Super Vision

Chapter 1415: Brutal Suppression!

On the square, there was a crowd of black people. The college students, scholars, and logistics and armed personnel of the college all gathered on the square. There were almost 10,000 people.

Braun, Professor Jiang, Kang Long and the committee members stood in the center of the square to speak, and there was no podium.

Professor Jiang announced what happened, and the scene was out of control.

The most violent thing is naturally the branded soldiers of the branding legion. They never obey the management of the committee, and do not even take the committee into consideration.They only obey the orders of Tang Sheng and Roland, and the preferential treatment given to them by Tang Sheng and Roland is also beyond the committee's authority.That is, they can go to the girls in the college casually. In addition, the material distribution they receive is much higher than that of the academics and faculty in the college.Now Professor Jiang announced that both President Roland and their regiment leader Tang Sheng are dead, which means that the benefits given to them by President Roland and Tang Sheng are gone. How can they be reconciled with vested interests?

"Professor Jiang, you said that Dean Roland and our army commander were killed by the betrayal academy. What about your evidence?" A branded soldier asked aloud.His voice even suppressed Professor Jiang's voice using a speaker.

"Of course there is evidence, but the technical staff is still sorting it out, and the evidence we will release later."

"Published later? I'm afraid it's making evidence? Dean Roland is highly respected and the regimental leader is upright and selfless. Why did he become a traitor overnight?" The committee members have their eyes on it.

"Does this need to be said?" Said an extremely gigantic branded warrior: "They must have killed President Roland and the Legion Chief, and then casually arranged a charge for them, and now come to take over our takeover Legion!"

"Damn, I don't agree!"

"Catch them up and take them to the legion for interrogation!"

"Yes, catch them up, interrogate them, and you must give President Roland and the Legion Chief an explanation!"

Interrogation first, then opposition, then armed confrontation.This is not a routine. This is a group of people who are reluctant to give up their vested interests to fight against the committee and students and scholars.

The group of students, scholars, and faculty members represented by Professor Jiang is the largest group of Dzizhu College, but it is also the weakest group. 100 students cannot win a brand warrior, not to mention this is a brand An army of soldiers?

The committee wanted to take over the Branded Legion, and set the Dzi Bead Academy to chaos anyway, so that it could return to the right track, but how could the Branded Legion easily give up their interests?In fact, the voices of doubt and opposition just now were urged by several deputy captains.For several deputy captains, Dean Roland and Tang Sheng are dead, this is not a chance for them to be superior!

As soon as the sounds of arrest and interrogation were heard, branded soldiers flooded into Professor Jiang and Bai Ling and those committee members.

"What do you want to do?" The sudden change made Bailing unexpected, and she said angrily: "You are the brand warriors defending the academy. Everything comes from the academy. Do you want to use the academy as an enemy?"

"You shut up!" Lampard Delvi sneered: "You can't represent the academy, nor can your committee represent the academy. Without the protection of our branded legion, this academy would not exist. We are the master of this academy , You better understand this! "

Lampard Delvi was one of several deputy captains, and he was also the most active.

"Fuck! Shameless!" Professor Jiang said angrily: "I understand, you don't even care how Roland and Tang Sheng died, or whether they betrayed the college, they died, you guys saw to replace them Your chance? "

Lampard Delvi said in a cold voice: "Shouldn't there be a branded legion to take over the school? You people should have been studying academic issues, not the management school. You don't have this ability. If you control the school, So sooner or later this college will be finished one day! "

"Yes, the college cannot be controlled by the committee!"

"Let those committee members roll back to teach!"

"The Branded Legion should manage itself, not any committee!"

A roaring voice broke out in the Branded Legion.

Dozens of branded soldiers walked to the center of the square and surrounded the committee members.

"You are not a brand warrior at all!" Bailing said angrily: "You are thieves! You are the same people as Roland and Tang Sheng! For your own benefit, you can do anything bad!"

"Catch her and shut her up!" Lampard Delvi ordered.

A branded warrior followed and grabbed Bailing's arm.

"Let me go, let me go!" Bailing struggled, but her struggle had no effect at all.

"Catch them all and take them to the training base for interrogation!" Lampa Delvi then gave the second order.

Dozens of branded warriors acted quickly, and all members were arrested in the blink of an eye.

A smile appeared on the face of Lampard Delvi. Roland and Tang Sheng died. It was obviously him who benefited most from the death of these two, and he was also the happiest one.

"Release Teacher Bai Ling!" A male student rushed up and opened his arms to block the road of the branded warrior who was going to take Bai Ling.

The branded warrior glanced at Lampa Delvi, seemingly seeking Lampa Delvi's instructions.

Lampard Delvi gave no instructions, and he strode towards the male student.

"You, what do you want to do?" The male student blocking the way said nervously.

Lampard Delvi suddenly punched the boy's chest with a punch.



With a punch from Lampardovi, the boy ’s chest was hollowed out, and his entire body flew up with a huge impact. After flying more than ten meters, he fell heavily on the ground!

