On the first day of the trip to Hengdian, I took the album photo with Xu Ran. After all, the workload of album photo was relatively small.

I had already done most of it in the studio before. When Song Yubai was doing styling in the morning, Xu Ran had already taken someone to step on a suitable place for taking pictures, and conceived in his mind how to shoot.

When Xu Ran came back, Song Yubai's shape was almost done.

The last look in the album photo is a moon-white robe with a hosta on his hair, which is relatively simple.

Folding fans, lanterns and oiled paper umbrellas are prepared as props, which are more suitable for shooting.

After finishing the styling, I set off directly to the place chosen by Xu Ran for shooting.

I have changed several places, but the progress is quite fast. After all, I have an idea of ​​what kind of photos I want to take.

Song Yubai came to Hengdian for the first time, and felt quite fresh for a while.

Some of the places Xu Ran chooses are open to tourists. There are not many tourists in Hengdian this season, but today happens to be a weekend with a little crowd.

Then, wherever Song Yubai went, the tourists felt that they were worth the fare, although the staff stopped him.

But everyone watched Song Yubai, and he didn't expect that he could actually meet a live star. It was still so popular, and the tourists were very pleasantly surprised.

Although among the tourists, Song Yubai did not have many fans, but there were still a few. Then Song Yubai was caught by Reuters in his costume.

After the filming was over, there were already several photos of Song Yubai's costume in Chaohuan, and then the fans fry the pot.

Although this is not the first time I have seen Song Yubai's costume photos, Song Yubai also wore Hanfu when performing on stage.

But wearing ancient costumes like this, and appearing in places like Hengdian, I have to make people guess.

[Big Brother Yu Bai is in Hengdian?

[Fuck, this costume is beautiful, it's amazing.

[While seeing this photo of ancient costumes, I instantly substituted the faces of the male protagonists in several ancient novels into Song Yubai in my mind.

[It should be filming in Hengdian, right?Why is there no publicity at all?

[Bold guess, maybe it's the makeup photo of the new drama?

[I will also guess whether it will be the MV for the new album. After all, my brother said that there will be a regular second this year.

[I think what the upstairs said makes sense.

[I want to be a regular second album. It's been a few months, so I don’t know how to do pigeons, right?

[It doesn't feel impossible to do pigeons, after all, this year is too high-yield, and good songs are slow and not anxious.


The news of Song Yubai's appearance in Hengdian, coupled with the photos taken by tourists, dressed in white, instantly made fans think of n possibilities in their minds.

The photo shoot took a total of two days and ended. Song Yubai had to admire when he saw the final photo.

There is a certain reason why Xu Ran, a photographer, can become an Internet celebrity. The quality of every photo is very high.

And from the composition, lighting, and various angles, the word "advanced" is revealed everywhere.

And for Song Yubai, this should be the highest quality photo of his album.

Of course, it is not to say that Tony's shots were not good enough before, only that Xu Ran's shots were too good.

Each group of photos gave people a feeling of art, which caused Song Yubai to choose the album cover.

Each one is quite suitable as an album cover.

Song Yubai and Xu Ran picked one for a long time, but they couldn't pick one.

So I didn't choose the last photo, so I decided not to put photos on the album cover. As for the design of the final album cover, it will take a while before Song Yubai can see it.

At night, Song Yubai lay on the bed in the hotel, slid with the tablet in his hand to exercise his arm strength.

Song Yubai felt that he was a real warrior who was able to slide an eleven-inch tablet in one hand for a long time. After holding it for ten minutes.

Song Yubai felt a little tired.

Song Yubai is looking at the script. The MV will be filmed tomorrow, and the MV for "Blue and White Porcelain" will be filmed tomorrow.

This time Song Yubai plans to shoot two songs for the MV, one is "Blue and White Porcelain", and the other is "Fireworks Easy to Cold".

If you look at it from a story point of view, it must be that the MV of "Fireworks Easy to Cold" is a bit more narrative.

The song "Fireworks is Easy to Cold" was also seen by Song Yubai, the MV of Dong Jay Chou's previous life, but it may look a bit rough because of the time.

And did not follow the story of the lyrics to shoot.

This time, Song Yubai chose to directly shoot the story of the lyrics into the MV. In this way, it will be more compatible with the song, and the special effects will definitely be a very feel MV.

Moreover, Song Yubai feels that the story in the lyrics is very touching, and if the film is well filmed, he might make a wave of tears.

Song Yubai had never watched the MV of the song "Blue and White Porcelain" in his previous life, so he completely followed his own ideas.

Song Yubai just gave a summary of the story, and the final script was completed by someone else.

The most important point of the whole MV is not the story, but the point I want to grasp most is aesthetics, so it will be easier to shoot than the song "Firework is Cold".

Because his arm was sore, Song Yubai put the tablet aside.

I turned on my phone and swiped Weibo for a while, and yesterday I posted a Weibo, which was a photo taken with the fans chasing me at the airport.

Although he is not sure how many true love fans can be, Song Yubai still posted it. After all, he has to believe it.

Today, Song Yubai was also on a hot search, and it was the first time Song Yubai was on a hot search after Yunchu released an album last time.

The hot search content is "Song Yu Bai Hengdian costume", but the popularity is not very high, the highest is just hovering in more than 30 people, and then the popularity goes down.

Song Yubai didn't have any surprises. Originally, he didn't think this kind of thing could be searched hot, but soon after it was posted, the popularity dropped to be more true.

If it hangs for a long time, others should suspect that Song Yubai is a hot search.

After swiping Weibo for a while, Song Yubai was ready to rest.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep after a while, and I have developed the habit of not recognizing the bed.


Get up in the morning, embrace the sun and fill your body with...

Well, it's cloudy and there is no sun.

Although there was no sun, Song Yubai saw good news when he brushed his phone while brushing his teeth.

The first hot search is "Yunchu Band Golden Diamond Record".

Such a hot search word instantly brightened Song Yubai's mood.