Supreme Naruto

The 306th chapter of the earth and the rock are more

Zero 4 said that the method of improving the whale is very new, which is to add the body to the soil whale. Dust ↗ ↗

"How do you think? After adding it, it can take people with people, you only need to provide Chakra."

The zero four face is excited to look at the nun.

The Naruto also felt bright, agreed: "This is a good way!"

Then, there are some strange roads: "Zero four sisters, you and others are very different, others are divided into fits, and they are used to fight, and they will not think about changing the sterilization."

Zero quad is a surprise: "You also feel that it is pair of right, just, I said, she said, she said, I am stupid!"

At this time, the president has also left.

For zero four: "I said that you really said your method and zero seven? That's impossible to complete the tissue, and then you know how much time you have to create it from creation?"

"Even if you study it, you have to pass it for more than ten years ..."

This sentence is good ... Naruto feels where ...

Looks like ... When you are, it is still a hand and he says this ...

Naruto does not agree with the president, "the president, I feel feasible."

The president was originally to teach a few words. The voice of the Naruto will kill her, and finally helpless: "When you can't get it, I will remember to I have admitted to me."

The president is going to go, and zero four actually makes a face against the president's back.

Obviously, your creativity can get the Naruto, I am very happy.

Naruto suddenly called the president: "The president, do you want ... Let's gamble?"

The president was laughed, and it turned it to be uncertain: "Are you serious?"

Naruto feels his blood in burning.

Since Sason, he has no one for a long time, he has no one to gamble and he is pitted by him.

I nodded at: "Serious! How is the news of the gambling zero two two? I am quizing to them."

Talking about the three people, there is a little unnatural, sigh: "Their news ... Nothing secret, half a year ago ... we implement a task, immediately to complete the result is another The guild grabbed, and then two guilds made up, the other party is superb, the three gimmicks ... was hired by the other party ... "

"Today ... Operate the other three end points, just like this hotel, in addition to this hotel, we have several other places."

Because the three main force were disabled, the level of the guild fell from Samsung to a star?

"That ... the mercenaries who grab your mission ..." Naruto said yet.

The president shook his head, "those are not important, don't say this, talk about it? How do you want to bet?"

The gambling people really didn't really want, think about it, "If I won, do you give you your smoke?"

The president is ignorant, "If you can learn to teach you, but if you want to learn smoke, you will have a lot of fire attribute Chakra."

Is the fire property Chakra? Naruto laughed: "That means to agree?"

The president is helpless, this bet is not worthy of the value.

But I still have a nod: "I promised, but I have to lose, I will concentrate on cultivate your soil, the power of the ninja is derived from talents. Since you have talented talent in the nature, It is necessary to play it to the extreme, so that it can become a strong. "

How will this ? If he is an ordinary person, he is also intended.

But in fact, he is not ordinary people.

At this point, a egg is pregnant from the soul, or the nine-tailed people can confirm.

Also, his soul comes from another world.

"Well! I promised."

The president smiled: "Don't be happy too early, you have to add a deadline, seven days, seven days, if you can't finish it, how do you dare to bet?"

Zero four disagreed, big shot: "You will play! Seven days of time can learn that the soil is not bad, how to study new tolerance! One month! At least one month!"

The president did not agree: "It's not learning rock.

Zero four is angry, you can't say: "You ... You are too Lai Pei! Rock is divided into A (Ji) tolerance! I learned this for a whole year!"

The president pushed the door and went out, only the sound came from the outside, "a week, or one month, you can choose it."

The Naruto looks out, the president is actually changing to let him improve the strength.

In other words, it is to motivate him.

"Zero four sisters, time is tight, began to teach my soil."

Zero four sighs: "I really think that my thoughts can become, how do you don't believe it?"

Naruto was confident: "I also feel that I can become."

Zero four looks to the Naruto, helpless: "But the time is too late, the seven-day demand is to learn to be divided, and ask the rock for a month, she doesn't say a year to the shadow! It's really ..."

The zero four parsing of the president is still very cute.

Finally, there is a little girl's child, not a fist, let others call the female man of my brother.

Naruto Located: "We don't have to make a fight, there will be a miracle."

Zero four did not be incentive, but the eyes were turned around, and the bad laughed: "Nothing, even if you can't do it, we can secretly continue research, I believe that the soil is divided into Your earth whale is followed together, is it good? "

This is not put in the eyes at all, the Naruto smiled, "Okay."

Zero four began to teach Naruto Soil score.

There are so many shadows of graphics, Naruto discovery is not difficult to understand.

Just changed a chakra attribute, plus the soil of vibrant challenge to communicate with the real soil.

Instead of being composed of Chakra like a shadow.

This is an advantage that the ability to withstand harm is stronger.

The same degree of attack hit the shadow, and the shadow will be released.

But the soil can be divided into it.

This is the advantage, but the disadvantages are not small, because the real dirt is combined, so Thatkra is consumed.

And it is better to flexibly in action.

"You practice first, I will take a drink."

Zero four got up, the Naruto started to try.

The land under the first foot did not respond.

The second time, a soft, yellow cerebelom, like suffocating people in the earth, is generally gapi, struggling, and finally seems to be a balloon, and go back.

Third, the native of a nunwasquerade, and the native explored half of the body from the soil, then he was broken from the waist.

The fourth time, a complete sculpture of the nurses climbed out from the soil.

"Right is zero seven, forget what you have to drink ..."

The door pushed away, and the zero four stupid looked at a native of the Naruto.

Although the face is still blurred ... but! This is indeed a native!

"you made it?"

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