Super Vision

1073 AE Research Center

In Thompson's office.

"Mr. James, you have to finish things as soon as possible. The sooner you leave, the better." Thompson is simply a begging tone. If Xia Lei is found, give him up, and he will follow.

Xia Lei didn't seem to hear Thompson's voice. He operated Thompson's computer and quickly called up the surveillance video of the AE Research Center.However, what he tuned out was only external surveillance video, not internal.

Thompson also saw the surveillance video that Xia Lei tuned out. He said: "It's useless. The AE Research Center's interior is an independent surveillance system that I can't even see."

Xia Lei said: "Independent, that is to say, what is happening inside is not visible outside?"

Thompson nodded. "Theoretically, this is the case."

"Take me over." Xia Lei said.

"Ah?" Thompson's head was big, reluctantly.

Xia Lei said lightly: "Don't forget, we are in a boat, I act alone, in case it is found, can you get rid of the relationship? Only you cover me, I will be safer."

"But ..." Thompson said daringly: "Although the AE Research Center is in Area 51, it has always been an independent institution, and I don't have the authority to get you in. If we break out, the CIA and the Pentagon are very I'll know soon. "

"You need an excuse to enter, and this excuse is readily available."

"What is it?"

Xia Lei said: "Are n’t the people at Lockheed Martin coming? They just provided the permit, do n’t you know what to do with the permit? Just pick something wrong and take someone to check. Even if People at the Pentagon know that, you can also say that they are performing their duties. "

Thompson thought for a while, "Well, you come to drive, I'm faulty on the road."

But just as Xia Lei was about to get up, an Asian female soldier suddenly appeared in the monitor screen on the monitor.The picture in the video is very blurry, but this is not a problem for Xia Lei. He saw her face clearly when he saw the Asian female soldier.She is no one else, it is Zhu Xuanyue!

Xia Lei was surprised and secretly said: "I spent so much trouble to sneak into Area 51, but she swaggered in. Although she can control people's thinking, she can't control computer programs, let alone Area 51 The system is connected to the Tenjin system, how did she come in? "

Xia Lei suddenly shifted his gaze to a map of Area 51 on his desk, and then glanced at the direction behind Zhu Xuanyue.He froze for a moment.Zhu Xuanyue came from the helipad.

Thompson also approached, he also saw the Asian female soldier, he said: "What does this female soldier want to do?"

Xia Lei said: "Don't worry about her, the plan just canceled."

"Cancel?" Thompson looked surprised. Although he had to go to the AE Research Center for an adventure, he was worried about what action Xia Lei would take. Once he was found, he would be finished.

In the monitoring screen, Zhu Xuanyue went straight to the alloy gate of the AE Research Center.No one came forward to ask her a sentence, and one of them opened the door for her.When the door opened, Zhu Xuanyue went straight into the AE Research Center.

"This ... what's the point of this woman?" Thompson stared dumbfounded at the monitor screen on the monitor.

Xia Lei said: "You stay here, be prepared, I will leave here in an hour."

"You go to the AE Research Center yourself?"

"Yes, I'll go by myself." Xia Lei walked to the door without any explanation.

Thompson shrugged. "Well, I'll prepare now."

Leaving Thompson's office, Xia Lei walked with the AE Research Center of MapNet in his mind.He avoided all surveillance cameras and all patrol soldiers.With his eyes and ears, his two-kilometer radius is under his absolute control. Only when he discovers others, don't even want to discover him.

Ten minutes later, Xia Lei came to the circular building of the AE Research Center.

The four live-armed guards stood straight at the door, not squinting.

Xia Lei's eyes locked one of the guards, awakened the perspective plus scan mode, and a set of data soon appeared in his brain: a heartbeat of 50, and brain activity of 1%.

The heartbeat is only 50, which is only when you are asleep, but these four guards are on duty. Under normal circumstances, there is no such heartbeat.What's more, their brain activity is only 1%, which is not the data of falling asleep, but the data that has become alive and dead.

This is obviously Zhu Xuanyue's handwriting.

Xia Lei withdrew the perspective and scanned the vision and walked over.He took out a pass directly from a guard, opened the alloy gate, and walked in.

Behind the alloy gate is an empty front hall. There is only a row of chairs in a large front hall, and there is a front desk registration desk, but because it is night, there is no staff at all.

Today is a corridor in the front hall. Office areas are on both sides of the corridor. Xia Lei's sight soon completed the reconnaissance. The office areas on both sides of the corridor are just ordinary office areas.

