Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 508: Another New Pit

After the pre-sale of the album was opened again, after one million has been sold, the stamina is still terrifying.

Although it gradually weakened in the future, within the first minute of the pre-sale, another 100,000 copies were sold in an instant.

And sales are steadily increasing.

In just one night and an album, Song Yubai almost recovered the money he invested in "Those Years".

The good news is also coming. Tonight is the time for the show to be broadcast on the song stage. The song "Confessions Balloon" once again won the first place and achieved three consecutive championships.

It can be said that after the release of the album "X", it has been smooth and smooth along the way.

In the group chat on WeChat, Nie Yaoyang all kinds of lemons.

After all, Song Yubai opened the second wave of pre-sales, and the sales in one minute were more than that of Nie Yaoyang in five minutes.

Although the follow-up gradually weakened, they have sold one million copies.

After Song Yubai's new album was stimulated, Nie Yaoyang and others decided to write songs and release albums for a while.

After all, the first day sales of Song Yubai's new album have caught up with the first day box office of many movies.

It's terrifying.

In just one night, Song Yubai earned back the money he invested in "Those Years", even more than a lot.

The mood couldn't be more pleasant.

After the company finished the supper, Lan Bin took Song Yubai back home.

One night, Song Yubai suddenly became rich.

Moreover, various records have been refreshed, and sales are still rising steadily. I don't know how many copies will eventually be sold.

This is Song Yubai's first such successful album since his debut.

After arriving home, Song Yubai originally planned to go to bed early, but it was probably because he was a little emotional at night, so he was not sleepy.

So he got up from the bed again and sat in the study.

First I checked Weibo, and the popularity of my new album still didn't come down. After all, this wave can be considered crazy.

When the album rankings are updated tomorrow, there should be news that it took only one night to reach the top of the annual sales charts.

This year there has not been an album that can play with Song Yubai's "X". After all, it is an album known as a special album.

After reading the news for a while, Song Yubai turned off the phone and turned on the computer.

It's not that I want to play games, but I feel the pleasure of making money tonight.

So Song Yubai plans to open a new book.

Now is indeed a more suitable time, and "Suspects" is scheduled to be published in two or three months.

And this book was written by Quiet Mimi herself and has not been updated online.

So Baichu’s account can be said to have not been updated for a long time.

So tonight Song Yubai intends to provoke his readers and open a new hole. It just so happens that "Those Years" is about to come to an end, and "Wolf Warriors 2" will only need to run the promotion next.

So the rest of the time is still free.

The book that Song Yubai plans to open next is also a classic.

"Tomb Robber Notes" can be called a must-copy for the public copy.

Although there are a lot of holes in this book, but...Does Song Yubai care?

not give a damn about.

Just do it. Although Song Yubai has no plans to write tonight, the pit has been opened quickly.

Tomorrow, sharp-eyed readers will find that Bai Chu suddenly opened a new book.

Then he was excited and happy about it.

Unfortunately, Song Yubai just threw the title of the book in brief first.

The update officially started, and Song Yubai felt that he had to save some manuscripts to start updating.

But opening the pit was refreshing, and when he thought of filling the pit, Song Yubai was sleepy.

In order to prevent no one from discovering that he had opened a new hole tomorrow, Song Yubai also specially switched Weibo and logged in to Baichu's account.

I posted a screenshot of my author's background and turned on the fishing mode.

Song Yubai went to rest without reading the comments.

Woke up the next day, the comments below really set a new high in recent days.

[I thought that Bai Chu was an eunuch as the author.

[It's not easy to finally open a new hole.

["Grave Robber Notes", look forward to a wave.

[This brother's writing style is a bit fluttering, the last one is still on campus, but this should not be abused.


Looking at the comments, Song Yubai smiled with satisfaction. Many people thought it would be updated soon. Who would have thought that a chapter has not been written yet.

After leaving the new book behind, Song Yubai began to wash, and today is still going to shoot "Those Years".

It's almost the end, basically all the clips that should be filmed have been finished.

Today is mainly to make up some shots, and tomorrow is the finale, Gu Liushang has even set the finale.

"How's the sales?" Song Yubai asked when he got into the nanny car and took the breakfast that Xiao Zhao handed over.

"We sold more than 200,000 more from last night to this morning." Assistant Xiao Zhao glanced at the phone, then replied.

The car had already started to go to the studio, Song Yubai opened up the breakfast, it was a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

The coffee was ordered by Song Yubai. I slept too late yesterday, and I am not very energetic today.

"Does the pre-sale sell more than 200,000 copies in total or is it?" Song Yubai asked, chewing on the sandwich.

"One minute after the pre-sale, more than 200,000 copies were sold." Xiao Zhao replied.

Song Yubai nodded, that was more than 300,000 copies.

In one night, more than 1.3 million copies were sold.

But this is not far from the final sales, in Song Yubai's opinion.

After all, albums have high sales on the first day, and then they will gradually weaken.

Inside the car, I don't know whose watch ticked.

Song Yubai checked the time, it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

Turned on the phone and took a look at the album bestseller list. "X" has reached the top of the first place, and at the same time, it has reached the top of the monthly and weekly charts, and the three charts are number one.

Not only the best-selling albums in the country, but also in the peninsula area directly set Song Yubai's own record.

An album with only three Korean songs, and all three songs made the music charts.

Sales on the first day also exceeded 100,000.

Even those sold in Europe and the United States are not a few. It can be said that the album "X" is in full bloom.

"Does the company plan to hold a signing event?" Song Yubai asked after swallowing his last bite of sandwiches.

Because in the past, new album releases have held autograph sessions, so this time Song Yubai did not want to be left.

"There is such a plan, but according to the current schedule, it must be arranged in the next month."

Assistant Xiao Zhao replied.

Song Yubai nodded, then quickly drank the coffee in his hand and was almost at the shooting location.