After the boy fell to the ground, blood came from his nose and nose, and he never got up again.

Lampard Delvi actually killed him with a punch!

"No--" Bailing screamed, tears bursting out of his eyes.

The boy who was killed was her student, and her grades and personality were very good. She liked the boy very much.

"Who else dares to object?" Lampa Delvi yelled sharply, "Who else!"

No one dares to stand up again, not everyone has the courage to challenge power and face death.

The students, scholars and faculty of the college are very angry, but they are well aware of the horror of branding warriors. Even if all of them rush, they are not opponents of the brand.This kind of anger that was suppressed by power was burning quietly in their hearts like a flame, but it was just burning, not daring to vent.

"No one objected, it's fine, bring them all down!" Lampard Delvi said, a smile on his face again.

A familiar face suddenly came out of the crowd and entered Lampard Delvi's eyes. His smile froze for a second.

That is Xia Lei's face.

Xia Lei strode towards Lampard Delvi.

Lampa Delvi endured the tension in his heart and said daringly: "Mr. Xia, you are a valuable guest of our college. I hope you calm down and do not participate in the internal affairs of our college."

Xia Lei stopped in front of Lampa Delvi. He glanced lightly at Lampa Delvi, and then turned his attention to Professor Jiang. "Professor Jiang, didn't you declare my identity?"

"Your identity?" Professor Jiang, held by a branded soldier, looked confused.

"It seems that you forgot, I remember you said that you want to hire me as the honorary dean of Dzizhu College." Xia Lei said.

Professor Jiang suddenly froze on the spot. He knew that he had never said such a thing.

Bailing suddenly understood Xia Lei's intention, she followed and said: "Yes! Teacher, as you said, our school will hire Mr. Xia as the honorary dean of the school! I was also present, and many committee members were also present, we voted. Passed! "


"I agree too!"

"Mr. Xia is the honorary dean of our college!"

The committee members echoed.

Professor Jiang finally understood, he followed and said: "Mr. Xia, you are the honorary dean of our college, you have the right to participate in the internal affairs of our college!"

Xia Lei's eyes returned to Lampard Delvi. "Have you heard? I am now the Honorary Dean of the Dzizhu College. I have the right to deal with the internal affairs of the college."

Lampard Delvi glanced at the large number of branded warriors around him with the afterglow of his eyes. He suddenly had the courage. He sneered. "Who gave you your honorary dean? Our brand of legions will not recognize you. Of the honorary dean of the country, do you say you have power and have power? Now I invite you to leave here, you are not welcome here. "

Xia Lei sighed, "This is human nature, a greedy word, if you die, it must be on this word."

"Are you threatening me?" Lampard Delvi said coldly: "I know you are strong, but can you win all of us? I advise you not to do stupid things, and get away before I change my mind." Go out! "

"Do you know how Roland and Tang Sheng died?" Xia Lei's voice slowly turned cold.

Lampard Delvi suddenly reacted, and he stepped back subconsciously, "It turns out that you killed Dean Roland and our regiment leader!" After one step, he shouted, "Kill him! For Dean Roland and Revenge of the regiment leader! "

A large group of branded soldiers swarmed up.

As soon as Xia Lei moved, he immediately moved to Lampard Delvi.With his right hand stretched out, he grabbed Lampard Delvi's celestial cover at once.

"Death, ants!" Xia Lei's right hand suddenly squeezed hard and snapped, and Lampard Delvi's head exploded alive under his hands!

At that moment, fragments of skulls, brain plasma and blood exploded from under his hands in all directions, splashing like splashed water on the branded warriors who rushed up!

All the branded warriors were frozen. What I just said happened like a quick freezing cold of minus 100 degrees, freezing them instantly.

Lampa Delvi is definitely among the strongest among these branded warriors, but Xia Lei only stretched out his hand and slammed Lampa Delvi's head alive!

Who dares to rush up with such absolute power suppression?

"Who else has an opinion?" Xia Lei's eyes swept across all the branded warriors. His voice was plain, but full of majesty, and he could not resist.

No one dared to have an opinion.

"Very good." Xia Lei smiled. "Then I am your honorary dean. I don't need any management school power, but if someone dares to intervene in the committee to take over the college, or you dare to defy the college committee. Command, then I'm sorry, Roland and Tang Sheng also have this Lampard Delvi as your example. "

Dozens of branded warriors, as well as a larger number of reserve warriors, are silent.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to Bailing, "Whoever, if you are holding Teacher Bailing's hand, I will pull your hands off your shoulders."

As soon as his words fell, the branded warrior released his hand just now, and there was a cold sweat on his forehead.

Bailing suddenly ran to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei seemed to realize something, and he couldn't help but smile a bitter smile, "I'm dizzy, here again ..."

Before waiting for him to whisper, Bailing took a pair of lotus arms and wrapped his waist around him.He was overwhelmed by the soft abundance, the charming fragrance, and the tears that made people feel pitiful.

Beauty has loved heroes since ancient times.

Braun is not the first woman on his "Heroic Road", nor will he be the last.