Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 327 We Are The Fate

The card got the rhythm, Song Yubai opened his eyes, raised the microphone in his hand to his mouth, and sang.

"The bustling sound escaped into the empty door and broke the world,

The dream is cold tossing and turning, and there are a few love debts,

If you acquiesce, wait for life and death,

Waiting for the annual rings one after another,


Song Yubai sang very earnestly, his voice was very magnetic, and the audience in the audience listened very fascinated.

Some audience members closed their eyes and enjoyed, some audience members stared directly at Song Yubai on the stage, and some audience members looked at the screen behind Song Yubai.

The screen behind Song Yubai was singing the song, playing the MV of the song "Fireworks Easy to Cold".

Backstage, Nie Yaoyang was also listening carefully to Song Yubai's singing, and then had to sigh that Song Yubai's singing skills are very strong. You must know that there has never been a music repair on the stage of playing songs.

But Song Yubai sang a stronger effect than the sound modification. Is this... automatic sound modification?

Nie Yaoyang was convinced of Song Yubai's singing skills.

Nie Yaoyang has listened to the song "Fireworks Easily Cold" many times, and as soon as Song Yubai's album was released, he circulated the entire album.

They are all very nice, but it may be because the song "Firework is easy to cold" has a MV and the story is very beautiful, so Nie Yaoyang likes this one.

When Song Yubai was rehearsing just now, he wanted to listen to the scene well, but in the end, Song Yubai didn't sing well at all during the rehearsal. He just tried the sound.

But now that Song Yubai stood on the stage, Nie Yaoyang clearly felt completely different from what he sang during the rehearsal. He was obviously more emotional, and Song Yubai seemed to be integrated into the song.

Now, Nie Yaoyang wants to watch with the audience under the stage rather than watching it on TV in the waiting room.

But there is no other way but to listen like this.

On the stage, Song Yubai held the microphone in one hand and the windbreaker in the other hand, his head lowered slightly and his eyes closed while singing.

Song Yubai replaced his emotions, his own emotions into the last scene of the MV, the feeling of sadness.

Not heartbreaking, but like running water, it makes people feel the kind of continuous sadness and the feeling of longing.

Song Yubai is not just singing, he is singing, giving the audience the best experience.

The song soon reached the chorus part, and Song Yubai had been standing without moving before.

When it was time for the chorus, I changed the microphone from my right hand to my left hand, took two steps forward, and sang the chorus.

Because he was in the state, Song Yubai did not relax his right hand while singing, but danced gently to match the rhythm of the song, which looked very beautiful.

"The rain is plentiful, the old hometown is deep,

I heard that you are always alone,

The mottled city gate, entwined with the roots of old trees,

What reverberates on the slate is waiting


While singing, Song Yubai felt that he was another person, the general who went on the expedition a thousand years ago.

After returning from the expedition, the city became ruins. The beloved girl was waiting for herself, but waiting for the girl to disappear, she never waited for her return.

With Song Yubai's singing, those sceneries appeared in front of them with a sense of picture.

Already mottled gates, dead trees, desperate generals, and girls who once waited in the city.

With Song Yubai's singing, many audiences couldn't help but sketch such a picture in their hearts.

Even audiences with weak imagination can outline such a picture, because the MV behind Song Yubai is such a picture, which fits perfectly with the content of the song.

In the backstage, watching Song Yubai's performance in the waiting room of the boy group, they fell silent.

I feel that this kind of compelling performance is not a compelling performance from the performance that I and the others have just been jumping on the stage.

Judging from the grade, it seems to be crushed.

The waiting room of the creator boy group was extremely silent, while the waiting room of the V9 boy group became a little excited after being silent for a while.

They still remember that Song Yubai said before that he liked the songs of himself and others and wanted an album.

Several of the members secretly made a decision. If there are interviews with their favorite artist in the future, they will definitely answer Song Yubai.

Song Yubai, who was performing on stage, naturally didn't know what these people thought in the backstage waiting room.

If you know the idea of ​​the V9 men's team, Song Yubai will definitely make a lot of money. This kind of thing can be done more in the future.

But Song Yubai is now completely immersed in the song "Firework is Easy to Cold", and he sings naturally. The lyrics seem to be engraved in his heart and he does not need to look at the teleprompter.

When the director listened to Song Yubai’s singing, his mood also fluctuated greatly, but it was not that Song Yubai’s songs brought emotions, but...

The ratings have exploded, really exploding, the highest in the whole year, not even a little bit higher, it is almost 0.3 points higher, this increase is never expected by the director.

Because of this, the director didn't listen to Song Yubai's songs seriously at all. He looked at Song Yubai, and he felt that Song Yubai had written "Guaranteed ratings" on his body.

I am naturally very excited. Although I have been playing on the song stage for many years, no matter whether the ratings are good or not, it will not affect this show.

Although it will not affect it, it is inevitable that there will be no gossips, and now this achievement can stop their mouths.

Song Yubai on the stage is singing the second chorus.

"The rain is plentiful, the old hometown is deep,

I heard that you still guard the lonely city,

The sound of the grazing flute on the outskirts of the city falls in which nomura

The fate takes root, we"

After singing this passage, Song Yubai changed his microphone again.

The audience in the audience thought that the interlude was about to applaud, but they forgot that after Song Yubai finished singing this passage, he immediately continued to sing the next one. There was no gap to applaud.

But the audience's subconscious movements were seen by Song Yubai, and the camera recorded them.

At this moment, if you use a mobile phone to watch, open the barrage, and you can see that the barrage fills the entire screen.

[This song is really better as you listen to it.

[The scene really feels better than listening to the audio source.

[This singing skill is very good. Compared with the previous singers, there is really no comparison and no harm.

[This poignant love story is almost crying to me.

[This Yan is really handsome, and I really want the shirt in the trench coat.

[The previous thoughts are really different, I want a shirt, so I really want it...]


The barrage flicked frantically, and Song Yubai on the stage turned sideways slightly and looked at the big screen behind.

On the big screen, the MV was still playing, and Song Yubai watched it while raising the microphone to sing the next paragraph.