Supreme Uprising

Chapter 820: Maggots of the Bone Undying and Undying

Chi Tong Dazheng and Luo Yunyang are dealing with each other like electric lightning stone fire. Although describing it slowly, it is actually just a few fingers.

Though Luo Yunyang has always been a fighter, Chi Tong Da Tian Ding has always been immobile. But in fact, it is the Great Heavenly Venerable of Chitong who is aggressively attacking.

So, after breaking the thirty-six layer void blockade of Chitong Great Heavenly Respect, Luo Yunyang quickly adjusted the property regulator to implement the life-and-death celestial sounds.

To say that Luo Yunyang means, the strongest should be Heavenly Wings Thirteen Swords. However, when returning to Heavenly Transport Void, Luo Yunyang already had plans. Without the moment of life and death, he would never use this kind of law that leaks his identity.

So what he did was still the voice of life and death.

The word "life and death" rings in the ear of the Great God of Chitosan, and the Great God of Chitosan feels his heart shake, and a sense of tear is filled with his own soul.

As a six-piece heavenly dignity, although he only broke through the fourth level of Yuanwu 13 Guan. Among the infinite number of people, he is considered to be a four-piece yuanwu heavenly dignity, but his realm is much more than Luo Yunyang and other heavenly dignity.

Now, Luo Yunyang shocked the mind, which made Chi Tong Datian's heart very upset. He drank heavenly, quickly stamped his hands, calmed his heart, then red eyes flashed, another layer of world, toward Luo Yunyang wildly rolled over.

Luo Yunyang had long been fearless about such means, and after falling into the world of the Great Heavenly Light, he still used the methods of earlier times.

The first layer of the world was broken again by Luo Yunyang, but it was just moments before Luo Yunyang was ready to break the last layer of the world, and Qi Tong Da Tian Di suddenly appeared between this layer of heaven and earth.

His eyes were cold. At the moment when Luo Yunyang appeared, his palms flipped. At that moment, a giant hand covering the sun pressed towards Luo Yunyang.

This clap implies a six-pack universe ban.

In other words, what is implicit in this palm is the power of the Six Universes concentrated by the Great Heavenly Heavens of Red Tongue.

Though each of the six universes of Chitosan's heavenly coagulation alone cannot be compared to Luo Yunyang's monocosm, he is, after all, a six-piece universe.

The power of convergence is immense, not to mention the forbidden world of Luo Yunyang at this time, is formed between the thoughts of the great heavens of Qi Tong.

Evasion or resistance?

At first thought, Luo Yunyang had made a decision in his heart. Though he could work hard on his strength, Luo Yunyang had a plan in his heart, but he was reluctant to reveal all his strength.

With the property regulator, Luo Yunyang instantly increased his speed to 100!

Shh shh shh shh!

Just as the Great Hand of the Red Tongue was about to fall, Luo Yunyang's figure had washed out of the world full of red flames.

The eyes of the great majesty of Chitong rushed out a fiery flame. If at the beginning, it was only his test of Luo Yunyang, then, just now, it was to suppress Luo Yunyang.

However, just as he was about to strike a long-standing blow, Luo Yunyang broke the void with a speed exceeding his.

This speed raises a slight concern in his mind. If Luo Yunyang can persist at this speed all the time, then it is basically impossible for him to want to capture Luo Yunyang.

For an opponent who cannot be captured by himself, the heart of Red Tongue Heavenly Venerable is filled with anxiety, which means that he may have to have an extra opponent that gives him a headache.

The sleeves are swinging and the world of erythema is shattered. The Great Heavenly Spirit of the Red Tongue walks out, like a god.

At this time, he did not immediately strike, but looked at Luo Yunyang, who had already appeared in the void, and said in a silent voice: “Turn back to Heaven, you surprised me. I think we can still talk about this matter from Heavenly Sword Sect! ”

Optimus Heavenly Venerable's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

What kind of person is Chi Tong Great Heavenly Venerable, that is a figure who can set the day, this Luo Yuan Chu so disgraced him, plus just now, Chi Tong Great Heavenly Venerable said the three words can be talked about.

It can be seen that Qi Tong Da Tianzheng did not take hold of Lo Yuanchu's confidence.

As long as it is difficult to suppress each other, Heavenly Vengeance is generally unwilling to forge a great vendetta, even if it is a great heavenly Vengeance.

He took a hard look at the glorious heavens, at a time when he, had an urge to beat the glorious heavens with respect.

Unhappy and honorable hands were shaking as well, and he also realized that he had made a big mess of it.

Luo Yunyang looked at Qitong Great Heavenly Venerable, with an unquestionable breath: “From the heavenly sword sect, the door must be extinguished! ”

“You can stop me today, but you can stop me for a day, you can't stop me for long, even if you sit in the town away from the heavenly sword sect, I can also slowly kill people away from the heavenly sword sect. ”

“Unless you take you away from the Sky Sword Sect and all your disciples into your own body universe. ”

The greater the anger in the eyes of Red Tongue Heavenly Majesty, this is a threat to him, a threat that makes him feel unbearable in his heart.

