Supreme Naruto

Chapter 620, Saassa

The moon is opened by a large golden transfusion eye that is integrated with many white eyes.

That channel seems to be filled with water, which is floating a huge bubble composed of special rules.

It is not right, it should be said to be a elevator.

Because those bubbles are in violation of the feature of the buoyancy, they carry the youth to the ground.

At the same time, the country of Lei, Sasuke a knife cut out the big hair.

Shard the roll of hair and waist shaped hair shaped in the old hair of the short hair.

"Sasuke! You are true!"

The sharp jump is also frightened by a large half-haired hair.

If he is not just hiding, it is very likely that his head!

Sasukened, the long sword in the hands of the hand is also chopped again.

Kaleidoscope write wheel eye illusion launched, black night hit!

This trick is the tissue of the four-day dance fusion of the tall line.

The strong illusion is deprived and controls the five sense of the enemy to create a night.

Combine the entity attack with illusion, hiding in many shadows, launched an attack.


The long sword passed through the neck.

"Hey!", The sound of the gold stone collision.

It is a lot of hair.

Located, you have a hands-on-hand print, and the hair is rapidly grown. Blinking will wrap it up, hidden!

The hair is also acorphous.

"Puff puff!"

Similar to the crushed sound is connected.

Sasukes hidden in the shadow is swept away.

In the case of hard work, Sasuke brow wrinkles.

I looked at the long sword in the hands.

The sword is covered.

This handle is like the grass sword. It is Naruto to him.

Naruto said that this is his grass sword, apparently he was pitted by the Naruto.

"Delay ..."

Sasuke hand away from the sword in your hand.

Armed armor pops up a spare no hand sword.

Hands holding the sword, left gondurn at Chakra, right hand Ray at Chakra.

Integrate! Sasuke self-created blood is limited in the limits!

The dark Chakra gathers in the sword, and again.

The long sword passed by, and the long hair of the sea urchin was broken.


The body is separated and falling.

"You ... really want to kill me?"


It is pushed by the second generation of fire, and since the second-generation rigs, since the Naruto can integrate the bleeding, he should be able to do it.

At the same time, this is also one of three conditions that unwrote the writing of the write-wheel eye seal.

"You are weaker than I think."

Sasuke returned to a turn left.

The waist is also open, and I will tell me why I am going to die. "

Sasuke reply: "I haven't intended to kill you, you are too weak."

Laughing, I am too smile: "I am too weak?"

Suddenly grab the feet and printed! Huangquan Wars!

The ground softened, the body of Sasuke suddenly sank, half of the bodies fell into the floating swamp.

Location and hands, psychic!

The space is distorted, and the huge is coming in front of Sasuke.

A well done is sitting on the double knife, looking down, looking at the help: "Is it weak now?"


Cut Sasukes also disappeared from lying on the ground.

It's active to be awarded!


Sasuke's eyes are around, and the eyes fall in an air.

There should be the hair that should be full, and now there is no hair.

At that time?

The big spirits also see Sasuke can also stay calm and appreciate: "I have been imprisoned and so calm, this is very good."

"Now I will ask you, you are responsible."

"Let me let me satisfy me."

"The first question, why do you shoot me."

"Do you attack the country? Isn't the country?"

Sasuke sweeping the coming, I ridiculed: "This can also be arrested."

Said, Sasuke behind a pair of eagle wings, suddenly, people pulled out from the swamp.

Stand up, the instant is disappeared, and it appears after the body.

Clear! A sword!

Tap the head of the lump.


Safuo, a burning fireball, sprayed.

"Bet is also be careful!"

The double knife is big, and the chopping like a taps that appear in the past.

It's also eyebrows, and he did not feel the existence of Sasuke.

What is the illusion? Or is it a illusion?

A moment, and the Sasuke's sword was cut with the sword of the embarrassment.

A sword passed through, the sword was on the body.

Feel the deadly threat, the cockroach selection leaves.

"Hey!", .

Sasuke through the vaporization of clouds, landing, turning again and again.

"The original illusion is me."

"The Qi Zhibo family is really powerful."

In a moment of leaving, it has finally felt the existence of Sasuke.

Avoid the attack of Sasuke.

Sasuke: "Now, your illusion is invalid to me."

"I can already feel you."

Sasuke did not continue to start attacks, looked at your own body, the surface of the machine clamped a layer of oil.

Sasuke instantly understood it, then the head left.

I stick to my body when he passed through the mist.

... ...

Located, you will have your hands, your mouth drums, and the bomb!

A violent burning fireball smashed it to Sasuke.

Armed armor out!

The bomb is smashed on armed armor, and the fierce flame is burned.

The machine has been burn up, and it seems to melt from the iron water.

Looking at the iron in front of you.

He didn't see Sasher.

Is the scene in front of me?

Is he still in illusion?


One is also three.

Three taps also print.

One printing flap, two psychics!

The hand is also on the ground.

A sword squats, and it has passed the spiritual spell mantry.

Two psychomics failed one.

Another summoned is a deep craft.

"Do you want to use Xiancao mode?"

"It seems that you have already appreciated me, I decided to go all out."

Sasuke appears in front of it.

I also frown and asked, "I know this?"

Sasuke replied: "Um ... Naruto told me."

"When you summon two old, it is when using the immortal mode."

Deep as a cactorate: "What is the situation?"

Lenuine: "I have encountered a difficult opponent, I need to figure out something, so I have to speed up the speed."

Suddenly, I suddenly tried: "Behind!"

The turning head of the company also consciously, and she suddenly took the abdomen in the abdomen.

I don't dare to pay attention to the old smile, "you ..."

Illusion is released.

Sasuke looked flat.

The opening road: "There are no success since the two pilots."

I also understand it.

At the same time, there is a long sword rack on the neck.

It is a armor armor.

No one in armed armor, remote control system.

Laughing and smiled: "It seems that I have lost ..."

The kaleidoscope writes in the eye is released.

PS: July 23rd, Sasuke's birthday, this chapter I wish you a happy birthday.

PS: Sasuke: "No, you want red envelopes! I want to be gold!"