Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 348 Thermos Cup Wolfberry Health Set

The signing event has not officially started yet, but it was just an opening, which made the fans feel that today is not in vain.

Because filming was not prohibited at the scene, some fans also took out their phones and wanted to record this moment.

Song Yubai also arranged for the staff to film his opening performance, because it was the first stage of "Blue and White Porcelain", so he wanted to let fans who were not able to come to the scene see the high-quality official shooting.

Song Yubai has sung to the last part of the entire song.

On the stage, Song Yubai had closed his eyes, and his whole person was in a very relaxed state. The voice naturally matched the accompaniment, as if it were a natural fit.

Although the stage is very simple, only the lighting, MV, and Song Yubai himself make the whole stage look particularly beautiful.

"The sky is waiting for the rain and I am waiting for you,

Moonlight was salvaged and fainted and ended.

Like the blue and white porcelain handed down to the world, it is beautiful,

Your eyes are smiling..."

After singing the last sentence, Song Yubai gently put down the microphone and opened his eyes.

When the song was over, all the lights on the scene slowly turned on, and the whole scene was instantly bright.

Fans applauded Song Yubai's performance.

Among them, Song Yubai saw a male fan in the front row applauding particularly enthusiastically, and his expression was very excited, which surprised Song Yubai.

Although Song Yubai has always known the proportion of his fans, which is a mixed gender, he feels that his male fans seem to be very rational fans.

The male fan of idol who didn't want to have was so ferocious that he directly shouted "I love you", thinking so, Song Yubai glanced at the excited male fan again.

He still had an excited expression, and seemed to notice that after Song Yubai looked over, his expression became even more excited.

Song Yubai shuddered subconsciously, wouldn't he also meet a male fan who can be on the hot search today?

But this is not the case. This excited male fan is named Lin Jianfeng. He is a middle school teacher and usually likes listening to music.

After being given a fan by the Yunchu band this year, I listened to Song Yubai’s songs more often, and then I bought the album this time, but I was lucky to be drawn to the signing event.

What I didn't expect was that he sang his favorite song "Blue and White Porcelain" in the beginning of the album. Because it was a Chinese teacher, I especially liked this kind of more beautiful and charming lyrics.

After listening to the scene, I felt amazing. I didn't expect that the live singing would be better than the album, so after Song Yubai finished his performance, he would look excited.

Naturally, Song Yubai didn't know this. After the opening performance was over, the signing ceremony officially began.

Although I have held a lot of signing meetings and chatting with many of my fans, the process of signing meetings is still not boring, because many fans meet for the first time.

And everyone's point of entry into the topic is different, which makes Song Yubai feel very interesting, so there is no trace of impatient emotion during the signing ceremony.

And because today is Christmas Eve, not only Song Yubai prepared gifts for the fans, many fans also specially prepared gifts for Song Yubai.

However, because Song Yubai has clearly stated that he will not accept gifts from fans, the Christmas Eve gifts that everyone gives are not expensive.

And it was more of the fans' hearts, and Song Yubai accepted it.

For example, now, the hat on Song Yubai’s head and the scarf around his neck are knitted by fans.

Song Yubai put it on directly on the spot, after all, even if the heating is on, Song Yubai still wears too little.

After having the hat and scarf, it finally warmed down.

Perhaps because of the last one, Song Yubai did not consciously control the time during the entire signing event, and basically ended a conversation very naturally.

Will start signing with the next fan, so it takes a long time.

At noon, Song Yubai had signed more than a hundred fans.

However, although he only signed more than a hundred fans, Song Yubai has received several scarfs. Many fans have the same idea.

Song Yubai pondered for a while, he should not have to buy a scarf in the past two years, thinking about this, the next fan took out a scarf and handed it over.

Song Yubai was a little bit dumbfounded, but still took it and let Xiaoya take it away. After all, it was the fans' wishes.

"Well, I didn't expect that everyone would give scarves." The fan in front of me was a very intellectual looking young lady, probably considering that Song Yubai had already received a lot of scarves.

Said embarrassedly when passing the scarf.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Song Yubai waved his hand quickly. Basically, no one had given him a scarf before. Today, he may be destined to collect all the scarves he didn't receive before.

"I can change my scarf every day from now on." Song Yubai smiled, then took the album and started signing.


At noon, considering that the end of today is probably going to be a long time, and because of the queue, many fans are reluctant to leave.

Song Yubai thought for a while, and finally decided to terminate the autograph first, and then order food for the fans at the scene, and then start signing after the meal.

In the process of waiting for a meal with the fans, Song Yubai started a chat and interaction mode with the fans.

Basically, I'm talking about some of my thoughts about the recent signing event, and then confiding some future plans to the fans.

Song Yubai was speaking most of the time, but occasionally fans would also ask questions. Song Yubai also answered well the questions asked.

Because the amount of meals ordered was relatively large, Song Yubai ordered them separately, which made it faster.

After the meal arrived, Song Yubai did not choose to go backstage, but finished the meal with the fans on the spot, and then continued to sign.

After eating, the progress is faster, because considering that if it goes down at this speed, it may not end at night, so Song Yubai consciously controlled the speed.

However, even though Song Yubai consciously controlled the speed, the sky was still dark outside when the signing event was about to end.

However, you can't see the sky outside indoors, so Song Yubai hardly feels the passage of time, just feel that it's time for dinner again without knowing it.

One afternoon later, Song Yubai succeeded in collecting winter warming kits.

Scarves, gloves, hats, earmuffs, thermos cups, and even some fans gave goji berries, it is almost the direction of Song Yubai's health preservation.