Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 1480 Transition

The bustling of the pool bag subway square in the day, the pedestrians on the marble bricks can be seen everywhere, and the eyes of a skull hole in the sky are in the sky, as if they are questioned.

Wang Xing's hardship to resist the number of painted, thick tree roots, and all the way to the roadside mooring.

"When is the person of the police boy? We must leave here right away."

He waved the crystal clear ice gun to freeze two tree roots, and the very low temperature was successfully stopped, and it was blocked in the ice.

The ice gun slammed on a thick ice, and after the snoring, the ice screamed into a piece of ice, and the roots were broken into a piece of block.

However, when Wang Xing smashed two tree roots, four new tree roots spread from the distance and joined the attack.

Almost all over the number of roots, as if endlessly, the source is constantly climbed from the channels that connect the underground world.

"They come soon!"

Maozhan threw away the submachine gun without a bullet, came to a silver Honda sedan, grabbing the hand, did not shake the lock of the door.

I found three cars, all the door closed, the window closed, didn't leave him.

Mao Mao is pursuing to licking the gallbladder, getting closer to the people root, complaining: "How can I not have a door?"

"Who is going to get off the car?"

Nahai gauze will turn its eyes to bicycle, and there is no hurry to go.

She didn't have much panic on her face, still calm, if the worst moment, the flight capacity will let her leave quickly.

"Wang Sang, you come up!"

Nasham yarn rides on a red bicycle, say loudly.

Mao Mu saw, revealing the color of envious, mutter: "Why don't you call me, this is a difference."

"Seniors, I can take you with your bicycle."

Young people in blue sportswear, see Wang Xing's cleanliness of frozen black tree roots, a pair of eyes straight, no longer leave, the dead skin is staying in the team.

This will take the initiative to make help, but it is a bit surprised by Mao Mu: "Is the kid very machine, what is the name?"

"The predecessors are so good."

Sugnocheng struggled with a bicycle, soon he was sweating, but he didn't have a little grievance, and

From the underground world to the square black tree, the roots have not fully pursued them, and most of the trees have chased the public, like a pop-up of countless double touch, rushing into a shop near the square, residential in.

A sound is stunned, from the building near the Subway Square, the bustling commercial street became a slaughterhouse.

Sugnocheng listened to the brow, asked by the Mao Mu Wei after the body: "What is the black tree root of people who eat people?"

"The monsters in the underground secret! Although all underground secrets are integrated, the monsters are still there."

Mao Mao explained, looked at the bustling streets of the bustling, pedestrian tourists, caught in the last day, and they were awkward.

Know the latest secrets, the Scholarity is full, and the exciting wine on the face, I feel that I will give a car.

These ordinary people have difficulty knowing the secrets, saying that the students in the school will listen, they will get a lot of people envy!

A group of four people ride a bicycle, leaving more than two hundred meters of squares, pulling the black tree roots a distance, temporarily safe.

Nimei yarn stopped, the look is serious, biting the silver tooth: "We are here waiting for the aid soldiers, and will save a save."

The first time, Mao Mao, agreed, and looked at the eyes of Nahai, full of joy, such talents were real Dongpu nationals.

Wang Xing secretly secretly, did not oppose it, as long as he did not kill the roots, staying is not.


The roar of the helicopter is nearly near, from weak to the eardame ear.

There are two small black nodes in the distance in the distance, soon become a full armed, installing the killing machine of weapons such as cannon, rocket nest.

"Look, this is our aid! You can all destroy the death of the people."

Mao Mu has a little excited, pointed to the police bodies sprayed on the body, very certain.

He looked down at the watch on the left wrist, just in the past seven minutes from him, the action of the police is not so uncomfortable, and it is two, very important.


Four-five rockets that dragged long white smoke were falling on the pool bag subway square, then it was a few dramatic explosions, rising a few dazzling mushroom flame group.

Explosion, high temperature sweep the entire square, the marble bricks that are smashing most of the squares, also brings destruction of black tree roots that are unscrupulous.

Extended to more than a hundred meters, searching for human, and smoking their flesh and blood, which was the most tragic and most serious injury.

First, a strong explosion shock wave shocks a lot of tree roots, followed by high temperature, and smoke the broken tree roots, some burning.

"It's good! Our police room is still very powerful."

Scholar is better than a helicopter of more than 100 meters high on top of one hundred meters.

Got the praise of the nationals, Mao Mu Wu and have a glorious, full of strength, hate, no need to apply immediately.

It's too irresponsible to do ordinary supervision, it is better to open a helicopter, patrolling over the city every day, and will sprinkling twenty-three districts from Tokyo.

"These colleagues are beautiful, only better than me."

Mao Mu Wei is slightly standing, with a point of pride, "I have made the order of the superior, and the life is dangerous to the underground world reconnaissance, and there are many important information."

Sugarbed on the face, carefully got a closer to the two eyes of Mao Mao, did not see this person to middle-aged, dyed a greasy man, such a non-solved poisonous guy, actually a hero?

The dazzling red-red flame on the square gradually extinguished, the flat and beautiful marble brick disappeared, not fryed into a fragment, which was exploded, revealing the lower yellow soil below.

There are more than five or six meters wide, and the half-meter deep hole, like scars, appeared on the square.

Occupy to the whole square, extend to the 100-meter business shop, the roots of the residential building, after the rear end, still did not completely die, like a broken python, started to struggle.

Ah, ah!

A screaming and shouted from the construction of the streets on the square.

"Wang Sang, please save them."

The Nakai Gannie is deeply accused of Wang Xing deeply, sincere request.

"no problem."

Wang Xing nodded and smiled and agreed.

The roots that are struggling to be struggling are still unbelievable monsters for ordinary people. It is just a small blame for him.