Supreme Naruto

Chapter 541, Dolphin

Tiandao Payneki: "Your ring, just pick it up .."

Everyone's sight looks to Yisiza.

Yuxi Pub is very simple: "Washing hands will pick it up."

Very common reason, put it in an unusual and normal, but in this special period, it is somewhat subtle.

The sight of Tiandao Peneko is swept away from the people.

Narves did not ask, Naruto did not answer, a big one small, a high and low two people came.

Naruto is a special case.

Because the body-shaped excuses, they all worn around the ring.

Taking the organization has a meeting to wear it.

The last didn't ask, and the eyes swept away from others.

"The program is fled, and it is responsible for pursue collection information."

"The tenth man's vacancy, waiting for my country to return to the country."

End of the meeting.

The Naruto has little loose tone.

This time, it is a double carving.

First, the Naruto successfully saved the agency and the biserant.

Second, it is determined the trend of the long door.

Didara's dormitory.

Didala is losing his hand, "I didn't expect the ahead that the guy actually defected ..."

The Naruto glanced at Didala, and Dida Laces did not seem to be pseudo.

Didala is what also means?

Don't say anything else, the Naruto knows that Dida pulls the mud man.

Also, a wild child who is hurts, it will not have some love sentiment.

Naruto contacted the procrastics: "I will give it to you here, I have to go back to deal with something."

The Naruto's spiritual reputation, the body of the small fry is called the egg.

The preserved egg is lazy and lazy.

I went into Dida.

Subsequently, it is full of guns: "What is the little child? If you want a woman? Would you like to go back to the back?"

Houjie, the red light district of the rain, this sentence is said, Didala's face is burn directly.

On the other hand, the Naruto also didn't care what moth.

Now, whether or the bolph is still a hand, he is waiting for him to go back to explain.

First, you are a bolph.

The Naruto entered the bodies of the puffer fish.

The spiritual world of puffer fish, as always.

The awareness of the puffer fish, or the soul, Anan quietly saved the trend.

The Naruto's spirit came to the front of the puffer fish in the eyes.

Naruto always has a feeling. This guy's conscious should be awakened.

It seems to be a sleeping person.

But the soul of this guy is calm, like a stone.

I really can't take it.

"Your sister is taken away from the country of rain."

Puffer fish: "..."

"I want to kill your sister."

Puffer fish: "..."

"I plan to sell her into the building."

Puffer fish: "..."


Is it not good? What is lying too?

The threat is not good, the Naruto feels that the strategy should be changed.

"Your guy is going to sleep, you have to stop, if you wake up now, you will reunite with your sister."

"Reassured, I will not kill people, and how do you say that you have helped me, and I believe that your character will definitely sell the country for your sister, so I am not worried. you."

"If you can't do anything else, you can't do anything."

The pushprises are very comfortable ...

Naruto: "I ..."

"Forget it, tell you so much nonsense, you have to sleep, continue to sleep."

Naruto's spirit back to the body.

Naruto contacts the Tiantianda: "Does the bolden dolphins and ahead?"

The sound of the Naruto listened to the voice of the Naruto: "I am waiting for you in the restaurant."

Naruto looked down, "Restaurant?"

It is not a meal now.

Tree lane: "Guardian is hungry."

Naruto didn't ask for a question directly to the restaurant.

Since Naruto sneaked with the bodies of pufferies, the bold food, food, food, and people, gave others.

He didn't come out, just hung a long-term task for giving a dolphin dolphin on the D-level taskbar of the rain.

Paying, all of the Naruto controls others.

The receiving task is an ordinary middle-aged.

The Naruto did not have multiple tubes after determining the danger of guilins.

Press to say ... Dolphin is not hungry.

When the Naruto walked to the restaurant, while remembering the gapper, the little dolphins were thin.

It's hard to ...

Into the restaurant, the bold cavity is grabbing the chicken leg, and the full of effort is eaten.

An electronic eye turns on the table, staring at various delicious.

The apeer and the young fields sat on the side of the little girl to eat, and when they persuade the little girl to eat slowly.

"Naruto, you are coming."

The Tiantian opened, and the board of sight was shifted from the bolden face to the Naruto.

Is this a nun?

The apeer is a strong sense of being a strong body.

In fact, after fusion of the initial cells, the Naruto's body retreats, otherwise it is more strong for the impact of the visual.

However, after the initial cells, there is another visual impact, which is the skin of the Naruto.

In the case, let the sound look beautiful.

Of course, the apeer is more careful that the eye mask on the left eye of the Naruto.

I don't have other other, directly ask: "Your eyes ..."

Original writing is not much consumption for Naruto.

Especially after the writing is also written, this consumption is smaller.

The reason why Naruto wearing an eye is just not to pay attention to it.

It seems that it seems that it seems that it is awkward, but attracts the payment of the agency.

"Nothing, changed a eye."

Said that the Naruto took the eye mask on the table.

The eyes are opened, revealing the three hooks.

The program is surprised: "How can you have a write-eyed?"

This eye's origin can be troublesome.

Because this eye is changed from Kakasi.

Naruto did not plan to say so detailed, directly replied: "The guy who kills the group will be obtained."

"Does the group have put the write-eyed eye to the arm, the arm was got."

Of course, the arm of course, she was present at the time.

Later, she lost consciousness because of probularity, when the Naruto told her that the four elephant seals in the group were destroyed.

"I remember that you didn't say this."

The charter is beautiful, and how it is also a nigmus, the momentum is really not small.

However, I didn't scare the niece, I was shocked by the little girl of the wolf.

Suddenly dared to continue to eat.

I am worried about this side.

Naruto blame: "Little voice, see you dare not eat in the guilty mammam."

The hand continues to stare at the Naruto, but the Naruto is not moving.

Turning the comfort of the dolphins: "Nothing, this big sister is not angry with you."

"You want to eat and continue to eat."

Dolphin don't know that the second chicken leg is put down, "I am full ..."

Naruto looked at the boldly dolphin, and the Naruto also liked this cute little girl.

"Don't be afraid, I am a friend of your brother, my name is the whirlpower, you will call me the Naruto brother."

"After eating for a while, I will take you to see your brother."

When I listened to my brother's face, I appeared on my face. "Then I am full, can I go to see my brother?"

The Naruto bitted nodded, "But before this, you tell Naruto first, why are you hungry?"

"Your brother should arrange people to take care of you."

Speaking of this, Xiaoyou mouth, look, it looks that it is very angry.

On the side of the board, I dared to ignore her gas, but I saw the little girl crying.

Dolphin, only Nonnuo: "The man began to be better to me, but later, I have gave me less ..."

"Start still have flesh, but ... Later, even the vegetables are not."

"She said that my brother gives less money ..."

"Later, I took out the money, and the man grabbed my money."

"Say my brother owes her debt ..."

It's hard to see if you hear the face of this Naruto.

The little girl is here, if the responsibility is responsible, he blames him not arrange.

If there is no arrangement, it is good to rely on deposits.

"Don't cry, this is not hungry to you in Naruto brother."

"I will take you to see your brother."