Supreme Naruto

Chapter 12 gets the yang attributes

Can you swallow the soul of the nine?

Naruto was shocked by the heart of the nine tail.

But even more shocked, the nine tails did not accept their own Chakra, but they were engulfed.

And constantly chanting interesting.

The nineth will not be crazy?

With the continuous influx of Chicla, Chakra, the body of Naruto is extremely painful, it seems to have a fire.

But in this state, it will come quickly.

When the Naruto doubt it, he was finally ended.

Naruto: "What happened just now?"

Nine tails: "You swallowed some of my soul, then get the yang attribute, but at the same time, your soul is half consuming in the fusion of new properties."

Get the yang attribute? Is the soul consumed half?

The former sounds happy, but the soul is halfway ... The spirit is not weakened?

So ... your own memory will not return to the original shape?

The Narler was shocked and tried to recall the tissue of the anti-anti-striking reel.

When the eye consciousness successfully entered the memory of the three-generation fire book, it was finally relieved.

Turning the ban on the ban, the top of the above.

However, there is also different, the Naruto discovers the scene around it.

Some places that have been clear in the past have become blurred.

Maybe the soul consumes more, will it collapse here?

Get the time to take a hurry to take the sterilization of the ban on the ban.

The existence of memory and truly remember is different.

I really remember that it is recorded in the cerebral cortex, as long as I want to know, and this memory is more like a spiritual space.

Presented in the soul.

If you want to get the information inside, you have to enter the reading.

This is a guess for the Naruto's special memory.

Consciously quit from the memory of the three-generation fire books, returning to the space of the seal nine.

Naruto has some indiscriminant to the newly obtained yang attribute.

I asked the nine: "Get the yang attribute? What are you talking about changing Chakra?"

Nine tails: "Well."

"Chakra's nature change is not through blood inheritance?"

Nine tails: "Who said?"

"The blood seizure is not inherited according to the blood of the blood?"

Nine tails: "Your understanding has some pieces, I ask you me ... have blood?"

The Naruto, and then suddenly realized that the blood did not even have the body of the body.

Naruto: "That said, Chakra's nature change is determined by the soul?"

Nine tails: "Yes, soul, you can also say that it is a mental mark."

"Of course, there is no problem with human heritage, because of the blood of the blood."

This ...

"That is the changing of the nature of Chakra, can you learn medical tolerance?"

Nine tails: "Of course, I will not medical treatment, if you want to learn, you can think about it."

"In addition, you have to cultivate, just although you now have a talented Chakra nature, you can still do the same change in Chakra nature."

Naruto nodded.

Wind attributes ... should be the charm of Chakra after the soul of the Son people.

But why did you blend your soul when you fusion? The soul of the nine-tailed yang is reduced.

Nine tails: "Do you have anything else? You can ask me, as your teacher, I can answer you."

The nine tail actually puts quite a quite the identity of the teacher.

This is a good thing! Great good thing!

In fact, I was a teacher who was just a teacher once in the end of Nine.

I didn't expect Jiujiu to agree.

The nine tails are so active, Naruto is also welcome, and ask questions directly.

Nine tails: "The wind attribute is because of the swallowing people ... it is possible ..."

"Maybe it is because of a swallowed soul, one is soul."

This is also an explanation ...

Nine tails: "At this stage, you can only make this guess. If you encounter similar situations, you can further confirm it."

"Any question?"

Naruto: "No."

The nine-tailed mouth crackled off, leaking white teeth, the Naruto actually saw a trace of smile from this fox face.

Nine tails: "Naruto, do you want to learn flying thunder?"

The Naruto will take a look at: "But I am no jin attribute ..."

Buddhist grass! The nine tail is waiting for him here! The corpse is full! The other half of the nine!

It is mentioned that the Yin property Chakra sounds instantly understand.

Nine tails: "Then there is a good opportunity now, and the half of the body that is blinded by the corpse is Yin attribute."

"If you can release the corpse, you can get the Yin property Chakra Talent in the other half of my body."

"You can learn flying thunder."

The temptation of red fruit.

Naruto also admits that this is a good way, but ... with the intensity of his body, it is obviously not a complete nine tail.

Naruto: "Teacher of the Nine Lama, I can tell you how to relieve that surgery, but how do you plan to deal with another one after being rescued?"

Nine tails: "Of course, it is integrated, so I will become more powerful, and you can give you a bigger."

Naruto: "Do not say that my body can withstand the complete teacher, if you want you to fuse, you must first open this seal on my body?"

Nine tails: "You are afraid that I take your body?"

Naruto: "This is only one aspect, and there is another aspect you have not considered it, it is now, I can't play this seal."

Nine tails: "As long as you are willing, you can open it. Not long ago, are you not getting a four-like seal, solution?"

Naruto: "But ..."

This is not wanting to say this, but since the words say this, then say it.

I hope that the nine tail is not angry.

Naruto: "But the seal on my body ... is not a four-like seal ..."

Not a four icon seal?

Nine tails: "It is impossible, this is in the seal, the structure of this space is four image seal layout."

The Naruto opened the clothes on the tummy.

Naruto: "It's really not four image seals, but the gossip seal combined with four four-like seal."

Gossip seal?

Two four-icon seal combined with gossip seal?

The nine tail looks to the abdomen of the Naruto, and the curse and four image seals have similar places, but more complicated.

Obviously the Naruto did not lie.

I hope that I have just raised it into disappointment ...

Nine tails ... anger!

I didn't just talk about it. The hair on my body was fried, just as the magma's Chakra boiling.

This moment, Naruto seems to understand why it is so good.

Because it saw the hope of breaking up the cage.

Because it is good.

Now, in the moment I want to crash, it has exported to prototype.