Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 442: My Child, Do You Have Many Question Marks

Song Yubai took a nice, carefully selected screenshot and uploaded it to Weibo.

It is in sharp contrast with the screenshot of Sun Chengxuan posted on Weibo. The more the contrast, the more beautiful Song Yubai's own screenshot appears.

After posting the Weibo, Song Yubai nodded in satisfaction, then quit Weibo and continued to watch Yu Ning's pale yellow stage, insisting on watching the entire episode.

After Song Yubai finished posting on Weibo, the comments below began to grow rapidly, and fans seemed to live on Weibo.

As soon as Song Yubai's Weibo was posted, someone below began to reply. If it weren't for this speed, Song Yubai would almost think these were robots.

[This brother is too active today.

[Hahahahaha, it is in sharp contrast with the screenshot just now.

[Shocked, a former team member of a certain trend of idols making pictures?

[The sisters upstairs can go directly to the browser next door to work.

[@, come and see!


Sun Chengxuan naturally saw the Weibo that Song Yubai just sent.

Originally, he wanted to turn a blind eye, Song Yubai was too dogged.

Although Sun Chengxuan wanted to pretend to be blind, his own fans did not let him go.

Directly under the Weibo that Song Yubai just posted, @ started frantically.

[I see you are online hahaha.

[Why do you want @? After reading @, @ is definitely not happy, so don't @ anymore.

Sun Chengxuan's fans are obviously talented, and they soon summoned Wang Yang to the Weibo that Song Yubai just sent.

Wang Yang is not too big to watch the excitement, but also ends @.

Sun Chengxuan: "???"

What kind of scam fans and scam teammates are these?

In the end, he was forced to respond with a line of question marks under Song Yubai's Weibo.

Although it was just a line of question marks, it seemed to contain various bitter emotions and full of questioning.

For Sun Chengxuan's reply, Song Yubai naturally hasn't seen it yet, and Song Yubai is watching the rest of the program seriously.

Sun Chengxuan laid down his pain and prepared to retaliate after Song Yubai finished his Weibo on Weibo.

Reopened the "Singer" program, pulled the progress bar, found Song Yubai's part, and Sun Chengxuan started taking screenshots frantically.

"Ka Ka Ka" cut dozens of photos in a row, and finally picked out nine of the more ambiguous ones, and there was no accompanying text, so they uploaded directly to their own Weibo.

After uploading, Sun Chengxuan did not leave his Weibo, always guarding the comment area, wanting to take a look at the comments and feel the pleasure of revenge.

It's okay not to look at it. At this look, Sun Chengxuan's face turned black instantly.

[Hahahahaha, brother, hello naive.

Sun Chengxuan: "???"

Why did he become naive, this must be a fan of Song Yubai, Sun Chengxuan chose to ignore it.

[The person you intercepted looks good, he has no skill.

Sun Chengxuan was puzzled, so he replied below, "Aren't they all dumb?"

Originally in Sun Chengxuan's consciousness, fans should be very happy to be answered by idols.

Sun Chengxuan guarded this comment and waited for a reply. He thought he could wait until "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for that", or for a crying reply.

But the reply from the other party once again caused Sun Chengxuan's head to be covered with question marks.

[People's Song Yu is very white, you are like an emoticon.

After waiting for dozens of seconds, the reply that came, really broke Sun Chengxuan's heart.

Why do you treat this differently?Why does my own picture become an emoticon if it is pasted?Song Yubai's pictures are so silly that they are very temperamental?

Doesn't make sense?So Sun Chengxuan took a serious look at the picture of Song Yubai he had cut off, and it seemed that there was indeed no picture that could be called an emoji.

Sun Chengxuan went to take a look at the picture that Song Yubai had cut off.

The white stage costumes were glued into one piece, like a slap in a horror movie, the whole body was gone, as if floating on the stage.

And his face is not so muddy, a little muddy.

It was where Sun Chengxuan sang Hi, his mouth opened wide, his head held high, and he could even see a screenshot of his nostrils blurry.

Such a comparison made Sun Chengxuan even more frustrated. The picture he sent out seemed to be really not lethal at all.

While Song Yubai and Sun Chengxuan completed this series of interactions, Hot Search was bombed again.

Except for the hot search where the two people were in the same frame, the action of the two taking screenshots of each other was also on the hot search together, which caused a lot of heated discussions.

[The screenshot is better taken by Song Yubai.

The first comment I saw hurt Sun Chengxuan a bit.

[What is Song Yubai's cute and loving scheming boy hahahahaha]

When Sun Chengxuan saw this, he subconsciously wanted to like it, but when he saw the adjective cute love, his finger less than a few millimeters from the like button moved away again.

In addition, there are many passers-by who said that the interaction between the two is very loving, which is a manifestation of group spirit.

After more than two years ago, who would have thought that Hurricane Boys, a boy group that has become an eighteenth line, would be able to stir up trouble on the hot search list.

Sun Chengxuan himself did not expect it.

Song Yubai didn't expect that the Weibo that he had just posted not long before was actually on the hot search again.

Without pulling the progress bar, I watched the whole program steadily, and the editing when the ranking was announced later was still very slow.

In some places, Song Yubai even suspected that the program group used 0.5 times the speed for broadcasting, which slowed down the progress.

After watching the entire program, Song Yubai took a look at the time, and it was almost the time the sound source was released.

Song Yubai has become the number one artist in search trends on major music platforms.

The second most popular search on the music platform has also become the song "Intently".

The fourth is the song "Fame is in sight", because tonight Sun Chengxuan's cover, the heat rushed up again.

As for the third is the V9 men's team, for the V9 men's team, tonight should be quite tormented.

After finally landing one place at a time, it is very likely that Song Yubai will end it later.

After all, Song Yubai’s popularity tonight is really a bit high.

Now on the hot search list, there are already four hot searches related to Song Yubai, although the most popular are the screenshots of Song Yubai and Sun Chengxuan.

At the tense moment when the sound source was about to release, Song Yubai started Weibo, and Song Yubai missed the series of interactions just now.

But seeing Sun Chengxuan's first hot comment on Weibo, Song Yubai couldn't help but laugh.

Silently praised the fan of Sun Chengxuan who said he was muddy and temperament, and at the same time reposted it by the way, "I think you are right."