Supreme Naruto

Chapter 676 wants to resurrect two in one

After talking to the program, the Naruto thought about which people still need to resurrect.

Pharmacist pocket, count.

Parents, two.

White and no longer, two.

Again ... Yushuo.


This is six people, and it is impossible for resurrection a day.

Another point, the stronger the people of resurrection, the greater the consumption of the Naruto.

The pharmacist pockets before endure, and the parents of the scorpion die in the flag on white teeth, and the strength is mostly endured.

White and no longer, it can be argued.

Yisizhisu ... This family is realistic.

So, resurrecting a family, equal to the sum of the top five.

System Tip: "Released by Numbery 0001 of the Soul Soul,"

It is the soul of the soul of the one thousand and five hundred white eyes that make up the hometown of the hometown of the host.

This person actually boarded the spiritual network, it seems to be done.

Naruto turns on a call.

An handsomestone you have appeared in front of the Naruto.

"I don't want to disturb the Emperor."

Youth came to the sound of the Naruto, and it was already recognized that his boss was identified.

The Naruto is headed down, indicating the way: "Nothing, you are special, there is a good time to report it directly."

Youth has no expression, accurately said that it does not do express.

Because time rush, the new face did not carry the imitation facial muscle system.

"I represented the big cities, asked the Emperor, asked a very concern that our whole people were very concerned."

"Our family knows that Ming Di people can actually ask the dead people to resurrect."

"I don't know what the conditions for adults are resurrected."

Another resurrection?

The mouth of the Naruto mouth, one thousand five hundred resurrection list he doesn't want to pick up.

Taoist: "When do you have a debt, when you ask me again."

Youth dummy is brought to Naruto.

"I will take back the answer to the Emperor, and I am disturbing the adult."

The attitude is still very good, the Naruto likes good attitude.

I nodded, I encouraged: "Just work seriously, I can get an equivalent return in me, your future is very big, work hard, come on."

Youth again.

After the young leave, the Naruto thought.

Recall the appearance of your youth, some strangers.

The memory of the niece is certain, it can be sure, and one thousand and five hundred people should not have this person.

So ...

The Naruto thought was moved out of the number 0001 of the revivement of the disease.

An old man is appendix therein.

The Naruto's mouth is smoked, and this guy is actually the old man who is "virtue".

So do you optimize? Or is he like when he is young?

Find someone else, the Naruto found that 0002 is also a long.

Turn again, or! Turn again!

It turned out that the male is a long, and the female is another look.

Also, imagine the whole face, the Naruto suddenly felt inexplicable.

However, there is also a thriller feel.

Will the wedding become different?

The Naruto is open to the chat group of the group.

There is three people in the chat group, Spring Sakura, and Ziqi plus the Naruto a total of six people.

"I said, do one thousand five hundred masks."

"If you don't have two teams that have only two kinds of teams."

Naruto made a shortage.

Spring wild cherry immediately agreed: "It's really horrified, when assembled, a house's head scared my head."

Said that I shaken it, like memories that I have remained.

The Ni is a little tired: "Do you need a thousand five hundred masks? Is there a thousand five hundred different styles?"

Naruto: "That is not, only in the mask, the number of each person."

"Wait, I will try it."

Naruto raised his hand, yin and yang quasi! create!

A mask appears in the hands of the Naruto.

Metal texture, very thin.

Naruto thought, a moving mask turned silver.

If you create a thousand five hundred masks directly ... Maybe it will not be difficult.

It is right to see, the Naruto sees the tree on the side.

Naruto's eyes are bright, "if it is wooden, it is simpler!"

Naruto came to the front of the big tree, putting his hand on the trunk.

Yin and Yang Shu, Wood, Create!

The tree branches dried a new branch, and the top of the new branch set a piece of wood, and the film was quickly solved by a small to large.

The mask is delicate, and the wooden texture has a different beauty.


Yin and yangquys! Wood! copy!

Multiple branches started to draw, and one thousand five hundred masks were made.

Naruto leaving the number on each mask with the wooden mask in the wooden mask.

Thunder moves, a mask seems to fall in the fruit.

"Let's go, let these masks."

Naruto controls space transfer and puts the mask to assemble the warehouse.

Diansi is like a few people, and if they are flattering, they are naturally less.

"Naruto, or you can help us, there are eight hundred puppets, no assembled."

"I didn't want you to help, but ..."

Chunye Sakura did not say that the person agreed.

Assembly, it is very grinding.

He has a deep feeling.

When the head is moving, I have been divided into one hundred points and sent it.

Sakura Sakura saw a hundred Naruto is simply to see the savior, very proud to: "You see me say, if you look for this guy to help, it is over."

Xiao Ni is sorry, "But these are the gifts we prepared for Naruto brothers ..."

"Let the people who accept gifts help ..."

The Naruto is touched the head of the little girl in the control of the Naruto. "It doesn't matter, your heart I have already felt, come and follow us."

In fact, the Naruto was originally thought of helping, but ... purple is here ... There is always an inexplicable embarrassment.

In a huge warehouse, the Naruto is baked under the control of the Naruto.

Initially assemble the skeleton assembly, rune activation, set of clothes.

In fact, the perfect also has some columns of loading muscle tissue, leather, tactile and temperature system, bionic vocal cord, but current time is not allowed, and it is impossible to make excellence.

A rune is activated, and the soul waiting in line will stay in.

The system that is equipped will help the death of the soul to adapt to the new body, see a clumsy guy from the way to walk and run again.

