Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 381 Premiere of "Song on All Sides"

[Congratulations to the singer for achieving nine consecutive championships!!

[The singer who can proudly say that my favorite singer is Song Yubai.

[I can't be too proud, the nine consecutive championships are high!!!

[Let’s mark Song Yu Bai Niu on the public screen.

[I'll come first, Song Yu Bai Niu Bian!!!(Breaking sound)

[One of nine consecutive times, don’t be too proud.


Because it was a real-time live broadcast, and it was another day with a new high in ratings, the barrage almost took the entire screen.

After the acceptance speech, the next step is Song Yubai's performance stage tonight.

It is also a rare occasion for the show "You Me Music Chart", not to participate in the stage of hitting songs, it seems very special.

The staff helped Song Yubai put the trophy away, and then the stage lights dimmed.

Song Yubai stood at the very center of the stage. Song Yu's stage costume was a black casual suit, which originally looked very formal and fit the atmosphere of receiving the award.

But after the music sounded, Song Yubai pulled off his tie abruptly and threw it aside, his whole style instantly changed.

After the prelude to the music sounded, Song Yubai's eyes changed instantly, unlike when he said the award speech just now.

With the prelude of the song, he twisted his head slightly, just caught the beat, raised the microphone and sang.

"My life is like filming a drama,

There are so many directors and screenwriters,


Control my emotions,

That's not my tone at all,

I want the audience to watch a good show..."

The song is a rap with a bit faster speaking speed, although it is a somewhat diss-like song.

But the lyrics still have some depth, and they are not so-called saliva songs.

Song Yubai's rap also brings his own emotions, which fits well with the accompaniment, especially the live version, which is more sensible than the studio version.

I was just a little immersed in Song Yubai’s acceptance speech, but his emotions were immediately mobilized by the song "Being on All Sides".

The atmosphere instantly became dry, and many audience members stood up.

The song swept across the sitting singers, and they all moved to the rhythm of the song.

[The scene has a unique feeling.

[It’s too wild to rap in a suit.

[I have a feeling, it’s been a long time since I saw the rap scene.


After singing the rap, Song Yubai's typhoon went wild in an instant, and his aura on the stage was full. Just one just filled the stage.

On the stage, strode step by step, singing rap, taking steps that the six relatives do not recognize.

"I don't know if I have the courage,

Remove their masks, I only know,

It seems that serious men are the most beautiful,

Will it continue until they are satisfied"

Song Yubai sang a fast rap one step at a time while walking to the front of the stage.

The next step was the chorus of the song. Song Yubai raised his hand that he didn't hold the microphone and waved to the rhythm of the song.



I can't look back"

In the chorus, Song Yubai successfully brought the audience and waved his hands with the accompaniment, even the singers on the scene were no exception.

Just now it was the scene of receiving the award, and the place of the singing stage instantly became a large-scale dancing scene.

But Song Yubai's emotions have always been in place, and the sound of a camera taking pictures has always been in the accompaniment of the song.

After the chorus was over, the second rap started immediately.

Song Yubai strode to the other side of the stage as he sang. He walked in a rhythm. The hands that were originally held high couldn't help falling down and waving to the rhythm of the song.

"I am on my way home,

I saw the road sign pointing to the showbiz,


Walking and walking inexplicably,

Many dogs rushed out,

I wonder when I will adopt so many dogs."

Song Yubai’s singing method is slightly different from that of the previous life Jay Chou, and the emotions in the song are a bit more full.

I can't say who can sing better, I can only say that each has its own taste.

At the scene, Song Yubai's atmosphere was more ignited.

While singing, Song Yubai walked to the center of the stage again and stood still. After the rap was over, it was another melody.

"If it's your nature to hurt me,

Hurt me is your motto..."

Song Yubai sang with the sound of "dog, dog, dog" in the accompaniment.

Although Song Yubai's movements on the stage are a bit big, but the whole singing is still very stable.

[Fuck, fairy vocal.

[This scene is too stable.

[It’s been a long time since I watched Yu Bai sing rap.

[The shadowless hand that has been in the dust for many years finally appears again!!!


After the vocal was over, Song Yubai immediately turned around very smoothly, and strode again to sing without recognition.

"I told them that the gossip would pass

The news is momentary,

Life is permanent."

While singing, the empty right hand continued to beat the rhythm.

Then I looked for the camera and continued singing.

"Music will stay,

I helped them write songs,

Because I haven’t written songs about animal conservation..."

This passage is Song Yubai's favorite passage among the lyrics.

The flow is very smooth and very ironic, and after careful consideration, it still makes sense.

Song Yubai always had a very cold expression when singing this song, which looked very cool and matched the atmosphere of the song.

"I'll always be me,

No one can change me..."

There are many lyrics in the whole song, but Song Yubai has memorized it many times, so there is no omission.

The further the song goes, the better Song Yubai's state is.

"Come on, dog biting an apple,

Although not my opponent,

I can still be my dog..."

When singing this passage, the camera gave Song Yubai a close-up. Song Yubai's expression fully matched the artistic conception of the lyrics, and his face was full of contempt.

[I love this expression, my God.

[This expression is too A, so quickly save the screenshot.

[A good-looking person can even look so good when angry.


There was originally a feat in the original Korean version of the song. Song Yubai still kept the accompaniment of that section and chose to write his own lyrics.

I even rearranged the flow to make the whole song more complete and hierarchical.

The golden and red lights on the stage were shining, shining on Song Yubai's body.

"Thinking of yourself as a detective, watching too much Conan,

What did Ohoh take

Ohoh there is nothing."

After singing the last sentence, Song Yubai looked at the camera with his head up, came to the microphone and held it horizontally, and fell to the ground with a bang.

After the performance, many audience members stood up from their seats, applauded and cheered.

Even singers are no exception, leaving the director alone to love the microphone.