Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 150 looking for the door

"The loss is big, it is really a lot!"

Li Xiuwen facing the computer screen, he kept talking in his mouth, the face of the flourness.

After initiating action against Samsung Display, Nine-centered in the Tenhu Province in Nanhu Province selection Warcraft, which is interrupted and the Samsung's cooperation.

In order to pull these electrical supermarket bosses, the Warcraft factory has to reduce the three-specific TV factory price, only 8 points of the sales price.

The electrical supermarket sells a 30-inch price of 20,000 3D TVs, you can get three thousand, so rich gross revenue finally let them and Samsung.

Warcraft factory 3D mobile phone issued the ex-factory price of channels, but the sales price of 90%, can say that the TV has sold TV through the electrical supermarkets around the world, and the speed of making money is not as good as the mobile phone.

"Li Chi, you have to look at Samsung's losses, it is expected that they will lose hundreds of millions, and the market share is also taken away, it is the biggest loser." Yu Bing said with a smile.

Li Xiuwen said: "So I hope that online marketing has made more consumers to buy our TV and mobile phones through the official website."

When the general manager for several months, Li Xiuwen finally know why the agent has gradually gave up by the manufacturer, and the loss here is too amazing.

Or online sales, such manufacturers like World of Warcraft can avoid waste of the channel, let the hair profits have several percentage points.

"What is the list of flagship stores in Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Shenzhen-in-town city?"

Li Xiuwen remembered a lot of ways to travel, and believed that the profit can be wasted to waste in the channel, and the way the self-built flagship store is much better than the difficult channel.

With more and more products of the Warcraft plant, the greater the role that the flagship store can play. Take the current TV, you can fully put it in the store, and disperse consumers when consumers buy TV.

The flagship stores around the world can also act as the maintenance point of the product, which can be described as many uses, and will never waste it. Otherwise Ov, Xiaomi and other mobile phone manufacturers will not stop adding physical stores.

"It's been selected, renovated, it is expected that the flagship store in Guangshen two will open in a week after a week. After half a month, the Magical and the capital can also open."

The , don't bow to the information on the tablet, see the situation of the company's size.

Li Xiuwen nodded and smiled.

The progress of Kong Military is still not slow. You can double your bonus next month, stimulate the people inside the company, let them move.

Li Xiuwen recently found that the company was a bit change, lazy, like a full of seals, sunbathe in the reef. It seems to be due to mobile phones, TV and other products, as long as it can be produced, sell it.

He does not have a good way to make the factory to produce the product of the rotten street. If he is not confident in the competition of homogenization, he is not confident.


Wang Ying wearing a beige hanging skirt, wrapped in a fragrant wind: "Li Zi, Shashi Sanxing Display Company's An Site wants to see you."

Li Xiuwen and the two people opposed eyes, did not think that the unlucky eggs just talking, the face was coming to the face, and the smile was full.

"It's really enough, saying Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here. This pair is a bit impatient, no say hello in advance."

Li Xiuwen sneaked, thinking about the purpose of this security: "Let him come in, always see him."

Don't look at Samsung Monitor Co., Ltd. was defeated, the loss was not small, but the entire Huaxia province has many provinces. Nanhu is just the province of the central stream.

This time, the Warcraft factory has a chance to fight, and gives the rich profit space to win the victory, and there is no such opportunity in the future.

So let the president come in, talk about it or need it, it is necessary, find out the top cards of the opponent.

Esce looked at Li Xiuwen as a decision, nodding, mature decision makers could not use things, and Yi Zhi was the largest magic weapon.

Wang Ying led a middle-aged man who had a medium and round cake. This person is full of anger, and the eyes are red, which seems to have red eye disease.

"Hello Li!"

An Preshang took a bow, the waist was tilted into forty-five degrees, and then quickly upright, barely broke the fire.

"I don't know when the two companies complain, leading to your company to ask the electrical supermarket two choices, such an offensive behavior is very unsitious."

The Sociist stared at the little eyes and stared at Li Xiuwen, and did not divide the attention to the beautiful gerbera and Wang Ying two women.

"You still don't know?"

Li Xiuwen said that it is surprised to show his mouth. "Samsung has launched spy from my technician, this harsh behavior must be punished!"

The security of the security has decided that the head is dramatic: "How is it, it is definitely misunderstood, Samsung is a law-abiding company."

Li Xiuwen opened the video point of the beast twenty-two kidnapped, and the President looked carefully.

In particular, the actress of the World of Warcraft is in the vint of the vint, grabbing the trial recording after a large spy, and nail the evidence.

In the event, the police of the Songzhangmong is short, and there is no previous air, and the forehead has a thin sweat.

He said: "Maybe it is the silence of these spies, it must be this! Samsung is an international company, never do this kidnapping."

Li Xiuwen is cold and said: "Okay, no matter what you say, I have already given these spy tinners to the police. As for their end, I don't care, but Samsung must pay the price, this is the reason for the two companies "

When An President left the World of Warcraft, the head was lost, as if the cock fighting, lost all the pride.

It's just that his mood is very good, it is not as frustrated in the outside table, but it is full of hope: Haha, it is not me that the company is lost, but the people of the intelligence group!

The year of the SETA in South Korea, I heard that the company's strong external intelligence group personnel, the ability to sprout the intelligence collection technology is very powerful, and the sweat work is settled.

It is just that he as a middle-level Korean local administrator, and there is no contact with the intelligence group. It is naturally not responsible, so he just came to the World of Warcraft, the anger and uneasiness of disappointment, hateful, sing.

"However, this news should be reported as soon as possible, but also clear responsibility."

The President is so thinking, sitting in the modern sedan, immediately pick up the mobile phone to call the boss: "President, I have a message to report with you ..."

"It turns out that this is no wonder you, it is the mistake made by the intelligence group, but from now on, give you a mission, wear the Warcraft factory, find it weak! No one can let Samsung lose, no one!"

"Yes, the president!"