Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 1233 "Cowboy is very busy"

After standing on the stage of the stage, Song Yibai nodded to the team teacher.

Honestly, the feeling after boarding is still quite a good.

It is mainly to see that Nie Yao Yang performs half a concert on the audience, which naturally has an impulse to go to the stage performance.

The site is finally on the stage. Although the audience under the bottom is basically Nie Yaoyang's fans, it is still very good to give Song Yibai.

Song Yibai sang today is another colony in the new album.

Song Yibai also wearing a clothing that is very good with the content of the song.

A denim dress plus a hat.

After Song Yibai strateched by the band teacher with the scene, "Cowboy is very busy" the melody rang in the concert.

A light prelude, I will drive the atmosphere of the concert at the scene.

At the time, when I selected the album included, I wanted to choose a more cheerful song.

Finally, I took a while, I added "Cowboys very busy" this song to the album.

When the "Cowboy is very busy", the background on the stage is also beginning to change.

Most of the songs sang before Nie Yanyang are more dry songs.

So the color of the stage background is also relatively deep, or it is the main tone such as red.

But after the "Cowboy is very busy", the background color has become fresh.

The colors of various Macaron will be full of background.

Song Yibai is also a singer to start the singing of the song.

"Hey, the flute, with the pentium horseshoe,

The little sister blows the harmonica, the sunset is beautiful. "

When the performance started, Song Yu Bai's own mood became very well.

When singing this song, Song Yibai is also immersed in the scene of the song.

When you suddenly have a melody that the melody of the song is just like.

After Song Yibai began to perform, the audience underde was also brought to the atmosphere of this song by Song Yanyu, and it was really very cheerful.

"Although I am a cowboy, I am only a milk in the bar.

Why don't you drink beer because beer hurts your body ... "

When Song Yibai performs songs, the audience at the scene also pays attention to lyrics.

Although Song Yibai sang very quickly, there is a lyrics on the big screen, and Song Yibai's Tutang is also clear.

Everyone feels interesting to the lyrics.

"White is another one that can be used as the main song!"

Song Yanyan did not even sing some songs of songs. Sun Chengxuan has already said to Yun light and et al.

"White is really very strong in this album." Yun is clear.

Then everyone will continue to see Song Yibai's performance.

Although the sound of the songs of the songs before cloud, the charm of the scene is still very different.

Moreover, Song Yibai quickly sang a part of the song of the song.

"Don't have trouble, don't have trouble,

Don't have trouble, don't have trouble ... "

When singing into the sub-song part, the audience underground also felt the melody of this song brainwash.

At the same time as sang, Song Yibai also made some action with a companion dance.

Although it is a relatively simple action, all cards have the rhythm of the song.

And look at it is very ornamental, let the songs of the song feel more.

"You come together, I am in time,

Every day, the duel audience is tired, the hero is tired ... "

I didn't sing a few times, there was a feeling that was brainwashing by this song.

A more playful song is not very long.

A total of Song Yibai performs three minutes of time, ending the singing of this song.

Although this is the concert of Nie Yaoyang, Song Yibai is full of performances as their own concert when performing.

The audience on the spot is also more powerful, giving Song Yibai's better reaction.

After the end of Song Yanyu, everyone sent a very warm cheer to applause.

Although it is the first time I listen to this song, the melody of the song is great, and the stage that Song Yibai presents is also a very happy feel.

"Cowboy is very busy" After the end of the song, Nie Yao Yang also changed a re-return to the stage.

After Nie Yao Yang returned to the stage, it was also a performance of Song Yibai, with the fans chatted with live fans.

This kind of scene is to make Song Yibai feel a little fun.

After boasting the Song Yumi, the Song Yanyang was a performance of the next song with Song Yanyu.

A total of two songs tonight, the physical strength of Song Yibai is still relatively abundant.

When you sing "Cowboy is very busy", although there are some dance movements, physical strength is basically not consumed.

In the next song, the song chorus with Nie Yanyang is consumed, because it is a rock type song.

And in the middle of the song, Song Yibai and Nie Yao Yang have a fragment of each other, it is suitable for a song in the scene.

This song is also a very enjoyable, especially the treble fragment, can be used to describe it.

Song Yibai sang also.

However, this is also Nie Yaoyang's concert, Song Yibai is just as guests to come to the scene.

Therefore, after the two songs have been performed, Song Yibai returned to the audience's seat to watch Nie Yaoyang's next performance.

Because your performance is over, it is also in the second half, Song Yibai is also following Sun Chengxuan and others.

Stay away from the Buddha in the first half, the second half is still very awkward.

After the concert of Nie Yaoyang, everyone got a nighttease.

This time, Nie Yaoyang concert is still very high.

After all, this is also a rare tour of Nie Yaoyang, and it is also the starting station of this tour.

Another point is because Song Yibai and others also attended the concert of Nie Yaoyang.

And Song Yibai sang a new song in the concert of Nie Yaoyang.

After you know this news, it is also a full version of Song Yibai's fans who have many Song Yibai.

After the end of the Yaoyang concert, "Cowboy is very busy" this song will be hosted.

There was a scene with the live rice, but only Song Yanyu sang a paragraph.

Many people are brainned after reading this CUT.

Then I want to listen to the full version of Song Yibai this song. I started to ask a full version of the food video on the Internet.

Song Yibai has the kind of win-win situation that I envisioned before, it really appeared.