Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 1249 "Dance Monkey"

Song Yibai sang the last song in the music festival, that is, this week has just airborne the first song of the bulletin board.

After Song Yuxue, the audience at the scene responded to Song Yibai with a more enthusiastic voice.

"The last song," Dancemonkey ""

Song Yanyu reported a song of songs against the audience.

It is a song name that everyone is familiar.

I heard Song Yanyu to sing this song, the response of the audience under the stage is very rich.

This song is also the second English song released by the new album of Song Yibai, but this order is not arranged by Song Yibai.

The first song can be airborne bulletin board, Song Yue is actually unreasonable.

However, since the results are good, the Song Bai naturally accepts it.

The prelude just sounded, and the audience under the bottom has been shaken together.

This is also the scene of Song Yibai to sing this song. When yesterday, Song Yibai rehearsed more than this song.



(They all said, God, you have a charming ray,

Taking your hand, grasp your hands .....)

After the start of the sing, Song Yibai also came with a song.

Have to say, in such a live performance is really cool.

With Song Yibai's singing, the audience couldn't help but start shaking the rhythm of the song.

The field lights are flashing, regardless of the platform, at this moment are enjoying the same stage.


AndonmyiilikeYourStyle. "

(Every time I can't pay attention to you,

I like you this type. )

When Song Yanyu sang, it was also directly from the stage to the other side of the stage, and the audience will drive.

Have to say, the melody of this song is really brainwashing.

Sing a few words, Song Yibai sang a part of the song of the song.



I'veneverseenanyBodyDotHingsyOUDOBEFORE. "

(they said

Let me dance, dance, and dance.

I have never seen such a dance. )

In some cases, the audience is also open.

Song Yibai successively learned three songs, or after the music festival, so many songs can be taken together in the first time.

The whole song is about three minutes or so, the time of a song, Song Yibai almost ran throughout the stage.

It is a viewer that is taking into account the direction of each direction.

The whole song, Song Yibai has always been in the last minute with the audience with the scene.

After the concert, Song Yibai is still very satisfied with his performance today.

The three consecutive songs are also immersed in the atmosphere of the song.

The scene has also come to a lot of Song Yibai's fans, and the trip of the music festival is very successful.

After the song of "Dancemonkey", everyone knows that Song Yibai's performance is over.

Suddenly, I also sent a very uncomfortable voice.

Song Yumai Song Song Songs, has completely conquered the audience under the bottom.

Although the music festival has not been too much stance from the beginning to the present, everyone can feel that Song Yibai's stage texture is very different.

And each song's performance is more nice than listening sources.

So after the end of Song Yibai, it is naturally a pity.

Unfortunately, this is not a concert of Song Yibai, otherwise you can continue to sing.

After feeling the emotions of the scene, Song Yibai is also very happy.

After all, the mood of the audience is not thought of before Song Yibai.

Finally, Song Yibai left the stage for the audience under the bottom.

Before I arrived until Song Yibai left the stage, I still believed in "An Ke", I want Song Yibai to stay again.

The scene shouted to this extent, if you have a personal concert, Song Yibai may promise.

But this is a music festival, before planning is to sing three songs.

And there are other singers to play, so Song Yibai can only leave the stage.

But I have to say that from the scene, I just shouted for Song Yanyu when I just debuted.

After the start of the performance, the audience chorus with Song Yanyai, and when they ended up, they shouted together.

This process is still very cool.

After the end of your performance, Song Yibai was also a while.

Feel a feeling of watching others under the stage, then leaving the scene.

However, in Song Yibai, a singer appeared to be affected by Song Yibai.

Some of the viewers will be more interested in it when they listen.

After all, in contrast, Song Yibai's stage quality is really too high.

After listening to a few songs on the spot, Song Yanye left the scene of the music festival.

Song Yibai did not take long after leaving the site, there is already a meal version of Song Yibai's music festival on the Internet.

I have just been uploaded, and the amount of play of the meal began to rise.

After all, the first stage of the two-week bulletin cards is in this rice.

On the way to Song Yanye left to the hotel, Gu Shi Shang and others have already read the performance of Song Yibai in the music festival in New York.

When Song Yumai returned to the hotel, this rice video has quickly boarded the hot air of the tubing.

Song Yibai and the name of the music festival also became the third place in the global search trend.

The live versions have a high heat.

After the hot, the playback of the meal is also very rapidly increased.

For only an hour, the amount of play of the rice is close to 10 million.

This increase is still very powerful.

More than just abroad, the rice photographed video of Song Yibai Music Festival is also uploaded to the domestic network.

Not long after, it is also on the hot playback.

Although these hot search, Song Yanye feels that there must be a certain marketing ingredient.

But the amount of playback of the rice video is indeed realistic.

After returning to the hotel, Song Yutai took a little brush for a while, and the mobile phone was willing to sleep.

Early the next morning, Song Yibai had to make a hairstyle back, then left Los Angeles to the scene of New York.

After a night, Song Yibai also has a higher heat in foreign countries.

Didn't have been over, the meal video playback of the music festival last night has reached two million.

Many people have passed this video to the first song of Song Yibai with the first place of the two-week bulletin.

For a time, the number of concerns of Song Yibai's social software in foreign countries has also risen quickly, with a higher popularity, even when they are at the airport, they have been recognized.