Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 193 Olive branches of World of Warcraft

On June 23, the World Health Organization announced that the new Ebola virus is flooding in Africa, which calls for help in other countries around the world.

Compared to richness, African countries are naturally not European and American countries, as well as opponents in East Asian countries.

Pfizer's dote produced by Novouwell, was taken away, only a small amount of drugs flowed to Africa.

Can a bone well relieved? Of course, it is not good, so African countries have been deteriorated until the World Health Organization is now announced to the need for help.

Despite the requirements of African countries, Pfizer will lift the restrictions of drug production patents, allowing the African Pharmaceutical Plant to produce.

Pfizer said that R & D spent, 1.1 billion US dollars have not recovered costs and rejected the requirements of African countries.

African countries and Pfizer are in progress.

A few days, African countries will win, because the people around the world stand on them.

It is only bad in the industrial conditions of Africa, and it is not an easy thing to produce dingjian to Novo Velvir, waiting for them to buy machine training workers, maybe a month has passed.

At that time, the number of people infected with viruses in African countries will continue to increase the ten-fold now, and the situation will further deteriorate, the economic recession, and the consequences are serious.

At present, the world's eyes are focused on Africa, and a large number of programs explained this virus event. The above analysis is a TV station program in Germany, analysts say.

"Li Xiuwen, you seem to say that Warcraft factory can produce this medicine?"

The eyes of the embansical flash flashed, transferred to Li Xiuwen's face, flashing on his face, and taking a hand on his shoulders.

"I said this sentence? It seems to be said."

Li Xiuwen has biased a migle, thinking about a second: "This new medicine may be a bit difficult for other drug companies, need to purchase new equipment; For Warcraft Factory, there is no difficulty. "

Ye Hua, Xu Yingyuan turned over the eyes, some did not believe, think he was blowing oepside.

You must know that Warcraft may not be involved in drug production, the product is not mechanical electric vehicle, which is the use of electronic and mobile phone.

If mechanical and electronic class, there is a certain connection in manufacturing production, then they are not in terms of drug production, and there is no relationship between half-cow, and the difference is 100,000 miles.

"I found a good opportunity to let Worldheast works in Africa, becoming an entries with huge influence."

The luminous eyes are shining, like two shiny stars.

"Do you want me to produce drugs for countries in Africa?"

"Yes, that's it."

"It's very boring, I didn't want World of Warcraft factories to become Africa giants, not interested."

Li Xiuwen shook his head.

The African area is wide, rich in resources, but the economy is not developed, the market is not big, and there are still several countries in Western Europe.

If the Warcraft factory wants to sell a variety of expensive products here, it is to find a wrong place, and the people who have a strategy are unqualified.

"I didn't expect you to be such a person, such a thing to save many people, you don't want to do it."

The pretty face of the embassy flashed deeply, and the spirit of the spirit is short, like a low sunflower low.

"Forget it, since you all open, I certainly have to change my idea, save the people here."

Li Xiuwen sat up straight, smiled and said: "Just just make a joke with you, I am in your impression, is it a indifferent person."

"You can also kids like this, really serve you."

The icy extension is hand, and I am smashed on the biceps of Li Xiuwen.


Li Xiuwen screamed, like being smashed.

"Rely, you don't want to put dog food in front of me, tired of me."

Ye Hua looked at his eyes and shouted.


President of South Africa Office

"Do you think of a way? More and more people infected with viruses, must be solved as soon as possible! Nowadays, there is a chaotic in China, everyone is at home, and the economy is going to collapse."

The owner of the office, the strict eyes swept away other officials, knocked on the table with force.

Others' eyes, do not focus on a person.

"Pfizer has succeeded, handed over the detailed production process of Dingcommir, but the best medicine factory in my country, the equipment is also behind, and the production conditions are not reached."

The Minister of the Ministry of Health launched, and his face was hot and said a bad news.

He said that later explains: "This drug is not a proof of the process for decades, and the required production conditions are very harsh. If it is forcibly produced, the drug will become a murder."

"No, so bad!"

"What should I do? We know the number of people infected with viruses, have exceeded 30,000."

"Yes, there are thousands of people infected with viruses every day. If this situation does not contain, it is afraid that people in our country will become a patient."

"Then you can ask other countries to produce, and the pharmaceuticals in Europe should be produced. Although this will make our country's face, but also better look at it."

"Only this road is, the national is the most important, but who is going to contact?"

There is a silence in the office, no one takes the initiative to pick up this task.

In the country, they are highly at the national managers. I have been touched to the face. I have almost I have forgotten that how to deliberately make a person.

What's more, you can contact the European Pharmaceutical Plant, made there's not too great credit, because the drug is produced by other countries, you need to pay a big pen, do not say, completely stimulating the pride of the country.

During the bad, it is going to be on the huge black pot, who makes you smashing this matter, indirect death, maybe you have to lose your position.

Everyone is the old fox of the sea, will not understand this truth, so there is no one to take the initiative, waiting for someone to take this task.

The president saw this situation, secretly sighed in his heart, but he made a severe warning: "Since you don't active, then I will specify one of you!"

Other highters are looking at each other, continue to be silent, like the mud buddha in the temple.

"That let Avery ..."

If the owner of the office is not finished, I am interrupted by the emergency sound from the outside: "Report, there is a good news!"

"Go out! Diene will not knock, there is no politeness."

The female secretary outside the door squatted, withdraws from the office, knocked on the door and then came in.

"Say, what is the news so excited?"

"There is a company to contact us, saying that it is possible to produce buttures for Novo, the location is in our country!"

The female secretary got a small mouth and tried his best to hear the shock when he heard the news.


The high officials are just a good look, like a savior.