Supreme Naruto

Chapter 186, I know three more

Overcoming fear, this is a class for the master to the Naruto.

It was finally successful when lasted until the fifth day.

The Naruto is calmly flying, then stabilizing ...

Can so calm, the ghost knows what he has experienced in these five days.

However, it is also demonstrated that the decoration effect is pulled out.

At the same time, it also allows the program to use the exposure method to treat probular disease, and the supervisor is defined as a five-day Naruto.

"Apeger sister, what are you talking about?" Do you want me to supervise you with blood stimulating your probes?

The apeer looked at the knife who went to the knife and wanted to the barrel. He hesitated ...

I thought about it, "I don't worry about the probularity, wait for you to grasp the monster."

Well ... mainly waiting for you to calm down ... If you are dying, if you start now, you should be able to die as a teacher ...

"Don't learn immediately ..."

The Naruto is sighful, and the ape of view will feel behind the cold air.

Some people have the transition of the transition: "Now you follow the do it before, let's take it."

"Take the ordinary Chakra changed to the yang attribute Chakra, at the moment of attacking, the yang attribute Chakra on the body is concentrated on the fist launched, and makes an instant outbreak."

The Naruto nodded and re-moved to the stone platform. He took a breath.

Exhalation ... inhalation ...

When the emotion is stable, the whole god is actively in the beginning of Chakra transformation, and the yang property Chakra is spread all over the body.

Then use Chakra to stimulate the body growth force, ten times? Ordinary Chakra is ten times, and now Naruto does not know a few times.

Invitably, and save force.

At the same time, the system of full body in Chakra is in the moment of power, and is in a hurry.

In an instant, a blewful swain-painful feeling full of fists, aggregate compressed Chakra out of the fist, and a red halo.

When the program is a monster, it is not self-contained.

You can't make a warm thing, and Kera, which is backlogged on the fist, has not spit it.

Naruto no longer hesitated, a punch is on the cliff under the body.


Cliffs are frying, like firecrackers, four splashes!

Naruto's hand is hot.

At the same time, due to the reaction force of the reaction, it was subsequently switched from the property changing in the property, the airflow was smoothly injected, and the Naruto hung in the air.

At the moment, the cliff to the sky is finally sleepy ... hang it.

Very spectacular, , , smog.

"This hit ... is there a hundred times?"

The Naruto secretly shocked, and was shocked for this fist.

Then, the airflow is slightly, and people have gone to the position where the operator is located.

"The master, my sister, what I did? Is this strange?"

Telling true, the agency is also a little shocked, this is compressed how much Chakra?

Chakra in the yang property is not easy to transform ... When the Naruto will convert the Chakra on the body to Chakra? A bit enchanting.

The evaluation of the openness: "The power is good, but most of the power comes from the quantity of Chakra, the skill is a lot, first ..."

The apeer lifted his hand to join the Chakra, and the hand of the hand began to glow, but the red light of the Naruto was not the same, but white, explained the way: "The effect of producing such an effect shows that your Chakra is not condensed, check Kra scattered out. "

Said the planner bomb finger on a tree.

That tree seems to be detained by the sniper, and the whole tree crown is fried, leaving only one section on the ground.

Then, the garde's halo disappeared, once again bombing another tree, this time is not explosion damage, the trees are directly hoisting, the surrounding trunk deformed distortion is burst, as if the hydraulic machine is charged.

"This is the effect of the isometric Chakra. After Chakra condensed, the effect of the result was not previously spectacular, but the power is substantially larger."

Naruto taught the head.

Grassed a little Chakra and tried it.

If ... is in your hand, however is a steel ball ... this suddenly ... Power should be able to catch the gun?

Naruto picked up a stone tried trial.

"Hey!" The stone broke out and wore a big tree in the distance.

Naruto started to like it.

The duty looked at the stone shot of the Narler and nodded. This time the Naruto's hand did not shine.

Explain that it is good to control Chakra.

For ordinary people, control Chakra is a cultivation of the moon for a long time, Naruto ...

