Supreme Naruto

Chapter 16 Body Bomb

The next day, the agreement is set.

Cardi is coming again.

Cardi: "Hey! Everyone is early!"

The smile on the Naruto seems to be as bright as the sun: "As early as."

Sasuke, I didn't say anything.

The young field is not looking up because of the eyes of Kakasi because of his heart. At this time, you are looking at your own

The weak road is weak: "Early!"

Carti took a alarm clock: "This alarm clock is set at twelve o'clock, I have two bells here, grab them at noon, is your task."

Cardi: "People who can't grab the bells in the specified time are not qualified for lunch."

"And will also be tied to ... look at us to eat."

Three people look to Kasi's sight, there are three wooden piles.

Then I thought that the Naruto yesterday: "The guy said that he would not let us have breakfast, don't listen to him, I estimate that the punishment of failure will not let us have lunch."

Gueled it ...

Guess? Um ... Naruto will not say that he has long known.

"Jingle Bell……"

Kakasi shakes the bell in the hand: "Grab a bell is qualified, you can only have two bells, will definitely be tied to the round wooden."

"And, he will also be eliminated because of the failure of the task!"

"In other words, at least there is a person who returns to school."

Will someone eliminate? Does the Naruto not say a group battle?

Sasuke, slightly, the dish is horizontally, who should listen.

So far, the voice of the Naruto said that the credibility is large, but the other party is a teacher after all.

The young field is also worried about the Naruto.

Naruto smiling.

Cardi: "There is also ... Let you bring your purpose, let you use, because you don't hug my determination is to grab the bell."

Naruto: "Carti teacher, can you use detonation?"

Cardi: "You have to detonate? Interest, it seems that you have made me a good idea ... I started to like you."

Naruto: "Can you? It doesn't matter."

Cardi: "... can."

Cardi: "Okay, I understand it? That's good ... now ... the exercise begins!"

The figure of Kakasi leaves.

Three people have seen each other to leave each other in three directions.

Naruto climbs a high tree, and the A location has arrived.

A location is a close-in-hide of Triple Tactics.

Naruto: "Just don't know if you listen to Kakasi, will you still be implemented in accordance with the plan ... Well to look at the Tiantian Taken, the young field should be implemented in accordance with the plan, as long as you find a young field, Sasuke If you have any changes, you can find it. "

"Multiple shadow points!"

The four Naruto left three left.

One of them found the position of the young field, that is, B position.

Naruto: "Determine the position of the subcurse."

The nodded nodded and opened the eyes.

Young Tiantian: "In C Location."

The Naruto immediately made a breath.

Naruto: "Carti?"

Young Tiantian: "Reading on the river."

Naruto: "Well, you take a break first. His position will be given to me first. When he changed, I will inform you, you will open the white eye, you will confirm every ten minutes during this time."

Then the Naruto quietly came to the position of Sasuke.

Naruto: "I am very glad that you still trust me."

Sasuke: "For the time, if he said, our relationship will not last for a long time."

Naruto: "Prerequisite is to grab the bell?"

A, B, and C are the initial position of three people.

Around the three locations of A, B, C, each point has five letters, which are the traps buried.

A surrounding of A is: defgh.

The surrounding of B is: IJKLM.

The surrounding of C is: NOPQR.

In addition, there are seven random eggs in the forest: Stuvwxy.

And the largest one trap Z.

The position of z is in the middle of ABC.

The above is a masterpiece who is busy yesterday busy to the sun.

Naruto called twenty-six killing.

Naruto: "Then I will introduce him, you have to find a timing, don't pay attention to it."


The division of the Naruto.

At the same time, on the side of the stream, eight Naruto suddenly slammed out from the river.

Holding a bitterness in the hands of Kakasi.

Kakasi lifted his head.

He was a bit surprised, and he remembered that when the Naruto was fighting in the school yesterday, he only left five borders.

It seems that it is reserved.

However, at the same time, it is divided into eight borders, and Chakra is divided into eight copies.

The consumption of Chakra will also be huge.

This is this ... These are less than five minutes to support ... in a minute.

A thought flashed from the mind of Kakasi.

At this time, the Naruto has already rushed.

Kakasi sight reappears back to the book.

At the same time, the direction of this is constantly evade the attack.

However, at this time, five nun people appeared again after suddenness.

One of them hugged Kaki directly.


The heart is alert.

Kakasi looked at the distant Naruto, and the avatar is instantly.

"Bang!" A loud noise.

The sound of the explosion explosion.

That is the body bomb that the Naruto is made!

It is also at this stage that the only one that can think of the power to the extreme.

If Cardi does not let the self-explosion, then he can't make this move.

Of course, the Naruto will not be very good after this trick.

50% of the 50% of the passage passed, was also bombing his body.

The first attack was rushed by Kasi.

But the harvest is still there, Kakasi's new bought hasn't finished the intimate heaven ... was blown away.

Kakari is standing in the distance, looking at the fried smashing and warm paradise ...

Kaki mouth convulsions.

The voice of Naruto came from Lin Zi: "Carti teacher, I am sorry, I want to fry your, I didn't want to fry your beloved book."

Cardi: "..."

Naruto: "Carti teacher, are you very angry now?"

"Want to smash my ass? That's going to catch me?"

"Our team will not be a bile bold to just say big words?"

Muscles on the face of Kakasi jumping.

When the anger value is exploded in the intimate heaven, a section of a section has risen.

Cardi: "The method is poor, but you have successfully angered me."

Said that I went to the forest.

As for how to punish?

Ass I don't exist, I will let you see the ultimate Imoth of the wood leaves, kill thousands of years!

On a big tree, the Naruto looked at Kakasi who came to the opposite direction called a sigh of angry: "Call, the first phase is successful."

The sound of the nine tail came: "Phase it is bombed by you, you are really chaotic."

Naruto replied: "This is not forced to have, but the teacher of the nine lama, you don't say my body because your blessing has recovered more stronger? Want this trick should cause harm to me?"

Nine tails: "If you hurt, there will be, the opposite is good. If you decide to cultivate eight somewe, it is also a good way to speed up the progress of cultivation."

Is there this benefit?

Naruto brightly.

Wait ... What is the state of this sadness?