can't lock it!" Thales suddenly thought of something, and he said excitedly: "The previous unmanned aircraft was not hit by our missile, but it was intentionally mounted on our fighter, And detonated itself in the most appropriate position! "

This is actually a very simple problem. The radar ca n’t find it, and all the attack methods of the electronic fighters are not effective. So how can the missiles launched by the fighters lock the Rema Group ’s unmanned aircraft?A cruel fact has been placed on the face of the Americans-even if Jing Ke is unmanned. The aircraft cannot be locked by any missile!

Swish, swish, swish!

Another F35 and fighter jets and two Hornet fighter jets launched their air-to-air missiles at almost the same time.The F35 launched an AIM120C air-to-air missile, an infrared-guided rattlesnake launched by the Hornet.

The huge silver unmanned. The aircraft suddenly made a rapid fall, and three missiles flew over him, still turning around.Whether it's an AIM120C air-to-air missile or a sidewinder missile, they can't lock that huge unmanned aircraft!The four air-to-air missiles are like the stones ejected by the slingshot that the little fart kid loves to play.

The most advanced fighters in the world, the most advanced air-to-air missiles, and the previously invincible combination seem to have become stupid overnight.

There was no sound on the bridge of George Washington.In such a short one-minute battle, the pride of the American soldiers and the strength of the American fleet, it all rose like a soap bubble, and then broke.