Supreme Naruto

Chapter 632, resurrected the conditions of the four generations

The wedding of the Naruto and the young field, the day and the sunshine finally agreed.

What happened in the middle of the two parties, no one knows.

The start of a fight is silent, then the endless endless.

After that, the day and sufficiency suggestion of the Naruto suggests to the country of the snow.

By the way, the Naruto's position is known to Kasi new home.

On the other hand, the Naruto got the future of the father-in-law.

I have started to find the drops of the big snake pill.

He wants to find the ashes of the whirlpool.

However, the big snake pills ... It is really hard to find.

Used all conditions, still no hair.

There is no temper on this nun.

"Shantou, I teach you the space trap learning?"

Mingdu Empire, Royal Courtyard.

Naruto asked his homework.

The scales will be boring in the hands.

The bitterness did not flew half, suddenly disappeared.

Since the hard work is deposited.

The Naruto raised his hand, the space was distorted, and the disappearance did not reveal again.

Space traps are released.

Naruto praised: "Very good, your talent is much more than the belonging."

"But you can't be complacent, you have to continue exercise, when you can move the space trap in your heart, you really master this trick."

The scales nodded.

Not long after, the land is also coming.

Space water vortex, with soil transferred from other places.

Naruto saw the soil and asked: "How is it? Is there a news of the menu?"

Helping the soil shook his head.

Naruto is not very good, "I have two months old, I am getting married after two months ..."

With the territory: "What is the urgent need, do you want to extend the marriage?"

Naruto sighed, "I can't think about it, but I don't want to stay."

With the soil shrugged, he really didn't know what the Naruto was eager.

But I didn't ask if I said that I didn't say it.

I thought about it later: "I will find it again later. After the underground exchange is integrated into the empire system, the efficiency of the office will increase again. As long as he is still alive, it is impossible to avoid the perspective of everyone."

Is it impossible?

Naruto dared to affirm, the big snake pill at this time is certainly no corpse.

Convert the body, what is easy to find?

Unless the big snake pill can take the initiative to take the initiative.

Let him jump out?

The Naruto is bright, and the Tongyou: "Send a notice, as long as he is willing to come back, I can do it in the past."

With the soil, I then nodded.

Soon, I told things.

Then two people looked at the scales together.

"Carti is going to get married, are you ready for gift?"

Naruto asked.

Belt the earth and stinky mouth: "Gift? I am going to participate in his wedding, isn't it to give him the biggest face?"

Naruto is not good. "You have to have such a big face, then if I go, Kakasi is not going to find money?"

With the soil laugh: "You can try it."

Naruto glance.


Try a fart.

Naruto dare to guarantee that if he is really doing, the reason why the original easeous point will definitely crash again.

"Naruto ... When are you going to resurrect the four generations of fire?"

The four generations of fire is a teacher with soil.

The memory has been rewritten, and the land is more than one day dreams of the teacher.

Naruto replied: "Waiting for the big snake pill, find the big snake pill, can't resurrect my old mother, the four generations of fire will not be resurrected."

I have grown up my eyes with soil.

Staring at the Naruto in the eyes of not Xiaozi Sun.

Naruto horing the soil and didn't cool: "What do you do?"

"I am just for him."

"Is there anything more sad than a beloved, but you still live more grief?"

If you think about thinking, I feel reasonable, I have some nodded.

"That looks like it ... I want to see the teacher, I only find the teacher first."

The Naruto took the head.

At this time, the Naruto suddenly thought of there was another place to have not been found.

That is the dragon hole.

"You said ... Big snake pills will he will never stay in the Dragon Land?"

With the parole, I want to reply: "There is this possibility, but ... the specific location of the three holy places, no one in this world knows."

"People invited to go to three major holy sites are being reverse Tongli summoned."

"You want to go, you can ask the agency, or yourself."

Naruto thought about changing calls.


The sound of the program is full of laziness.

Naruto said his idea and a hand.

The opener shakes his head: "I can communicate with the immortal, let you go to the bones, Dragon Cave ... There is no way."

"But the immortal must know where the dragon cave is, when you can ask the immortal."

"I don't know if it is willing to tell you."

"Right, I have an idea to make the immortal more friendly to you, do you want to know?"

The Naruto asked silly: "What?"

The program immediately replied: "If you learn to be blocked, you will condense the purple mark in the forehead, and you will know that you are my apprentice ..."

"I told you that I am still nice."

Naruto heard the eyes.

This is really when I don't forget to urge him to cultivate.

At this time, I can also mention a mouth and I have sucked.

The program continued: "Sakura has been later hosted, condensed out the yin, you are too shameful,"

Naruto is not Xiao Zhidao: "Condensing out, condense, she condenses the yin seal, even if I can use the Baihao's technique, I can play her alone."

When the program was angry, it was anxious to defeat: "You do this means that my tissue, can you see it?"

Naruto quickly got, said, he said, he was half a day, and it was guaranteed to continue to repair the blind and printing.

As for the fact that I am looking for a fairy, I have been printed with the prime to use it.

This gives you a slap in your own.

Self-blaming your own is nothing wrong with this mouthful of your grandmother.

Woman's small gas is natural, even if this woman is the master.

What is even more, even more.

Hanging up a charter's call, now only the remaining is also available.

But Naruto doesn't want to go to Musaki, and I don't want to see what big fairy.

Because the Dafu fairy and the six immortals have a deep relationship.

When the Naruto didn't pay attention, when he was talking about the big snake pills, the spirit of the scams was floating.

The pupil in the eyes narrows a little bit, it seems to be crowded together and squeezes.

"I am gone, you continue to practice."

Naruto patted butt from stone platform.

I took a few steps and turned back: "Right, today is August 15, the moon in the evening can be round, you can take a cheap!"

It's going to say that he is going to enjoy the moon with the young field tonight.

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