Years later, Red Tongue has forgotten that in this cloud-light universe, no one has threatened themselves in this way for years.

Those who threatened themselves in the past have been killed. Now this man, he wants to kill as well. According to this person's reaction, however, he was definitely a person who had gained a lot of opportunity and could not kill himself at once.

The maggots of the bones are four words, which makes the Great Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavens hesitate.

There is a great opportunity to emerge, and if we can get this opportunity, his cultivation can go even further.

And once this step is taken, he will get great benefits, and by that time, the person in front of him will not be seen at all.

But once this great opportunity is opened, and entwined by the person in front of you, then you can...

Seems unnecessary for a Mountain Sword Sect.

However, it is difficult to make a decision if he should abandon the Divine Sword Sect. After all, it is very respectful of him to leave the Divine Sword Sect, and the Emperor has always listened to his commands.

After hesitating for a moment, Qi Tong heaven took a breath of air: “Little friend, we know each other. I'm not sure what really happened to you and Leaving Sky Sword Sect. ”

“Can you tell me something? ”

This phrase makes the face without the glory of heaven even more ugly.

Luo Yunyang did not speak, the eyes of Qitong Dazheng looked at Qiyuan Tianzheng, he already had the mind not to compete with Luo Yunyang, Luo Yunyang did not speak, he could only let Qiyuan Tianzheng explain.

Though he knew that this had something to do with his son, he had no idea why.

Because the person who struck out of the heavenly sword sect came up and shot him out of the heavenly sword sect, there was no word at all.

So when he looked at the eyes of the Lord Aotearoa, he turned silently toward the Unhappy Lord and said, “Tell me, what is this? ”

He knew that he could not lie at this time, but he told the whole story, and he dared not for a moment.

Just as he muttered, the Emperor of Qiyuan had already said in silence: "Tell me what is going on. ”

“If there is a hint of hiding, I will crush you into the ancient ice jail and keep you out for a long time. ”

Luo Yunyang snorted at the words of the Emperor of Qiyuan, but he did not speak, just stood there faintly.

“Father, I am in the sky, someone offered me a gift...” Wuhuan Tianzhuan, although he knew that it was bad for him to say it at this time, eventually he said it.

Listening to the noble words, the face of Qiyuan Tianzheng is dark. If Luo Yunyang is an ordinary heavenly honor, he will at best denounce the unhappy heavenly honor.

But now, Luo Yunyang's strength has surpassed that of him, making Chi Tong Datian feel more ashamed.

That's all he knows about it. It's hard to be good.

The divine colour of the Great Heavenly Heavenly Spirit of Chitong is equally ugly. In the past, he would have listened to it. After all, there is no glorious Heavenly Venerable with such a father as Engine Won Heavenly Venerable.

But now, this great genius from heavenly emptiness returns to heavenly dignity, not only to kill back, but also to make himself terrible with strength.

Achieving the dignity of heaven is a very short time, crossing the chaotic void, and returning from the chaotic void, such a person not only has great opportunity, but also great perseverance.

Strike a deep vengeance with those who have a lot of opportunity and greater potential, Chitosan Heavenly Venerable Heavenly Heavenly Heavens do not want to.

“Sin, what you did!” Optimus Pride slapped a heavy fan on the face of the unhappy heavens. What happened today made him feel very disgraceful.

Even if those five heavenly sword religions double heavenly dignity, all looked at the unhappy heavenly dignity with a cold eye, they could be said to have suffered a delusional disaster.

“Great Heavenly Venerable, I am not strictly disciplined, let the Great Heavenly Venerable see a smile.” Qiyuan Tianzheng glanced at Qingtong Tianzheng: “Please also ask Tianzheng to spare this boy a life for my years of service. ”

Chi Tong Da Tian Ding did not say a word, his heart was measuring this matter, eventually his eyes looked at Xiang Luo Yunyang: “It is the turn of Heavenly Ding, this matter...”

“I am here to destroy the Leaving Sword Sect. In my presence, I am either a friend or an enemy! ”

Luo Yunyang looked at Qitong Datian and said: “I can pretend that it didn't happen to me just now, but next time, if you're doing it, we won't die! ”

“I said do it! ”

In the eyes of the great majesty of Red Tongue, the flames of rolling rage continue to flicker. There is some reluctance in his mind to take care of this matter, but after all, there is great respect for him from the Heavenly Sword Sect.

If he abandons the Leaving Sword Sect, it would be bad for his reputation.

But to get into an adversary like Luo Yunyang, his heart is still somewhat reluctant.

In a moment of hesitation, he said: "What do you think of giving up Heavenly Majesty from Heavenly Sword Sect and then making amends? ”