Supreme Naruto

Chapter 31, Black, Black

Live steel! Release!

After cooling, the Naruto finally saw the look of live steel.

The same, the same, the brink of the dullness, with a coherent pattern.

Uncle's excited eyes actually took a crystal clear, staring at the blood red metal in front of him, "We succeed!"

Finally, in suppressing the joyful joy of the heart, just like a child, but the nun is more calm.

But I have to say that this is also a sadness.

A person who took the live steel for more than 20 years.

People who have encountered live steel with a row, the values ​​between the two have a gap between 20 years.

Uncle is still commendation: "Hey! Hey! Just put it in this is a supreme art!"

A piece of minerals become artwork?

This kind of aesthetics can only be produced by castors ...

Uncle: "But ... this is much more than the imagination!"

"Come, call it more."

Although live steel is almost the same, it is absolutely still able to instantly put in this time.

The huge iron clamp is sandwiched with the newly out of live steel, and there is an insulated composite board.

Staring at the number, uncle's eyes glared in the limit, whispered: "There is a thousand grams! God! I can't believe my eyes! One thousand grams of live steel is in front of my eyes!"


Naruto eyelids pick: "Uncle, you can call the bigger point, let the people in the village also listen, maybe you can meet a person who can recognize the gold inlaid jade to share with you. "

Uncle didn't know that the gold inlaid jade is awkward, but the meaning of the Naruto is understandable.

I quickly lost my mouth, and the truth of his guilty and the truth of the mouth, he still understood, after all, the people.

Uncle is shy, "Sorry, I am very excited."

"After all, the ten step is enough to build a sword, one kilogram is a hundred swords!"

Naruto's thoughts: "No one is such a sword under normal circumstances?"

Uncle: "Of course, this behavior is wasted! Great waste!"

There are many people who want to be, meditation moment: "Do you say that this is still a famous family?"

Daxie touched the Pakistan: "Although my knowledge is shallow, this is not wrong, the master's standard forged swords can only feel it with hand."

The Naruto looks forward to the numbers, slowly said: "I have a guess, fog hidden village ... In the past, I didn't find a life-saving steel ore!"

Uncle was stemmented by Naruto. It also begged, while the fastest speed will be harvested at the fastest speed.

The mouth replied: "Have to say, you have a big possibility of this guess!"

"A weapon is more than one hundred times more than routine, this is just refining, and there is no part to refine in the residue."

"has a problem……"

Naruto boldly guess: "Is there any possibility ... fog hunger, the seven knives have problems, um ... have a chance to collect more, then refine it, confirm it."

Uncle didn't want to reply to the mouth: "At that time, your kid has to come to me."

But I don't know what the people have hung up this matter.

Live steel is good in a big uncle, placed in a metal box.

The more precious metals, the more you need to be meticulous, because it is a dollar banknote.

After the packaging, the big uncle closed the metal box to the Naruto: "I will pick it up, I will stay in my hand. I am afraid that I will be more reluctant to give it."

In my heart, it is a blame, this silly child doesn't know how big the dog.

I actually take this big knife to my melting, change my individual now I may kill the goods?

Oops, I am really a big man who is not buckled! Um ... big hero!

But the accident is that the Naruto did not immediately pick it up, but the silent film is full of worry: "I am a little uneasy, how much is the uncle, how much?"

Uncle held a metal box and felt like himself holding his baby daughter, turned over white: "Tower is all priceless, what do you say?"

Naruto: "Then you say that the fog hidden village knows how the first big knife is falling in the wood?"

Huge surprises mean huge dangers.

After the surprise, the uncle was calm down.

The hand of touching the metal box is also gradually stopped, press on the metal box.

It is a bit more heavy in a time, and things are more troublesome than expected.

Naruto came up with an idea: "I don't know where you can make the knife, you can't take it. Of course, the live steel can not use so much, topome."

Uncle's eyes are bright: "What you mean is ..."

The two smiles.

With the meritorial plan, Uncle's breathing is also very fast: "Little guy, I am more and more optimistic, you are wasting this ghost and unsteady."

Naruto: "The original castor is a slider ..."

Uncle: "Hahahaha."

Then the two were busy again.

At the same time, Uncle also began to teach the Naruto how to use forged forged.

The Naruto has learned, once again practice, it is only a few times the hammer is successful, and then naturally harvested the uncle's envy.

Uncle: "Wait until the big knife is re-forged, what kind of sword do you intend to forge?"

Naruto: "Don't worry ... I don't make the sword now ..."

Uncle is also speechless, one will not make a little devil that makes the sword, and toss so much thing.

It is a wonderful.

Uncle suggested: "Nothing, learn the trick of that forgings, master the cleaning in the sword, other smart is more grinding in the actual combat, find a good teacher to teach the last day."

It can take the sword to say such a relaxed, visible and Naruto, and Uncle's world view has also begun to have new rewritments.

Uncle: "Also, if there is a chance, go to the country to study for a while, there is a place where the Samurai is inheriting the essence of swords, you will have benefited a lot, and it is also a must."

The Naruto nodded at will: "I have the opportunity to go back, but I don't worry with my age."

Uncle: "..."

It is a sad thing to mention this.

Touching a major proposition that people want to die than people.

But good to bear the ability in Uncle's heart is not bad.

This day, the Naruto made a day of the iron, and the bones on the body have got a good exercise.

I only feel that it is better than what is more intelligent. I don't know how many times is smarter.

In the words of uncle, the power to practice is the power, and forging is a skill.

This is complementary, but it is not synonymous.

When I arrived at night, I was reluctant: "Oh ... tomorrow, I have to continue to pick up those boring tasks ... I really want to continue to worry-free Tie ..."

Uncle is told: "I like this feeling?"

Naruto: "Yeah, I feel that now I will practice the body, I can have a thousand miles a day."

Uncle: "Not so exaggerated ... but it is almost."

The Naruto shrugged.

Uncle: "I have a good policy that can make you a month to fight iron, I don't want to try it?"

The Naruto is skeptical: "True and false? Ninja is there is no holiday ..."

Uncle mysterious smile: "You will know tomorrow."

The next day, the Naruto came to the side of Uncle.

Uncle's policy is to publish a special task.

He did a name to Naruto to him. This helped hit his hand and the task level C level.

Therefore, I was sent to the door of Uncle, and then throw the Naruto.

Naruto: "Carti teacher this task wants me alone?"

Cardi: "Well ..." The task requires this. "

"The note indicates that you have damaged a senior detonation, as compensation, you have to play a month of white workers."


Naruto is dumbfounded, this is the cushion of Uncle?

It's really wonderful!

The young fields are very worried about: "Will that person will publicize private enmity? How much is it to raise the Naruto?"

Carti: "The client said that this is not a thing that can solve it. The principal said that it must make the Naruto to play a month of iron, but he realizes what a bloody money is only."

Young Tiantian: "Naruto ..."

Naruto listened to the mouth of a buzzard, and his heart was praised: "Enough! Bull!"

Naruto: "Do not worry, one person is doing one person, is not to play a month, I will never let him homework the ninja!"

A mess is already touched by the horma.

Big praise people Jun handsome! One person is doing one person, I have to learn from Naruto.

Tiantian: "We will wait for you!"

come out? How do you feel that it is not right?

Naruto: "Um ... I will fight for a month, I will definitely be more powerful, I don't want to slack off outside, I have to refuel!"

Young Tiantian: "Well!"