Super Vision

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1637

Entering the building, Maya Kanter turned on her flashlight and continued to lead Xia Lei and Kantuna to a basement entrance.

When Xia Lei threw Kantuna in the library, his body did not shine. Now that Maya Kantor has a flashlight, he does not need to gather natural energy to shine.

Entering the basement, there is a mattress on the ground and a lot of messy things. It looks like a home for the homeless, messy and cold.

"I'm a little messy here." After all, she is a woman, and Maya Kanter is a little embarrassed.

Xia Leiwei smiled, "You're welcome, Aunt Maya, I have lived in such a place."

He had never lived in such a place, so he just wanted to ease the awkward atmosphere.While speaking, his eyes had already glanced at the basement, and a trace of a dark door was found on a wall, but he didn't point it out, but he knew it in his heart.

Maya Kanter came under the gun over there, reaching for a spot on the wall.It was fingerprint verification. After checking the fingerprints, the wall suddenly opened, revealing a passage.There are lights in the passageway that extend all the way to the ground without seeing the end.

This seems to be one of the reasons why Mayan Kanter is not willing to leave. Once the Blue Moon people are here, she can hide in this underground underpass and wait until the war is over.There may even be other exits in this underground underpass.The Kanter family guarded a secret for thousands of years and regarded it as the most important mission of the homeowner. How could there be no measures to deal with the crisis?

"Come in with me." Maya Kanter got into the underground tunnel.

Kantunana glanced at Xia Lei, Xia Lei nodded, and Kantunana followed Maya to see him get into the underground underpass.When Xia Lei got in, the wall behind him closed again.

I walked down the ground for ten minutes before reaching the end of the underpass. A boxy space made of reinforced concrete placed a huge safe.When he saw it for the first time, Xia Lei was also taken aback by it, because it was the largest and strongest safe he had ever seen in his life. It was at least as big as two containers.Its whole is silver, judging by the gloss of the material and some visible characteristics, it should be the alloy used to build the spacecraft engine, and also the alloy with the highest strength that humans in this world can make.

The huge safe had no locks, no scanning equipment, only a palm-shaped dent.

This is a very strange safe.

"That's it. It weighs 500 tons. I can't take it to other places." Maya Kanter said: "Our family has been waiting for the descendants of Saint Lei to come here to open it. You think I want to stay Are you here? I was chosen by my family to carry out this mission, and I devoted my whole life to this safe. I also want to have a normal life, the life a woman should have, my husband, children, grandchildren, I have none . "

Xia Lei slightly bowed to Maya Kanter, "Aunt Maya, you are a respectable woman. Your beliefs and your perseverance are of supreme value."

There was a smile on Maya Kanter's face, "Thank you, the first time someone said this to me, I was very ..." She turned around and lifted her hand to wipe the tears on the corners of her eyes.

It was n’t her. Without her faith, her long-term persistence, no one could feel her feeling at the moment.

"Aunt Maya, what's in the box?" Contunana asked.

Maya Kanter shook her head, "I don't know."

"You don't even know?" Contunana looked surprised.

Maya Kanter said: "I really don't know, but our family inherits a story, or it can be said to be a secret." She sorted out her thoughts, and then continued, "This safe is the last one of Saint Ray What was left before the war, this box disappeared after the death of Saint Thunder. My ancestor finally found it based on various clues, and tried to open it, but it couldn't be opened at all. "

"Can't open it? Don't know what's in it? Your family has guarded it for thousands of years?" Kantunana's tone was full of exclamation, and a dozen generations guarded an unopenable one. Safe, this is simply incomprehensible in ordinary people's thinking.

Maya Kanter said: "Although Commander Cantu is not sure what is inside, my ancestor Kanter has left some information about the safe. He said that the safe contains the redemption of Saint Ray."

Xia Lei couldn't hold his breath anymore, "Santa's Redemption?"

"It can also be said to be the salvation of the entire human race." Maya Kanter said: "Before the last battle, Sheng Lei told several important people around him that once he died, his child could open the box. , Give humanity one last hope. "

"Why did he have to open his child?" Contunana said curiously.

Maya Kanter said: "Because this safe uses a genetic lock created by Saint Ray, did you see that handprint? It is the only way to open the safe, only the person who has his gene can open it."

