Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 247 They have spiders


The phone rang the sound of knocking on the door, then sent an artificial intelligence to theft: "The boss, representatives of twelve countries have come to Cape Town, all apply for and you."

"Pushing, I have so many idle works and so many people talk, leave the two of China and the United States. Send a text message for representatives of other countries, say that I am negotiating with these two countries, slowly wait. "

Li Xiuwen frowned, and the practice is quite rude, and it is pushed.

Even other countries know clearly, Li Xiuwen is secretly looked down, and he has no way. Because they are in China, the United States is really a strength grade.

The EU joints are quite big, but the economic integration is not to say that there is no difference between the country and the country. The difference is big, and the UK is the best foot.

Besides Russia, this slowly declined giant bear, in addition to the force of the force, the economical difference is very unruly, and it is not to play by Western sanctions.

Other countries don't have to say that the strength is worse.

"Your parents get to the Putun Sophia, do you need to take them?"

"No, they and the official people in Huaxia are in a piece, some people talk to talk, is a good thing. This exotic country, and many foreign people have more difficulties."

Li Xiuwen refused the proposal of the Grand Theft Auto.

Hey, hey!

A burst of gun sounded, and there was a huge explosion.

The entire Air Force base seems to be invaded, everywhere is the sound of the weapon, which is a giant flame caused by the explosion.

Li Xiuwen looked up and looked at the TV screen on the wall. The fierce battle shown above is like the most popular real war.

The invader is armed, and the training is good, there is a helicopter and rocket launcher, and there is a missile, it seems to be strong.

If guarding here is still the army of South Africa, it will collapse.

Because invaders are important locations that know the base, such as air defense missile positions, the position of the dinner, the fire is put into the past, and the defense line is blown up.

It is unfortunately, the guards they have encountered are Li Xiuwen's guards, and the counterattack is fast and accurate. The armed helicopter and heavy fire have just blown off the defense line, which is subject to a miniature missile.


The helicopter was fried as a fireball, four disadvantages, and the intruder's heavy fire power is also hard to surprise, almost all lost.

Next, an icy mechanical spider is flooded like a flood.

"Ah, what is this ghost!"

"Damn, my leg is broken!"

"Careful spider! It will shoot."

After a few minutes, the deafening guns and explosions were stopped.

The Grand Theft Auto reported a message: "The boss, caught twenty-four intruders, is an active black wolf security company in North Africa. How do these people deal with?"

"All are done, it is too lazy to interrogate which behind the scenes, now there should be five or sixty countries and consort, and I really want to know the secret of exploration rockets."

Li Xiuwen put his hand and determined the fate of the captive.

Which mercenary did not be stained with fresh blood, whether the enemy is still civilians, is completely sinful to death.

Especially the mercenaries mixed in the continent of the African continent, involved in various armed conflicts, is difficult to say to ordinary people.

This attack is no longer the first time. After the exploration of the rockets, the Air Force base was attacked for the first time.

That is to guard here or the South African soldier, and they are quickly defeated, and they will go to other bases. Li Xiuwen's troops started, fixed attack.

As a result, the attacked soldiers were frightened, and even the orders in Somma didn't care, they were withdrawn.

"Is this the first wave?"

Li Xiuwen asked.

"Boss, this is the fourth wave, there should be no next wave of attack, I guess."

The TV screen jumped out of a twelve-year-old boy, and the finger said.

"Haha, these people can't think of it, and you will be in my eyelids. I have died four people. I should have dare to want money."

Li Xiuwen allows the detection of the satellite to monitor the square, one hundred kilometers, these driving helicopters, the mercenaries who have been driving straight, completely self-searching, and tie up the big network.


Sofia Hotel Presidential Suite

Amway Alan in the Delegation of the country, encrypted mobile phone received a message: the martial arts attack failed, three retired squats died.

Damn! waste!

Allen licked his head, the linen hair floated.

He slammed his mobile phone, screaming it, and there were several cracks.

The attack failed, but also he needs to spend more energy, and Li Xiuwen bargaining, however, how can I get a good answer.

In this world, things that make Mi State bow down is not much. There is no doubt that a private company is no longer there.

In Allen's China, there is a black wolf employer guided by the country's retirement guard, using active weapons, it is fully able to break the defense of the Air Force Base.

It's just what the matter is what it may be, just like this failure, it is completely exceeding many people.

"Why will we fail? Those weapons are we are using, coupled with the exciteful mercenaries, Africa is not able to resist."

Allen couldn't help but dialed the African Command established by Miki.

"Allen, calm down, we must admit that Xiaoli Li Xiuwen, smashing the armed forces he mastered."

The Major General of the phone is the head of Allen, and listen to the voice, I know that I am very angry and I don't understand.

"According to the observer's observer's event, this Lee always dispatched the spider-form robot, and they act agility, strong defense, and fight against mercenary."


Allen is surprised, like seeing a group of cattle flying as a shock.

"The fact is so absurd, we have no big-scale combat robots, which actually implemented in the hands of a private company. The latest instructions from the Pentagon have suspended all force to the actions of the World of Warcraft."

"That is to say, we have to talk to a private company equally, can not ask him to explain the cave of the exploration of the rocket? Also to discuss the end of South Africa? I hate to do this, Mi State is the most powerful, down let me Very unhappy, or ... "

"Carefully use force, when it can't immediately knock down the enemy."

Major will warn: "Convergence your temper, we still don't know the size of the robots in the hands of Li Xixin, can not expand the situation, understand?"


Allen hangs a phone and feels weak.

He wants to ask African headquarters, assemble more powerful strength, catch Li Xi Dynasty, and ask for technical sources.

Just interruptions who are not polite, let the plan to terminate, and let Allen are full of frustration.