There is a monitoring room next to the office area, but when Xia Lei's eyes moved to that place, he found that there were several people lying there in a row, with no blood on his face and no heartbeat, and he was dead.This is obviously also Zhu Xuanyue's handwriting. She killed all the guards in the monitoring room and ate a bit of "supper."

What Zhu Xuanyue has been through is really a chicken and a dog!

Xia Lei withdrew his gaze from the monitoring room and continued to observe.

There is an elevator next to the entrance of the corridor, but you need to check the information of the retina, fingerprints and passes to enter.His eyes penetrated the elevator shaft and he saw at a glance that the elevator was a descending elevator.There is also an underground space below the circular building.Obviously, the real AE research center is there, and all confidential experiments are conducted in the underground space.

"Zhu Xuanyue can't have a pass? She can't control the Tenjin system to let her take the elevator. She must have another way." Xia Lei followed her gaze to the ground, and a series of footprints emerged from the smooth tile floor. Came out.

Zhu Xuanyue came from the helipad, her feet were inevitably covered with dust and mud, and these things became the trace of Xia Lei tracking her.Of course, normal people can't see such a trace, Xia Lei used the ability of micro-vision.

Zhu Xuanyue's footprints extended to the office area, Xia Lei followed her footprints, and finally came to a room.Zhu Xuanyue's footprints extended into the room, and Xia Lei also pushed open the office door and walked in.

This office is Alec ’s office, with his name tag on his desk and a photo of him with the former US president on the wall.

Zhu Xuanyue's footprints extend to a bookcase.

Xia Lei came to the bookcase. In his sight, a woman's palm appeared on the side of the bookcase.Xia Lei put his hand on the woman's palm print and pushed it to the side.The bookcase slowly moved away, revealing a staircase entrance.

There is no requirement to enter a password, and there is no electronic device to insert a pass, just a staircase leading to the underground space.

Xia Lei was puzzled. "In such a tight place, there is such a design in the office of Alec. Is this a safe passage in an emergency, or what?"

Just now he didn't see the staircase in the front hall, but how could such an important scientific research center not have a staircase? If there is a power outage or a fire, how can people in the underground space escape?Therefore, this staircase is very likely to be a safe escape route in the case of a secret emergency, which seems to explain why it does not have complicated identity verification equipment, because in an emergency, how can the escaped person still have Time to enter the password, check the fingerprint and the retina?

The question is, how could Zhu Xuanyue know such a secret safe passage?

Xia Lei thought of two possibilities.

The first possibility is that someone told her.

The second possibility is that her perspective ability has reached a rather terrible state, and she can see the safe passage hidden in this office at a glance.And Xia Lei couldn't do it by himself.

Either of these two possibilities is possible, but Xia Lei did not think much. He entered the stairs behind the bookcase, and then lowered his footsteps to the lowest level, walking down carefully.There are lights in the stairs, and there are footprints left by Zhu Xuanyue on the stairs.

When I got down the stairs of about three floors, the exit of the stairs entered Xia Lei's sight.

At the exit of the staircase were lying two bodies of armed guards. Their brains had shrunk and rotted, and apparently became a snack for Zhu Xuanyue.

The two armed guards apparently guarded the staircase, and their presence just explained that the staircase was a safe passage in an emergency.Although it is not necessary to check the identity and enter the password, it is generally prohibited to pass.

Xia Lei came out of the stairs, his position was only on an overhead circular corridor.Below him is a huge underground space.The six faceless warrior statues were placed in six different locations in the underground space, forming a pattern of six-pointed stars.Around the six statues of faceless warriors, there are countless scientific research equipment, some equipment is in operation, and some equipment is turned off.

Xia Lei saw the ground under his feet with his left eye. He didn't dare to stand at the edge of the corridor.

Xia Lei also saw Alec, Kesten and his two female bodyguards, Charlotte and Eva, as well as a senior intelligence officer from Israel, Cohens.

Finally, he saw the person he did not want to see, Zhu Xuanyue.

Zhu Xuanyue, dressed as a female soldier, has already walked down the circular corridor. She is walking through the experimental area to the few people.Those people didn't find her, they were still talking about the shepherd plan.

Their voice clearly reached Xia Lei's ear.

"The materials of these six statues are not any material in this world. We compared all the materials that can be compared. None of them are similar, so we can also be sure that they are not composite materials." Alec's voice .

Kestin said: "Mr. Alec, our plan is to melt them, why not implement our plan?"

Alex said: "We know Lockheed Martin's plan, but ... melting them is the last step, it is not the time to melt them. They can interfere with the signal, which is amazing, if we even They are melted without knowing this, and we may never find the answer. "

But at this time, Cohen suddenly shouted: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

Zhu Xuanyue was found.