"Can't it be cut open?" Contunana said.

"You can't do that. There are explosive devices in the safe, and there are special things left by Saint Lei. Once you do that, it will explode and destroy the contents." Maya Kanter said.

"It's really troublesome ..." Kantunana exclaimed, but secretly said: "I have to find a way to persuade her to let this safe be handed over to the rebels, since it is the humans left by Saint Ray The last hope is that it should be dealt with by the rebels. But even if I can persuade her that there is no heir to the Saint Ray gene, and I cannot cut this safe, how can I open it? "

Just when she thought so, Xia Lei had already taken action.He didn't care about the mission of the Kanter family or the descendants of Saint Lei. He had a hunch that what was in this safe was extremely important and related to that mission.So, anyway, he must see the contents!

Xia Lei's eyes jumped slightly, awakened the ability to see through, and then looked directly at the huge safe in front of him.At the same time, a trace of the branding power also flew to the safe, silently penetrating into the safe.


An energy field suddenly awakened, and suddenly cut off Xia Lei's perspective, and even his trace of the branding power sent into the safe was rebounded.

The energy of that energy field was the energy of Shenglei, and Xia Lei, who had been in contact with Shenglei's remnant, was instantly recognized.He was also stunned by this sudden change, his heart was surprised and said: "What is Saint Lei hiding in this safe box? Saint Lei actually needs to be guarded, why must his descendants be opened?"

Now he began to believe what Mayan Kanter said, only the descendants of Saint Lei could open the safe.Gene lock, gene lock, as the name implies, you have to meet the condition of a specific gene to open this safe.

At this time Kantuna said aloud: "Aunt Maya, I know this is your family's mission that has been upholding for thousands of years, but I still ..."

"Commander Conto, don't say it." Maya Kanter said: "I know you want to persuade me to give this box to you, and I also think that the mission that can last for a thousand years cannot be destroyed in my hands. Me, kill me and you can take this safe. "

"You ..." Kantunana didn't know what to say. She looked at Xia Lei for help. She felt that Xia Lei and her thoughts were the same, and he must have a way to solve the trouble in front of her.

Xia Lei still stared at the huge safe, secretly having a headache, and also frantically guessing what was in the safe.

"There is another way," Mayan Kanter said suddenly. "I can give you a chance. You can give it a try. Maybe you have the gene of Saint Ray on you. Then you can open this safe and justify it. Take away. And the mission that haunts our family can be justifiably ended. I do n’t want anyone like me to sacrifice the happiness of my life to live like a mouse here. "

No relatives, no friends, no lovers and children, that kind of loneliness is not sustainable.Maya Kanter has such a weird temper and her poor living environment, and it is inseparable to endure this loneliness for a long time.

Xia Lei had recovered, and he said, "Then I will try it, saying that I don't necessarily have the genes of Sheng Lei in my body." He locked the genes in the safe, and secretly said: "I 'S origin is so special, it doesn't necessarily mean that I have the gene of Shenglei. If not, then simply hypnotize Aunt Maya and let her and her family end this mission. This is actually for her and her family. A heavy shackle. "

The eyes of Mayan Kanter and Contunana gathered on Xia Lei.

Xia Lei walked to the front of the genetic lock, and then lifted his right hand into the palm print.

The genetic lock is not moving, and the safe is also moving.

"Huh? Don't I have the gene of Shenglei?" Xia Lei didn't believe it, and then changed his left hand and put it in the palm print.

The genetic lock is still immobile, and the safe is immobile.

He tried it several times in a row, but it still didn't work.

"It seems I can't." Xia Lei retreated, and then said, "Commander Conto, you try it."

Kantuna said, "I don't even think about it. How could I have the gene of Shenglei?"

"You still try it." Xia Lei said: "In case, what if there is?"

"How is it possible? Otherwise, when the Blue Moon people are driven away, I will summon all the resistance soldiers here and let them try them one by one. One try. If Sheng Lei has any successors left, I think someone can always open this safe. "Contunana said.This is the best way to solve the problem that she can think of. She doesn't grab it, but she must open it.

Maya Kanter said: "Commander Conto, you still have to end my mission. If you are not even willing to give it a try, how can you convince me to let others try?"

"Um ... well, then I'll try it." Contunana walked to the safe and put her right hand in the palm of her hand.