Supreme Naruto

Chapter 349, the new ability of the fierce spirit

Pour the ribs of the palm of the pot and then re-opened the fire and did a pot.

Naruto is waiting for the puppy.

On the other side, you are using a spiritual network that is making a virtual reality collar.

"Jury, you and I built the visual sharing."

Jury is open to the Naruto.

The Narler tried to follow the illumination of the vision sharing screen, but the suction did not exist.

Naruto tried to squeeze the spirit into the spiritual network.

But I didn't squeeze in ... ... ...

Then the Naruto also tried to try the pictures that mice passed, and suction is still there.

Is it ... Is it because of a smuggling? Most likely!

The Naruto is pondering, and several pictures in the world of the soul are secretly opened.

The Naruto is shocked, and what happened to the exploration.

This discovered that there is also a phenomenon in Chakra in Chakra in the body of other mice.

And several pictures that disappeared, all because the vitality extracted over-hanging ...

Five, ten, twenty ...

The picture of the film begins to go out.

I don't give the Naruto to the Naruto, less than one hundred mice have only the last one in less than one hundred mice.

That is the small fry.

And the situation of the little fry is not going.

The Naruto's heart is sinking with the screen.

At this time, the eyes of the small fry were ran back, holding a bunch of things in his arms.

It is best to laugh, there is a frozen meat!

Breeding the cold frozen meat ...

The little fairy fierce the past and started the wolf.

The original Supreme believes that the little fairy is also hanging, but the miracle is that the instinct of survival can make the little fly to swallow.

The food enters the stomach, and the gastrointestinal increase in Chakra in the body with a very fast speed.

At this point, I added a balance for a while.

But this balanced Naruto looks out, it is just a moment.

When the small fly mouse is stopped ... this balance will be broken.

However, when the small fry is biting the frozen meat, the vitality in the small fond is beginning to grow.

At the same time, the eyes of Didala, the little fry is right at this time, big fat fly, giant flying waters ...

It's like blowing the balloon, I have only a little thing that is bigger, and when a big frozen meat is like a big frozen meat, the body has grown to half a meter!

This is ... the meat of the beast!

Naruto thought that the nine tail said that he had to eat the fairy to strengthen the body.

The spiritual power of Naruto staying in a small whisk seems to have finally reached a balance with the vitality in the body.

The little fairy made a fullness, and the big belly of digestion was lying on the ground.

Lazy smashing, looking for a comfortable posture, tired and closed eyes ...

As a single living guy in a hundred mice, it is also worthy of pride.

Of course, it should be grateful is Didara.

Looking at this little fry, Naruto suddenly thought of Dafei and Lai Pei Snake once have been controlled by him, and then evolved from ordinary beasts from ordinary beasts.

The Naruto was originally thought to be the credit of Xiao Ni, and now it is sure and he can't get off.

It's just that his soul is not present today, and it is not divided into the body of the soul.

In the bedroom of Didara, Didara is speechless to see the big fly of sleeping.

At this time, the door sounded.

Not one or two, but a string.

"Hey! What is it so noisy?"

The door is pushed away, and a man climbed in, and it was a team of Didara team.

The Dida Lache is playing in front of the big flying rat: "Ah Hahaha, of course for art! Um ..."

I walked into the side to see a big flying rat after Dida marhed.

Strange: "You plan to do a wild in the evening? But why is your mouth be so strange, start to eat mice?"

Didala corrected: "Wrong! This is not a mouse! This is a little fairy!"

Didala error: "..."

It seems that this hamster is not small.

But let him appreciate the words, it is impossible, "said" Who said I want to eat it, this is my newly collected younger brother, don't look at him is very quiet, just very fierce. "

There is no team in the scorpion in the base.

Directly bare "" is also called " ."

The one made of ninja who was killed, it looked as a humanoid shell on the ground, and the back was a face, and protruded from the mouth of the ghost face.

"Fight? In addition to a meat ... I didn't see it!"

Didara raised his hand to the quantity: "When I just saw it, I only had my fist so big, then I became a look in front of him, you said that it is fierce? Um ..."

I looked at the fists who watched Didrabi, then the palm of Didai was reached out of the palm.

Then I looked at the good fat on the ground.

"If this is the case ... it is a bit fierce ..."

"But ... Your aesthetic is not so, I like this furry little thing, I am more disappointed with your art ..."

Two people, I am sprayed with each other.

On the other hand, the Naruto is celebrating the birthday for the little puffer.

Birthday gift is three virtual reality collars, black, white, and powder three colors.

Naruto said that there is so much, but finally thinks that you can make the pupil butt according to the mood.

As for Dafei's research, the Naruto also saw it.

A head is as shown in the big eye of the bamboo.

You can drive with Chakra to control the upper and lower left and so on.

Of course, you don't have to use Chakra driver. After all, the eyes are electronic products.

Just can't fly.

The Naruto wore the small river drill to wear a virtual reality collar, and the collar was successfully binded to the small river dolphin.

The big eyes of the big eyes turned sharply and locked the Naruto.

The little dolphins did not dare to confirm: "Brother! I have seen it! I saw my brother!"

Naruto made a blow action: "I don't let others see ..."

Can't finish.

The little puffer rose: "I know, this good thing is the right thing that my brother steals?"

The Naruto has a good tens of thousands of words explained that the card is on the throat.

At the end, I nodded, the splendid laughed: "Yes, my brother gave the boyfolf dog, so the guilins should be confidential?"

The puppy jumped to hug in the Naruto. "Duty dolphins know the brother is best! Doubaire is the favorite brother!"

Naruto is numb ...

At the same time, there is still a big fertilizer in numbness.

Naruto preparation lady's statistics were re-jumped out, and the name of the bolden dolphin appeared.

This time, it is used by someone else's body ...

But the gift is boss ...

Is this girl like a boss? Or is this brother that is originally represented?

Big fertilizer began around the left and right.


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