Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 71 pays attention

"Give you!"

Li Xiuwen handed a beaker to the chapter: "Don't you believe it, now give you a chance, go to the river to bring some polluted rivers."

"What, do you let me go to the sewage?"

The chapter of the chapter widened his eyes, surprised, as he heard a very funny joke.

"Do you know my position, I am the Director of the Business Bureau!"

Ha ha.

Li Xiuwen smiled and turned his gaze to Zhu Jingfei, and did not send it.

You are not doubting my environmental governance. Now let you see it, and you will eat the previous prejudice.

Although anyone with sewage this is alive, why not let the most annoying guy go.

Li Xiuwen does not doubt, Zhu Jingfei will never look at the idea of ​​a director.

"Do you want the public to go? Go back quickly."

As a result, like he expected, Zhu Jingfei took the chapter of the chapter, and only said that this person was honest.

"Yes, mayor."

The chapter of the chapter pulls the old long, the face is not fast, the anger in the chest is coming soon, I really want to say that Zhu Jingfei said.

Only he was finally asked, and worshiped under the power, took a beaker, because he still wanted to continue the party, not to be transferred to a leisure.

Before leaving, the chapter director glared in Li Xiuwen, and it seems that I want to hurt him.

Li Xiuwen is unspeakressed by the malicious eyes of the president, like human beings ignore the provocation of ants, and the director's eyes have no threat.

After a few minutes.

The chapter of the chapter jeoparded a sweat on his forehead, staring on his eyes, and got a beaker.

"Yes, your movements are so fast, continue to keep, and strive for the next time."

Li Xiuwen laughed, it seems to praise the chapter of the chapter, put the beaker in the river into the environmental governance meter, press the start button.

It's just that it is not grateful to be praised, and the resentment in my eyes is more powerful.

Zhu Jingfei and Olivia were completely unsatisfactory, and they stretched their necks one by one, and stared at Li Xiwen.


The instrument makes a slight sound, a large green light column covers the beaker for a long time.

"I only need to wait, don't you need anything else?"

Olivia couldn't help but curious, smiling and asked questions.

"Filter, fully automated screening, fool operation."

Li Xiuwen replied.

Green light disappears, the beaker reappears in everyone's current.

The water that was originally emitted with a pungent river, it became clear and transparent, except for the purple floats on the surface, very clean.


In addition to Li Xiuwen, others have grown up their eyes and have a marvel.

You can't completely describe it with shock. They feel like a magical performance, they have been greatly impacted.


"God, this is amazing."

"This is the invention that can save the global waters and can change the world."

A mid-aerated middle-aged, suddenly a noise.

"It's not necessarily true, maybe you secretly put the medicine in the machine, sprinkle with green light, there is no technology that has orientedly promoted bacteria in the world."

The chapter of the chapter face is red, saying loudly, it seems like a small beast that is struggling, saying that he is not trustworthy.

His reason seems to be very reasonable, because microbial scientists cultivate some bacteria to carefully disinfect their macrobes.

Otherwise in the petri dish can only get a large podium a variety of bacterial mixtures, after all, the bacterial species in nature are too much too much.

However, why Li Xiuwen is lying, and is still a lie that can be verified immediately?

The Director of the Chapter may not think that it may not be improving, because it is necessary to admit that his judgment is wrong, it is not reasonable.

Since so many people, if it is wrong to the chapter of the chapter, it is impossible to give Zhu Jingfei to leave the implied bad impression, the future is great.

Zhu Jingfei's face, a scorpion, the chapter of the chapter, but his official official, which is really disappointing.

It is necessary to know that there are people present in the scene, as well as the Volkswagen's delegation, these people see the bad performance of the chapter of the chapter, I can imagine it for the Impression of the Strain.

"To shut up!"

Zhu Jing drove low and shot two anger in his eyes.

The duplication of the chapter is like a duck that is hurting his neck, instantly shuts it, but the confidence on his face is very obvious.

He is very hoping that his own guess is right, the scene just just Li Xiuwen makes it.

"You really don't know the Yellow River, let you see the ability of the essence bacteria in this glass."

Li Xiuwen took a beaker and walked toward the door.

Zhu Jingfei, the Olivian group has followed, and I don't want to go behind.

Although they guess the purification bacteria in the cup is likely to be strong, they can purify a hundred-meter river. But they still have some doubts before you see it.

There are also many techniques for treating the contaminated river, making it a few ways to make a few millimeters of water.

The chemical agents mentioned before the director of the chapter are a very common method, and there is a method such as aquatic plant such as water-saving, spreading.

These methods have a lot of defects, that is, it takes a lot of time.

Dianchi, who is preparing to governance in Nanyun Province, has prepared three fronts of the project, all of which cost huge projects.

The drainage pipe network improves the project, the new 2.45 km pipe network, the resort card combing and constructs 60.98 kilometers of construction of rainwater pipe network construction.

In the sea, the sea is mainly in the langer and key area underground mud dredging project. The grass sea and the rushing project of the Lake River, to complete the dredging of 500,000 cubic meters.

Implementing the construction of "four retreat" projects in the Haihuan Lake wetland in Dianchi, building the Haihong Wetland; implementing the construction project of Fangshan vegetation in Dianchi Watershed, implementing the mining forest treated forest replacement and premium 10,000 mu ...

These big movements are not a small amount of money, but hundreds of millions or even billions of money, consumption cannot be said.

The country may only be governed by Dianchi, as well as the water, such as the Yangtze River, Taihu Lake and other pollution.

[If the so-called purification bacteria are really effective, so many water governance fees, the Warcraft factory can get a big piece! Even if the Volkswagen is not settled to build a factory, it seems that it is nothing wrong with it.

Zhu Jingfei has a ruddy, his eyes are stunned, before the setbacks from the public have been thrown into the brain, and the whole people are reunited.

Think of the polluted cities that are contaminated across the country, they all have been helping the latter to help the Warcraft factory. This political achievement is not small, and it can also start a famous arrogance in the brothers.

Zhu Jingfei is very hoped. Li Xiuwen said the purification bacteria is so powerful, and you can follow the windmill with yourself.

A group of people came to the contaminated river, and the smell in the air seems to lose the effect, and they can no longer force them.

Here is the upstream of the sewage treatment, Li Xiuwen first puts the waters of purifying the bacteria.

There are also many cities in the upstream of the group, and the treated sewage is discharged, which is not complete, causing a lot of pollutants in the river.


The beaker was thrown into the river by Li Xiuwen, and there was a small water flower, soon quickly.

Dozens of minutes, everyone is not impatient, a pair of eyes keep watching the river.

"Ah, it's really clear!"

Some people in the crowd pointed to the river.

Zhu Jingfei, Olivia and other people's face showed a shocking expression, and the suspicion of the heart disappeared.

Li Xiuwen smiled and looked at the chapter of the face of the face, got a bad breath.