There is only a base skeleton below the neck, so this picture is very straightforward, very like being the resurrection of the undead.

"Do you want to change these guys's heads into a dragonfly, then take a virtual realistic movie of a ?"

The Narley muttered himself, and the bile Xianichino Sakura hit a few steps, and the left person took a few steps away.

That "small " ran over and ran to the Naruto after adapting to the new body.

"Ming Emperor, they all said that you can resurrect the dead, how much to reward can be resurrected?"

Small is installed is a simple electronic generating device, so it sounds like facing a robot.

Naruto controlled his party: "Do you say that you said with you?"

Xiaoshu quickly apologizes, "said it, if we can resurrect, we don't need to be ah, then we have to borrow integration to buy, we can borrow the integration of the emperor to resurrect us."

This is really a small embarrassment that will have lived.

Naruto replied: "But there is no How do you earn points?"

Xiaoyu will go to a gift. "We can use our original body."

Original body, this answer ... It is not a problem, and it is very wit.

Naruto smiled: "I don't have to spend a gift every time, I am not so terrible."

"This way, I will talk to you, then you take my words back."

"A job that requires a carpenter, it is necessary to recruit people, the minimum requirement of the person who is appointed."


The little , this is a girl with a neck.

Naruto continued: "Carpenter skills are carpenter's professionalism."

"And people I want to recruit have relatively professional literacy. This literacy is a strong enough."


"You have to have a perfect taste, you can give me the eligibility to earn points."

The little was divided by the nun, and it felt is not right. If you can't say it.

I finally went down and took it back again.

A thousand five hundred deaths have carried out a fierce debate in their eyes.

"I feel that there seems to be wrong."

"I also feel unrestrained."

A people think about it.

When the Naruto was assembled more than 100 , I finally had a little bit.

"Mingmi people, can not be like this."

"You will be able to resurrect our points first, then we will work again after resurrection."

This is the wrong place to find one thousand and five hundred deaths in the fierce debate.

Can be reissued directly and more points.

Such less is the one.

For a time, a kind of called original, I am very witty, I have opened it on the face of a thousand and five hundred deaths.

The Naruto controlled his laughing: "As you are, you have existed before the destruction of the eye, and I have seen the ability of the revivement, it can absorb the energy of the outside world, simply because Some kind of dense transes, as long as the outside world is destroyed, it is not destroyed. "

"You are a very long time, you can understand the date of payment."

"And if you are resurrected, you will die for a hundred years, you will die."

"Just say, the resurrection, you don't have enough ability to work, I have a total of it."

"You ask me how much I need to resurrect."

"I only ask you, except me, can someone resurrected you?"

"So, this value can be ten times the , or it can be said to be a hundred times, even higher."

"Of course, not endless."

"So, resurrected and dead, is my unique gift, is not to be able to exchange it."


The wisdom of one thousand five hundred deaths is tawn at this moment.

I am very witty the expression of the same instant to the same product.

Naruto continued: "When you have a perfect puppet, you can do it in addition to playing things in addition."

"So, your current character is actually very lucky."

"And your more fortunate thing is to encounter me, I will give you very loose free time."

"I won't stop you from developing your personality, I will not treat you as a machine, for me to stay."

The voice of the Naruto is a time to think about the death.

Then he continued to say halfway: "It is not difficult to really want to resurrect."

"As long as you are sincerely serve me."

"As long as you are in the next hundred years, thousands of years, thousands of years, even far more far."

"When one day you are tired, don't want to stay in this world, you send me a request."

"Or death, or sleep, or to live in the resurrection, it is ok."

"Premise, you must prove your value, value is eligible, you can also understand success, glory?"


There is no small theory.

Naruto is also true.

Three or two two two wearing clothes started to catch your chat, or walk outside.

Just like a sound, don't bind their freedom without mission.

And the little embarrassment, soon I saw it.

The scorpion has special preferences.

When he saw some housework, he had a feeling, but he did not the same.

They are like ... live.

Began to listen to their conversation and start checking their information, but this part of the data database is not currently recorded.

So page display: Not recorded, or not enough.

The scorpion is trying, but those guys are ignored.

It is not right, it is a key issue. "I want to know? Then you have to ask the emperor."

"Naruto, those are it?"

Naruto smiled: "Interested? Well, come over to help me install."

Then the warehouse address has been sent.

Comes from the fastest speed.

"These is so simple ..."

Looking at the skeleton shaking his head.

Naruto took a full version, "What about this?"

The scorpion is shocked, "Is this a jealous?"

But there is also no solution: "Don't do this? This plant is not used by the battle?"

Sapphire touches the skin.

There is a flexible, but more feelings, he is a puppet.

Naruto controlled his party: "Of course useful, because they are all live."

"Cinnamon, you come, this complete body gives you."

The Naruto greets, in the world who can't see it, the wicked leaf of the walker ran in the eyes of all the lined people.

Then I saw a moving suddenly opened my eyes.

Face is ashamed: "When do you want to touch this adult?"

The hand of the scorpion is still on the waist.

I saw it suddenly, I was on the spot.

It is still in place.

The co-cuisino leaves asked to Naruto: "Can I ?"

Naruto feels interesting, replies: "Of course, you can."

Then I saw that the gamper was kicking the face, how quickly, with the ground behind, and the fastest response pulsed it out of origin, avoiding the attack of the leaf.

The bay leaf stops, the Naruto encourages: "Continue to hear him, just experience this body performance."

"Also let your people look."

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