Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 539 Extreme Experiment

William feels his own brain, and has never been so smart now. It has great improvement in instant memory. When he closed his eyes, you can fully describe the twentieth numbers seen in the previous second.

He is a little bit of God: Intelligence has increased by 40% from ordinary people, and I really don't know what kind of feelings are it?

If I have been developing it again by my brain, I have two thousand people, but the total is more than 10,000!

William saw the nearby volunteers, surprise, and felt uncomfortable.

"People and people are different, everyone's brain development is different, so how many people have developed more than me in this batch of two thousand people? Or, I can be row Where is the position of two thousand people? "

The imitation robot is to leave, and William reached out and asked seriously.

The robot said with an emotional voice, saying that "William is a volunteer, the authority passes, the results of the clinical experiment can be obtained.

The number of two thousand people, the number of people successfully developed was 1995, three deaths, and the two became a vegetative person, the success rate was 99.75%.

The situation in this batch is more secure, the number of people who have been developed again of 1998. There is only two people to become a vegetative, there is no one death. It is expected that the next six thousand people will continue to decrease. "

William listened, a shock in his heart, slightly scared.

If he is the first volunteer who participates in the clinical experiment, 0.25% of the chances become one of the five people in the casualties! Unlucky chances are very small, but once encountered, the consequences are not death is to become a vegetative person, and the end is tragic.

Fortunately, the Woodwoman played an influence, so that he did not become the first volunteer who participated in the experiment, the treatment is already very good.

"Where is the volunteer of this batch?"

William is curious.

During this time, he also met several people, hoping to get his friend.

"It is Maldo and Kilan, and they unfortunately become a plant, it is difficult to wake up. For humanitarianism, Warcraft is going to provide each family to provide $ 100 million soothing gold."

The electronic eye of the imitation robot flashes, and the answer is very fast.

This time no permissions passed the notice, it seems that this answer is irrelevant, there is no need to be too confidential.

"What? It's Maldo!"

William was surprised, and the face rose to believe in the expression.

Although he and Maldo are not very familiar, these days have come into contact, and they are still calm, but they have no conflicts, but he didn't expect Maldo to become a vegetative!

That kind of death, the feelings of the gods, the feelings of the rest, suddenly let the William vest are wet, like just take a shower.

He said that his scorpion said that it was blocked a cotton: "I want to see him."

"No, Maldo's body will be transported back to the earth, hand it over to his relatives. You can also take the spaceship, return to the United States, unless you are willing to become a new fire city, you can not continue to stay on the Mars. "

The imitation robot refuses and left straight.

For familiar strangers Maldo's unfortunate, William does not have much grief, just felt a while. This is the clinical drug trial, and it is not guaranteed 100% security!

At this moment, William took the proud of his heart, the pride of the brain was once again developed.

After the 10,000 people have experienced clinical experiments, William and other volunteers were sent away, and only ten "death and injuries" volunteers in the big experimental base, and several robots.

According to the original plan, these deaths or volunteers who become vegetative people will be sent back, but there is no robot to move them.

Half hour later.


The base door opened, Li Xiuwen came in, and stopped his footsteps around the ten volunteers.

His eyes swept through the volunteers of a move, said: "Grand Theft Auto, now performing the second step experiment."

"Yes, the boss."

Grand Theft Theft Answer and replied.

Ten volunteers, one by one of the empty rooms. There is no furniture in these rooms, nor any electronic equipment, and a pure metal cell.

The impersonal robot injected a tuned agent in their neck and wakes them soon.

"Where is this? I am not attending clinical experiments, where are everyone going?"

"Damn, what do you want to do with me?"

"I want to go back to the earth! Let me go."

Some people feel unsatisfactory and scream.

Before they came in coma, there were many companions, and the location was also in a very large hall, and the small room where the current room was completely different.

But they pray and threaten, the robots of the truth, the robot of the triumphal are completely useless, and a tube is full of active bioenergy, injecting into their body.

If William and other existing volunteers, the total amount of active bioenergy in the injected drug is 1, now Maldo and other ten people, the energy content is increased, from 2 times to 11 times.

Previous experiments, only indicate that the active bioenergy can be used in the human body, and the adult brain can be developed again, increase 30% to 50% intelligence.

However, the limits of the brain still need some volunteers to cooperate with the experiment, which is the meaning of the limit experiment, exploring the highest upper limit.

Li Xiuwen is intended to use active bioenergy, how can it be used in it.

Modern society is not ancient ancient, need for hard cultivation and dangerous hunting, personal body muscles have been negligible in front of the steel machine, and it is not a firearm opponent.

No one will refuse himself become smarter, Li Xiuwen can not refuse, because intelligence is much more useful than muscle in modern society.

The polar intellectual upper limit has been destined during birth, and the growth in the growth process is not much to minimize the development of its own potential, and it is difficult to increase.

After injection of the drug, ten volunteers were more fierce than William and others. They were no longer the scream of human beings, but the ghost crying.

A person's skin is like a red paint, and the body surface has a root of blood vessels. The number of heartbeats per minute exceeds three hundred, and the body is dramatic.


Volunteers who have been injected with 11 times, they are strike, and the whole person will soon have no movement.

After an hour, the results of clinical experiments have appeared. There are only five people in ten people to live, and three of them are impaired. They become idiots, only two volunteers succeed.

"One injection agent, the maximum amount of active bioenergy containing 3!"