If you count, you don't want him, saying that the young people are now so well?

Do you want to receive an apprentice?

This apprenticeship is really easy, so that the apeer will not feel the idea.

Recently, she is also observing a little girl, the Naruto gives her a spring wild cherry.

Looking at the Naruto, I took a dozen stones, and I didn't have fun. The apener felt that I can tell more.

Open the mouth, "Now, you are officially exposed to the strange force, but this is just getting started. At this stage, you can use Yang attribute Chakra to stimulate the body, adjust the body's metabolism, enhance the body's vitality, and enhance bone hardness The power of muscles. "

Naruto is bright, he wants this, so he can improve the power as soon as possible, then open the third door of eight armor!

The card smiled, as if wearing a Naruto idea, continuing to say: "For the strength of the body, there is a thing to tell you, the strength of ** is not the stronger, stronger ** means It is also stronger consumption, but it means that the number of splits of cells is limited, and therefore it means ... earlier dead. "

I heard this, the Naruto suddenly turned cold.

Get life? What is important and life?

There is no strength to protect yourself, but there is no longer life to do strength.

So I open the third door?

Naruto thought for a long time, looked up, and found that the program was laughing at him.

At this moment, the Naruto suddenly had a kind of ... the other person knows his secret feeling.

The eyes of the agency, it seems to be said, the sample is still in front of me? I know.

Is this an illusion?

The next sentence of the program tells him that this is not an illusion.

The apeer continued: "Take the eight unfamiliar as a case."

This kind of emerald brain only feels awkward.

Wait, maybe I think more, actually ... the apeer just wants to raise a chestnut?

Operator: "Eight-door armor, through the restriction of eight gates to the body, so that the existence of this kind of power is only a little, killing the enemy, even if the jade is burning."

"If the first three doors of the prode, if the user's body meets, then there will not be too large side effects, just a water flow of a lot of water, but from the fourth door, it is not pouring a little water flow so simple. , The huge uncontrolled water is constantly impacting the dam in the rushing, which is damaged to the dam. This damage can be repaired. The fourth door is the area that can be repaired. The fifth door is not Raise the dangerous area. "

"These are for ordinary people. For those who use monster, the third door like you now is your dangerous zone, the fourth door is a dangerous area, the fifth death area."

"And when you really learn strange, you can do it, when you overlay a layer of yang attribute Chakra, the repaired area will be reduced to the first layer."

"The second layer is superimposed, the first door is a fixed area."

"The third layer, the third layer, as long as you use it, it is equal to death."

"As for the reason, it is very simple, will not open the eight-door state, such as a good balloon, after the eight-door release limit, it is open a hole."

"The moment of strange force, it is equivalent to sudden expansion of the balloon, then you open a hole at this time, the balloon will inevitably blow."


Naruto chicken dried meadow.

I nodded satisfied with the hand, and my hand began to squat melon measures: "For you enough."

Shu comfortably enjoyed the pleasure of being awkward, and the Naruto asked: "What is the layer of the monster that truly enters the stack?"

The program is explained: "It is necessary to use Chakra's morphological changes, combine the chaks of the yang attribute into a film, the package is self-sufficient, and the effort is more fierce."

"Enter this stage, before telling you, in the hazardous period of other parts of the outbreak body, the dangerous period in which the body is not fortified, this film is more than a powerful force, and it is also a good defense."

Naruto looked on his eyes, it seems that the future is good.

Just ... don't open the eight-door dynamic vision, there is no existence.

It seems that other outlines have been out, or it is not ... Write the wheel eye out?


But compared with it ... the white eye seems to be more suitable for him ...

Even if you deduct a pattern ... Flower ... also a little cruel ...

Do you have to deduct the father-in-law?

That's going to wait ...

Give the old father-in-law, the father-in-law?

Naruto's thoughts step into the dangerous area ...

Do you want to learn about the babies in the sky?

Oh ... get a study study ... After all, the eyes are equal to initiative.