Supreme Naruto

Chapter 353 Transplanted a mouthbuilding clay bomb

"Hey! People pet! Go to do the task!"

A little fond of the small fangs that recovered to the big big mouse in the morning.

Didala's expression is awake.

Oh: "I will fly, I will fly! Um ..."

Outside the door, the hand stopped in the door to stop in the air.

I don't know if I should not knock down.

Then, even the individual in the house was sprayed.


Five minutes later, Didara, Zhu, Xiaofei Mouse, three people departed away from the country.

"Hey, people pet, how do you learn your clay bomb?"

Yesterday, I was borne, Dida launched his nutsu to Naruto.

At that time, the Naruto was born, and it was too lazy to find Dala. I couldn't help but want to learn.

However, this scorpion of the Naruto is like igniting the last point of Mars.

Didala can't help but I can't help it.

And Didara?

Naruto self-friendly is no problem, but the body of Xiaofei rat now reluctantly accommodates his spirit, strength, and hundreds of people.

Unless ... Chakra called by spiritual network ...

"how old you?"

Naruto suddenly asked.

Didala stunned, under the awareness: "16 ... um ..."

Xiaofei Mouse is a waist, looking up his neck, despising: "I am only 1 year old this year, how are you suggesting?"

One year old is the physiological age of Xiaofei, Naruto said that there is no problem.

But to say the soul ... 12 plus the last 25 ... ... Amazing two laps.

Didara is speechless ...

It is interesting to look at the scene in front of it.

Although this task said to be debated, in fact, there is no difference in group events in the weekdays.

And Didala group, natural peers.

Didala is usually suddenly accelerating, the Naruto little short legs will be tired, and he is tired of himself.

Silent is that Didala is still climbing.

The Naruto asked for help, and the Naruto and have already turned over yesterday.

For this boy who made yourself, the Naruto is very admired.

"The seniors, the one made me on your body?"

Little head looks to Xiaofeng.

Xiaofei wooked, big eyes, big ears but also fell, big ears were also Meng.

The heart of the scorpion suddenly rose a impulsive, I want to make this little thing in front of them.

On the side of the scorpion, the long lady slammed out of the feet of the small fairy, "Go up."

The Naruto is happy to climb to the back of the scorpion.

Sitting on the body, the feeling seems to sit on a big turtle.

"Wait for you to die ... give me your body ... I will turn it into eternal art."

If the words, the Naruto has hit a cold.

Didara called: "You are not art, only the explosion is art! Um ..."

Said that raising the hand, grabbed the mice, put on your shoulders. "I won't let you make it into it, um ..."

Suddenly, the Naruto's heart actually gave birth to a touch.

However, touch has not been saved for three seconds.

I only listened to Dala, "I will bury my bomb, when you want to die, you will take yourself, which will make you the most beautiful art in the world."

The face of the little fry.

Go to the buried bomb, detonate yourself! Go to T!

One must make people into a buzz, one wants to take people ...

Does this team do not have normal people?

However, walking, Naruto is bored, I can't help but ask: "What is the pet, how do you do the clay bomb?"

Didala: "..."

"Do you want to know? Then you will get down from me first."

Naruto rises from the limbs, gliding from the shoulders of Didala, and the extreme.

Didala will reach the hand into the bag of the waist.

Listening to the sound of the mouth swallowed from the bag.

Didala's hands are eating clay.

A group of white ants came to the little fairy when Didara opened.

The Naruto is shocked, and the ear of the small fry is alert.

Is this going to teach yourself?

Chakra isas attributable properties, and earth property challess wrapped in the whole body.

No need to print, the body of the celebrity is directly integrated into the ground. When you instantly, you will have the body after you appear, and then you will climb to the body.

White ants have spacled from the detonation, followed by the scorpion, the tail of the scorpion sweep, and the ants of a hundred nest were directly out.

However, Didara didn't care about this, in fact, the ants were very small under his intentional control.

Just frightening scare people.

"Do you have a changing property challenge changing?"

Dida launched a small haouse.

To bring that it seems that the small yellow flag is shaken by the wind.

Naruto Tao: "Otherwise, will not change the changing property challenge, I ask you what is the clay bomb?"

Didara lifts: "Do you want to learn?"

Xiao Fairyi red-eyed eyes seem to see a mentally disabled generally smoked Didala, "nonsense."

However, it is the attitude of Didara, there is no attitude of small fry.

It is extremely enthusiastic: "I teach you!"

Then the Naruto was returned back by Dida, put it on the shoulders and taught it.

What makes the Naruto surprised that Didara's self-explosion is actually converting Chakra into explosives and then fused into clay.

Chakra can actually transform into explosives!

Naruto thought of the bomb, and the bomb was converted into Chakra into oil and then ignited.

The seriousness of Didalaism, the seriousness of Naruto.

Time passed quickly.

Soon it was at night.

The scorpion grabs a beast, and Dida pulls the hand and grilled.

Naruto is a self-study of how to convert Chakra into explosives.

To this end, Didala has also made some finished products to make Naruto imitated.

In the words of Didala, Chakra is converted into a soil, and the phase difference between transforming into explosives is not large, as long as the composition of the substance is changed.

However, between theory and practice, it is often a gap in a dark.

"How did you finish the clay bomb?"

Naruto failed, I didn't know how many times, I couldn't help but ask.

Didala flipped the beast legs that had grilled on the fire rack.

The look of the recollection: "That is a ban in the village, because you need to put the clay to your mouth, I feel trouble, just transform two mouths in the palm."

The Naruto picked up the clay and went to the mouth of the mouth.

In the future, he also put two mouths in his hand?


However, Naruto is still interested in learning this.

Chakra wrapped the mouth, then clay in the mouth.

Take it out again ... Clay looks still that clay ... no Didara's soft-controlled feelings.

Didala suggests: "Is it not as for you to transplant your mouth in my hand? If you should learn it."

Transplanted mouth? Don't die!

The Naruto lost the clay in his hand and ran away.

But unfortunately, the clay thrown into the fire, only listening to the "bang!"!

A strong impact is pushed around, and Dida is in the explosive center, and the body is flying for more than a dozen meters.

Buddhist grass! Is this successful?


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